Sub-grants Sample Clauses

Sub-grants. Except for those sub-grants specifically authorized by this Grant Agreement, the Grantee shall not enter into sub- grants for any of the work contemplated under this Grant Agreement without obtaining prior written approval of the Department, which shall be attached to the original Grant Agreement, and subject to such conditions and provisions as the Department may deem necessary. PROVIDED, however, that notwithstanding the foregoing, unless otherwise provided herein, such prior written approval shall not be required for the purchase by Grantee of articles, supplies, equipment and services which are both necessary for and merely incidental to the performance of the work required under this Grant Agreement; and PROVIDED, further, however, no provision of this clause and no such approval by the Department of any sub-grant shall be deemed in any event in any manner to provide for the incurrence of any obligation of the Department in addition to the total agreed-upon price.
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Sub-grants. Sub-grants for coalition members, partners, and other grassroots entities providing significant time, resources and expertise to capacity-building efforts are available as part of this grant agreement. In alignment with Comprehensive Plan Policy 2.5, Community Capacity Building, preference will be given to work that centers under- served and under-represented groups. The funds will be administered by the City Grant Manager and approved at the discretion of the BPS Director in consultation with the GRANTEE and Community-based Organizer. In addition:
Sub-grants a. Within 15 business days of receipt of this Cooperative Agreement, the Awardee shall provide to the Corporation a detailed plan for carrying out its competitive sub-grant selection process. That detailed plan must:
Sub-grants a. Reviewing and approving the Awardee’s final detailed plan for carrying out its competitive sub-grant selection process within 15 business days of receipt of the plan; and
Sub-grants. Financing, through the provision of Sub-Grants to Beneficiaries of specific development sub-projects designed to support the scaling up innovations in natural resource management and sustainable agriculture. SCHEDULE 2
Sub-grants. (1) The Government of the Federated States of Micronesia will follow its laws and procedures when awarding and administering Sub-Grants. The Governments shall ensure that:
Sub-grants. 1. No Sub-grant shall be eligible for financing out of the proceeds of the Financing unless the corresponding proposals for the Sub-project has been prepared and submitted, and the review of proposals and award of the Community Grant or Construction Sub-project Grant has been undertaken, in accordance with the guidelines, procedures and selection criteria set forth in the Implementation Manual and the Operational Manual for Community Based Contracting.
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Sub-grants. (1) The Government of the Republic of the Xxxxxxxx Islands will follow its laws and procedures when awarding and administering Sub-Grants. The Governments shall ensure that:
Sub-grants. 1. The Recipient shall ensure that Subprojects are appraised, approved and monitored and Sub-grants are administered in accordance with the provisions set forth or referred to in this Part H and in more detail in the Sub-grants Manual.
Sub-grants. 1. For purposes of Part B.1(a) of the Project, the Recipient shall recruit a Sub-grant Management Firm and establish the Sub-grant Review Committee, which shall include representatives of the NEA, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Finance, MEPID, the PCU and representatives of the private sector, in a manner and with functions and resources satisfactory to the Association.
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