SUBMISSION GUIDELINES. The following grant preparation guidelines must be followed: • Follow the grant application outline/template provided. • The Section I Applicant Information form should appear on the first page of the submitted proposal. All information should be complete andlegible. • The Section II Program Description portion of the application should be typed single-spaced using 11-point Calibri font and 1” margins. The program description may not exceed four (4) pages. • Answer all questions in Appendix B: Questionnaire section in detail. Responses should be single- spaced and may not exceed six (6) pages. • Number ALL pages of the submission. • Include the completed appendix documents in the appendix section of the submission, along with the following information:
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES. Every member shall submit an electronic copy of their annual report to the appropriate Xxxx’x Office, with a copy to their Department Chair, by 4 pm on the first Friday of October. The Xxxx may proceed with the Annual Performance Review on the basis of material submitted by the due date.
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES. Contributor agrees to abide by the current Company submission guidelines for submitting Images to Company. Company may modify or change such guidelines upon written notice and such change shall apply to Images submitted by Contributor after such changes.
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES. The following grant preparation guidelines must be followed: Follow the grant application outline/template provided. The Section I Applicant Information form should appear as the first page in the submitted proposal. All information should be complete and legible. The Section II Program Description portion of the application should be typed single-spaced using 12-point Arial font and 1” margins. The program description may not exceed four (4) pages. Limit the narrative and questionnaire section of the application to ten pages or less (excluding forms appearing in the Appendix). Answer all questions in the questionnaire section in detail. Responses should be single spaced and may not exceed six (6) pages. Number ALL pages of the submission. Include the completed appendix form documents in the appendix section of the submission, along with the following information: school support letter; partner support letter; aerial map; proof of 501(c)3 non-profit status of the partnering agency (if applicable); and existing joint use school board policy (if applicable). Submit completed applications as a single PDF file to Applications must be received on or before Friday, February 26, 2021. Priority points will be given to those proposed projects which document: Prevalence of poverty among students based on the applying school’s free and reduced lunch count; Prevalence of childhood obesity based on the applying school’s BMI report; Evidence of limited community recreational facilities due to rural location or due to lack of available space because of dense population; Evidence of prior existing joint use efforts; Evidence of proposed project sustainability; The target JUA site is designated as an underutilized facility through DESE Facilities and Transportation. Applications will be subject to internal and external reviews. The internal review will assess completeness, eligibility, and technical merit. The review criteria outlined in the Joint Use Agreement Guidelines will be used by the external objective review committee to review and score eligible applications. Each applicant considered for funding may be subject to a site visit as part of the review process. All joint use grantees will be required to set goals and objectives. All grantees will be required to provide a financial expenditure report at the end of the grant period. Those reports include, but are not limited to: Year-end Financial Report Project Performance Report
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES. Participants may register individually or in a team of two (2).
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES. It is the responsibility of the Cedar Cliff licensed employee to monitor the expiration date(s) of his/her license(s).
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES. You may not use the Services to: - post any material that violates the laws of Hong Kong; - post any materials that you do not have intellectual property rights to do so; - post any objectionable, offensive, unlawful, deceptive, harmful, malicious, discriminatory, or defamatory content; - post any personal, private or confidential information belonging to others; - post any content that is hate speech, threatening, or pornographic; incites violence; or contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence; - post any content or take any action on Resbo that infringes or violates someone else's rights or otherwise violates the law; - bully, intimidate, or harass any other users; - request personal information from a minor; - impersonate or misrepresent your affiliation with another person, or entity; - post or transmit spam, including but not limited to unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, information and/or announcements; and - plan or engage in any illegal, fraudulent, or manipulative activity. Whenever you submit any information for Services, you agree to allow everyone, including people of Resbo, to access and use those materials, and to associate it with your user profile, such as your user name. Please refer to our PRIVACY POLICY for details. If you submit any materials covered by intellectual property (IP) rights, you hereby irrevocably grant Resbo a worldwide, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, perpetual, nonexclusive license to use the materials for the Services and other activities including promotional and marketing activities. Resbo may monitor, copy, edit, remove, archive and retrieve any submitted materials as considered appropriate by Resbo. We always appreciate your feedback or other suggestions about our Services, but you acknowledge that we may use your feedback or suggestions without any obligation to compensate you for them.
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES. Each County Department/Agency must follow the instructions below when returning signed 2019 CDSS PSAs to CDSS. The County Department/Agency should not modify any of the 2019 CDSS PSA language, except as instructed below. • The County Department/Agency must complete the Header and Preamble of the 2019 CDSS PSA by entering the name of the County and the County Department/Agency. • The County Department/Agency must complete Section XX of the 2019 CDSS PSA by entering signatory information. The name and title of the signatory must be printed or typed. Within ninety (90) days of this ACL, please send CDSS at least two (2) copies of the completed and signed 2019 CDSS PSAs per the County Department/Agency using the data, both copies must contain the original signature of the county department authorized official. Note: copies of signatures or electronic signatures are NOT accepted. Once obtained, the 2019 CDSS PSAs will be executed by CDSS and returned to each respective county department. When transmitting the 2019 CDSS PSAs to CDSS, the County Department/Agency must include a contact name, telephone number, email address and physical mailing address to be used when CDSS returns the signed 2019 CDSS PSAs, and as needed for other communication purposes. Any County Department/Agency that is unable to return the signed 2019 CDSS PSAs within ninety (90) days of the date of this ACL should respond to the email address below with the following information: • Date signed 2019 CDSS PSAs will be returned; and/or • If additional time will be needed to implement the compliance requirements of the 2019 CDSS PSA, the expected date of implementation; and/or • Reason(s) why the County Department/Agency will be unable to implement the compliance requirements of the 2019 CDSS PSA. Agreements must be returned to the following address: California Department of Social Services Information Security & Privacy Bureau - PSA 000 X Xxxxxx, MS 9-9-70 Sacramento, CA 95814 ACL 19-56 Page Four In the event that there are any questions or concerns regarding any of the information in this letter or implementing the requirements of the 2019 CDSS PSA, please contact the Information Security & Privacy Bureau’s PSA email box at
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES. Please submit your article as a Word document with structural formatting (heading, bold, italics).
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES. AND REQUIREMENTS Each Submission: • Must be in English; • Must contain only the first verse of The Star Spangled Banner; • Must not utilize any audio filters or post-recording software (e.g. autotune, echos). Audio must be raw and unedited; • Must be emailed to No other form of submission will be accepted; • Must include Entrant’s full name, date of birth and phone number; • Must not contain any more than five (5) participants; • Must be a minimum of 30 seconds, but no more than two (2) minutes in length; • Must not contain any material that violates or infringes another's rights, including but not limited to privacy, publicity or intellectual property rights (e.g., copyright, etc.); • Must have the permission of any person(s), other than Entrants, appearing in the Submission; • Must not, in any manner, disparage Sponsor or any other person or party affiliated with the promotion and/or administration, and/or otherwise participating in this Contest;