Tardy Policy Sample Clauses

Tardy Policy. Employees are expected to arrive at work on time. When unforeseen or emergency situations (rare extreme traffic delays/accidents, home emergencies, etc.) prevent on time arrival before the student day, employees are to call in to notify and explain to the appropriate principal/supervisor/designee that they will be late. Xxxxxxx and frequent tardies will lead to the docking of pay, use of sick leave, or the initiation of the disciplinary process.
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Tardy Policy. Students who have been placed on the “No-Go” list with 20 or more Tardy (T) marks from the start of the semester up until ONE WEEK before the date of the dance will be excluded from attending any dance. See full tardy policy for detailed information regarding the “No-Go” list.
Tardy Policy. A student is considered tardy if he/she is not seated in his /her desk. Illness, doctor's appointment, family funeral, or school activity can be considered an excused tardy. Any other reason is considered an unexcused tardy. If a student is reporting to school late, he/she must report to the Attendance Office. To be excused: ▪ The attendance clerk must receive a note or a phone call from a parent/guardian that meets the above criteria ▪ The student must sign in, and the attendance clerk will issue a time-stamped tardy pass to the student. Habitual tardies may subject the student to a referral, parent conference, detention, behavior contract, and possible restriction of privileges, suspension, transfer, or expulsion. Teachers will document each tardy a student accumulates and assign appropriate consequence. DISCIPLINE
Tardy Policy. If an employee is more than six minutes late for his or her assigned run, a substitute driver will be dispatched to perform his or her route. The regular driver shall be assigned the next available unassigned route or choose to be docked for hours missed and leave work site.
Tardy Policy. Unless otherwise provided, all absences and tardies shall be handled on a point accumulation system as follows:
Tardy Policy. If you know you will be more than 5 minutes late for your appointment, it is required for you to contact your therapist to inform them. If you are more than 15 minutes late, your session will be cancelled and the $50 Cancellation charge will apply. After 4 late arrivals, your child will be removed from the schedule and placed on the waitlist until all other potential clients have been assigned a therapy time slot.
Tardy Policy. A child is tardy when he/she is not in the classroom at 8:00 am. A student that enters a classroom after the start of class is considered tardy. All tardy students must be signed in at the front desk by a parent or guardian. Excused tardies are given for doctor’s appointments with notes from the doctor and in the event of extreme emergencies. Your children must be in school and ON TIME by state law. The procedures for abiding by state law are as follows:
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Tardy Policy a. A child will be considered tardy in the morning after the tardy bell rings at 8:15 a.m.
Tardy Policy. It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to have the students arrive to school on time each day. School begins at 8:30 a.m. (Eastern Standard Time). Please make sure your child arrives on time. Tardiness is harmful to the student’s educational progress and disruptive to the class. Should your child arrive after 8:40 EST, he/she must enter the school through the office and be signed in by a parent/guardian. Excessive tardiness and early check-outs may result in a written letter of concern from the principal. Conferences (*Subject to revisions during COVID-19. See District’s Reopening Plan.) ALL PARENTS are welcome to visit our school, but must obtain a visitor’s pass from the office first. If you need to conference with a teacher, PLEASE contact the school or the teacher at least 24 hours prior to the conference time. Your child’s education is very important to us, so PLEASE keep communications open with your child’s teacher(s). Please speak with your child’s teacher first when a question arises. If you are not able to get in contact with your child’s teacher, please contact the front office. Always report to the school’s office upon entering the building to get a visitor’s pass. The office will inform the teacher you are here for a conference. We will not disrupt the instructional day by taking a teacher away from his/her classroom.
Tardy Policy. A student who enters a classroom after the start time not only misses learning time, but also interrupts the learning of other students in the class. A student who earns 3 tardies in the same class in the same marking period will receive an office referral from the classroom teacher. A student who accumulates 5 or more tardies in a week will be issued a lunch detention. Procedure: ➢ Students must have a pass from the office if they are tardy. ➢ Any student who enters class after the start time will be marked tardy and given a verbal warning. ➢ Any student who enters a class ten minutes after the start time will be marked absent and will be notified by the teacher. A note will be made in Infinite Campus as to the arrival time. ➢ Students will be marked tardy unless the pass from the office states otherwise.
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