Sunday Duty. Day Off In Lieu Where an employee, who has been required to perform in addition to the prescribed hours of duty for the week, a full day’s duty on Sunday, wherever practicable, is to be granted a day off during the 6 days succeeding that Sunday and, in such cases, the payment for Sunday attendance is one day’s pay instead of the Sunday overtime rate.
Sunday Duty. Sunday pay will be granted for any scheduled duty performed between midnight on Saturday and midnight on Sunday.
Sunday Duty. This is clause 59 in the current agreement. There is no change to this clause. This is clause 60 in the current agreement. There is no change to this clause. This is clause 61 in the current agreement. There has been no change to this clause. This is clause 62 in the current agreement. There is no change to this clause.
Sunday Duty. (a) A shift worker who is required to perform a full day’s duty on a Sunday in addition to the Employee’s rostered ordinary hours of duty for the week will be granted one day off during the six days succeeding that Sunday, and in that case, payment for the Sunday attendance will be at the Employee’s ordinary rate.
(b) A shift worker required to attend for duty on Sunday who has conscientious objections to Sunday duty is entitled to seek to furnish a substitute.
Sunday Duty day off in lieu: An employee who has been required to perform duty in addition to the employee’s prescribed hours of duty for the week, a full day’s duty on a Sunday will, wherever practicable (and subject to the agreement of the employee), be granted a day off during the week succeeding that Sunday. Where this occurs, an employee who is eligible for the payment of overtime will be paid an additional one day’s pay, in lieu of the provisions of clause 3.1.11 of this Schedule.
Sunday Duty. This clause is alignment of the Schedules in the current Agreement relating to Sunday Duty.
Sunday Duty. 59.1 Sunday pay will be granted for any scheduled duty performed between midnight on Saturday and midnight on Sunday.
59.2 An employee who is required to perform a full days duty on Sunday in addition to the employee’s prescribed hours of duty for the week will be granted one day off during the six days succeeding that Sunday, and in that case, payment for the Sunday attendance will be one day’s pay at single time.
59.3 An employee required to attend for duty on Sunday who has conscientious scruples against Sunday duty is entitled to seek to furnish a substitute.
59.4 A shiftworker will be paid Sunday duty rates in accordance with clause 68 (Penaly Rates).
59.5 A non-shiftworker will be paid at the relevant overtime rates for duty on a Sunday in accordance with clause 64 (Overtime).
Sunday Duty. (a) Sunday pay will be granted for any scheduled duty performed between midnight on Saturday and midnight on Sunday.
(b) An Employee who performs duty on a Sunday not in excess of the prescribed weekly hours will be paid at the rate of 100% in addition to the ordinary rate of pay.
(c) Overtime worked on a Sunday will be paid for at the rate of double time.
(d) In the case of a Sunday overtime attendance not continuous with ordinary duty, payment will be subject to the minimum overtime payment provision at sub-clause
Sunday Duty. An employee who has been required to perform, and has performed, in addition to their prescribed hours of duty for the week a full day's duty on Sunday will, wherever practical, be granted a day off with pay during the five (5) days succeeding that Sunday, and in such cases the payment for Sunday attendance will be one (1) days' pay at the ordinary hourly pay rate.
Sunday Duty. (a) Sunday pay will be granted for any scheduled duty performed between midnight on Saturday and midnight on Sunday.
(b) An Employee who performs duty on a Sunday not in excess of the prescribed weekly hours will be paid at the rate of 100% in addition to the ordinary rate of pay.
(c) Overtime worked on a Sunday will be paid for at the rate of double time.
(d) In the case of a Sunday overtime attendance not continuous with ordinary duty, payment will be subject to the minimum overtime payment provision at sub- clause 7.4 (Minimum payment).
(e) An Employee who is required to perform a full day’s duty on Sunday in addition to the Employee’s prescribed hours of duty for the week will be granted one day off during the six days succeeding that Sunday, and in that case, payment for the Sunday attendance will be one day’s pay.
(f) An Employee required to attend for duty on Sunday who has conscientious scruples against Sunday duty is entitled to seek to furnish a substitute.
(g) Unless authorised by the Commissioner, an Employee in a classification the minimum salary of which exceeds the maximum salary of the classification of Administrative Officer 6 is not eligible to receive payment for, or a period off duty in respect of, overtime duty performed on a Sunday.
(h) Additional payment for Sunday duty not in excess of prescribed weekly hours will be made for duty an Employee would have performed had the Employee not been on approved Recreation leave.