Substitution of Personnel Sample Clauses

Substitution of Personnel. Any persons named in the proposal or Scope of Services constitutes a promise to the City that those persons will perform and coordinate their respective services under this Agreement. Should one or more of such personnel become unavailable, Consultant may substitute other personnel of at least equal competence upon written approval of City. If City and Consultant cannot agree as to the substitution of key personnel, City may terminate this Agreement for cause.
Substitution of Personnel. In the event the Contractor wishes to substitute personnel for the key personnel identified by the Contractor’s Proposal, the Contractor must notify the County in writing and request written approval for the substitution at least ten (10) business days prior to effecting such substitution.
Substitution of Personnel. It is the intention of the City that the Contractor's personnel proposed for the contract will be available for the contract term. In the event the Contractor wishes to substitute personnel, he shall propose personnel of equal or higher qualifications and all replacement personnel are subject to City approval. In the event substitute personnel are not satisfactory to the City and the matter cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the City, the City reserves the right to cancel the Contract for cause. See Section 5.09
Substitution of Personnel. The Consultant recognizes and agrees that if a change is made substituting or changing assigned personnel, the Consultant shall be responsible for all costs associated withTransfer of Knowledge and Information”. The Transfer of Knowledge and Information shall be defined to include the labor hours spent reviewing project documentation, participating in meetings with project personnel, and participating in site visits to familiarize oneself with the project and project location(s). The County shall not pay for any time spent for the “Transfer of Knowledge and Information”. a. The Consultant shall provide sufficient advance notice of any intention to remove or reassign personnel. The Consultant shall not remove or reassign the Key Personnel assigned to this project without written consent from the County.
Substitution of Personnel. All personnel described in the contractor’s proposal shall perform continuously for the duration of the contract, and for so long as performance is satisfactory to the Department’s Contract Monitor. The Contract Monitor will give written notice of performance issues to the contractor, clearly describing the problem and delineating remediation requirement(s). The contractor shall respond with a written remediation plan within three (3) business days and implement the plan immediately upon written acceptance of the Contract Monitor. If performance issues persist, the Department’s Contract Monitor may give written notice or request the immediate removal of person(s) whose performance is at issue, including the Director of Operations, and determine whether a substitution is required. The contractor may not substitute personnel, other than by reason of an individual’s death, sudden illness or termination of employment, without the prior written approval of the Contract Monitor. To replace any personnel specified in the contractor’s proposal, the contractor shall submit the resumes of the proposed substitute personnel to the Contract Monitor for approval at least two weeks prior to the effective date of substitution. All proposed substitute personnel shall have qualifications at least equal to those of the replaced personnel, and shall be approved by the Contract Monitor.
Substitution of Personnel. The Performer shall notify the Procuring AgreementsOfficer of any proposed change in the employment status of the Principal Investigator or any request to substitute for the principal investigator. Decisions regarding any changes will be based on whether the effort is substantially degraded by the removal/substitution of the Principal Investigator and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The AO will subsequently notify the performer in writing of approval or disapproval. Government approval of any Other personnel changes is not required. US Business Utilization. The research or R&D work contained in this agreement must be performed by the small business concern in the United States, meaning the 50 states, and any territories and/or possessions of the US, plus the District of Columbia. In addition, all entities awarded a contract/agreement under the SBIR program shall purchase only American-made products and equipment, to the extent practicable in keeping with the purposes of the program and the needs of the project. In the event an item or service is not available in the US, a waiver shall be requested to the AO prior to contracting for the foreign service and/or purchasing the foreign item. If a waiver is will be for a specific product or service and shall be kept in the file.
Substitution of Personnel. 10.1 The Client shall at any time accept the provision by the Company of a substitute for any Consultant, provided that such substitute is, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Client, suitable and at least as qualified to perform the Services as the Consultant being replaced. 10.2 The Client may, if it has reasonable grounds to do so, require the Company to replace any Consultant and will put the reasons for its request in writing to the Company. The Company will, if satisfied that the reasons given by the Client justify a substitution, make such substitution within a reasonable period of time. 10.3 If the Company for any reason is unable to supply a replacement Consultant within 30 days the Client may terminate this agreement by giving notice to the Company and no claim for damages or loss shall result by reason of such termination.
Substitution of Personnel. (a) For the first 60 days of contract performance, the Contractor must not substitute personnel for the individuals whose resumes or other personal qualification were submitted with its offer and that were determined by the Contracting Officer to be acceptable at the time of contract award, unless such substitutions are because of an individual's sudden illness, death, or termination of employment. In any of these events, the Contractor must promptly notify the Contracting Officer and propose substitute personnel as required by paragraph (4) below. (b) If an individual becomes, for whatever reason, unavailable for work under the contract for a continuous period exceeding thirty (30) working days, or is expected to devote substantially less effort to the planned work, the Contractor must propose a substitute personnel as required by paragraph (4) below.
Substitution of Personnel. N/A 2.40 Ownership of Work – N/A 2.41 Condition of Trade-In Equipment – N/A 2.42 Conditions of Trade-In Shipment and Purchase Payment – N/A
Substitution of Personnel. The Consultant recognizes and agrees that if a change is made substituting or changing assigned key personnel, the Consultant shall be responsible for any and all costs associated with "Transfer of Knowledge and Information". The Transfer of Knowledge and Information shall be defined to include the labor hours spent reviewing project documentation, participating in meetings with Project personnel, and participating in site visits to familiarize oneself with the Project and project location(s). The District shall not pay for any time spent for the "Transfer of Knowledge and Information". 1. The Consultant shall provide sufficient advance notice of any intention to remove or reassign key personnel. The Consultant shall not remove or reassign the key personnel assigned to this Project without written consent from the District. Exhibit F, Key Personnel, is a listing of key individuals for this work. Notice for the substitution of individuals and positions identified as Key Personnel shall include the following: a. An explanation of the reason for the reassignment or removal; b. The name of the person proposed to replace the individual; and c. Identification of the experience and qualifications of the individual proposed. 2. For individuals who are not identified as "Key Personnel" in Exhibit F, the Consultant shall provide documentation supporting the labor rate for the substituted personnel prior to submitting an invoice and the labor rate shall not exceed 110 percent of the originally assigned personnel’s labor rate.