STUDENT CONDUCT Students are required to adhere to School District and College policies, procedures, and regulations regarding facilities and equipment usage and both School District and College codes of student conduct as well as the Alamo Colleges District Student Responsibility for Success Policy. All disciplinary action, including suspension and dismissal from the College, shall be in conformity with the Codes of student conduct of the Parties. All Students will be provided access to the Alamo Colleges District eCatalog, Student Code of Conduct, Student Handbook, and Title IX / Clery Act materials in the same manner as all other students enrolled in the College. For additional information on the College student conduct policies, please refer to the College’s Catalog at xxxxx:// In the event of a conflict between the policies of School District and College, the Parties will collaborate to resolve any conflict. The School District and the College will inform one another of complaints against a Student. The party which receives a complaint of non-academic misconduct may investigate the complaint and reach a decision on responsibility for violations of the applicable student code of conduct, but must notify the other party of sanctions before they are issued. Students who are in violation of policies and codes of conduct will, where appropriate, return to the School District’s high school, if any, and will not be allowed to return to any College facility. The Parties will cooperate fully with each other in any investigation involving student misconduct or conduct that threatens or potentially threatens the safety of others and the college campus. The Parties will cooperate fully with each other as necessary in all matters pertaining to complaints, grievances and appeals regarding student conduct issues. The definition of “cooperation” includes providing access to students or other persons who may be witnesses or persons with knowledge of relevant facts. Students may be sanctioned the same as other post-secondary College students and may be subject to exclusion from the College campus and College properties. The Alamo Colleges District board policy F.4.5 states that Students who violate federal or state statutes, the Student Code of Conduct, Alamo Colleges District policy, or other applicable requirements related to alcohol and drug use shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Such disciplinary action may include referral to drug and alcohol counseling or rehabilitation programs or student assistance programs, suspension, expulsion, and referral to appropriate law enforcement officials for prosecution.
Students Payments which a student or business apprentice who is or was immediately before visiting a Contracting State a resident of the other Contracting State and who is present in the first-mentioned State solely for the purpose of his education or training receives for the purpose of his maintenance, education or training shall not be taxed in that State, provided that such payments arise from sources outside that State.
Student Services a. High school students in dual credit courses will be given access to the College library, accorded appropriate privileges, and have adequate library resources convenient for use at the site where the course is offered. b. High school students in dual credit courses will be provided the academic support services, including academic advising and counseling, as those on the college campus. c. Prior to the start of each academic year, the High School and College shall collaborate on the development and communication of procedures for the provision of accommodations for students with disabilities enrolled in Dual Credit courses (“Established Procedures”). High School and College shall provide disability services in accordance with Established Procedures and applicable law. d. If a student is enrolled simultaneously in College and in high school in a dual credit program, the two schools may share information regarding the student, in accordance with FERPA. e. All other services provided to regular Dallas College students will also be provided to high school students enrolled in dual credit courses in accordance with applicable law and Dallas College policies.
STUDENT DATA Contractor acknowledges that student data is protected by both federal and state law. See Wis. Stat. § 118.125; 20 U.S.C. § 1232g(b); 34 C.F.R. § 99.1