Anti-Harassment. The following does not limit access to rights or provisions under The Saskatchewan Employment Act or The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code.
Anti-Harassment. It is the understanding of the parties, that there shall be no harassment by any person, management or Union employee, whether or not it is sexual in nature or any other form.
Anti-Harassment. 6.01 The Employer and the Union recognize the right of employees to work in an environment free from harassment, including sexual and racial harassment and the Employer undertakes to discipline any person employed by the Employer engaging in the harassment of another employee. As such, all bargaining unit members, management and Union Representatives are expected to treat all persons with courtesy and consideration and must not engage in discrimination or harassment under a prohibited ground contrary to the Canadian Human Rights Act. The Company and the Union agree that there shall be no discrimination, interference, restriction or coercion permitted in the workplace with respect to race, nation or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, disability or conviction for which a pardon has been granted. Harassment is any conduct based on any of the grounds listed above that offends or humiliates and is a type of discrimination. Harassment will be considered to have taken place if it reasonably ought to have been known that the behaviour was unwelcome or inappropriate in the work place. Harassment may take many forms, including: threats, intimidation, verbal abuse, unwelcome remarks, innuendo, offensive and inappropriate material, hate literature, offensive jokes. Sexual Harassment is any unsolicited and unwelcome conduct, comment, gesture or contact of a sexual nature that is likely to cause offence or humiliation or might be perceived as placing a condition of a sexual nature on conditions of employment, including any opportunity for training or promotion. Sexual Harassment may include but is not limited to: suggestive remarks, jokes, innuendo, or taunting in a sexual context; unwanted touching; leering; compromising invitations; displaying of pornographic or other offensive or derogatory pictures or material of a sexual nature; sexually degrading words used to describe a person or a group; derogatory or degrading words regarding gender or sexual orientation, or directed towards members of one’s sex or one’s sexual orientation; sexual assault. The Company and the Union recognize that harassment and sexual harassment is unacceptable behaviour and will not be tolerated in the workplace. The Company has a Discrimination and Harassment Policy. Employees with questions may contact the Vice-President, Human Resources. Collect calls will be accepted.
Anti-Harassment. The Employer will establish anti-harassment policies that are compliant with state and federal law. These policies shall include a complaint procedure, including non-retaliation and confidentiality policies. Such policies shall be made readily available to employees in the employee handbook, and shall be updated as needed or as required by law.
Anti-Harassment. The Company shall provide a professional work environment for all bargaining unit employees in which sexual, racial, gender-based and other types of harassment shall be strictly prohibited. Accordingly, the Company shall continue to enforce all of the terms set forth in the Vox Media Employee Handbook (last updated January 2, 2019) pertaining to such prohibitions (including, but not limited to, “Anti-Harassment,” “Anti-Harassment Training,” “Investigation Process,” and “No Retaliation”) (collectively, the “Anti-Harassment Handbook Terms”), and such terms shall be incorporated by reference herein. The Union shall be notified in advance of any material changes to the Anti-Harassment Handbook Terms during the term of this Agreement. Any changes to the Anti-Harassment Handbook Terms shall be incorporated by reference herein. Additionally, the following terms shall be applicable to all bargaining unit employees:
A. A bargaining unit employee who commences a claim under the Anti-Harassment Handbook Terms shall have the right to bring a Shop Xxxxxxx or a Union-employed representative with them to meet with the Company to initiate the claim. Should the employee bring a Shop Xxxxxxx to the initial meeting, there shall be no fact finding conducted at that initial meeting beyond the employee reporting to the Company the details of the claim, unless the employee chooses to continue the meeting without the presence of the Shop Xxxxxxx. Subsequently, the employee shall have the right to be accompanied by a Union-employed representative at any meetings with the Company concerning the claim. The Company may require the Union-employed representative to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement in that regard. Any Union-employed representative or Shop Xxxxxxx who accompanies an employee initiating a claim, or any Union representative who participates subsequent to the initial meeting, may not be involved in any way in representing an employee against whom a complaint has been made.
B. The Company shall provide a written report within thirty (30) calendar days to a bargaining unit employee who initiates a claim covered under the Anti-Harassment Handbook Terms as to the outcome of the investigation. The Company may, in good faith, request additional time, up to an additional sixty (60) calendar days, to provide its written report. Such report shall also include what investigative actions (including any remedial actions taken in response to the claim) the Company is taking in response t...
Anti-Harassment. Union and management agree that anti-harassment procedures will be in accordance with the most current Forest Service policy (FSM 1765 – Anti-Harassment).
Anti-Harassment. This contract is subject to the provisions of the Department of Administrative Services’ Anti-Harassment Policy (“Policy”) and, as such, the contract may be cancelled, terminated, or suspended by the State in the event that the contractor, its employees, contractors, subcontractors, consultants, subconsultants, or vendors engage in behavior prohibited by the provisions of the Policy (a copy of the Policy is available on the DAS website). The contractor agrees to include a copy of the Policy, and the requirement to prevent behavior as defined in such Policy, in all contracts with its contractors, subcontractors, consultants, subconsultants, and vendors.
Anti-Harassment. The Employer recognizes that all Employees have the right to work in an environment free from all forms of discrimination and harassment, including, but not limited to, harassment based on sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin, disability or age. Harassment, bullying and discrimination create an intimidating, hostile and offensive work environment that will not be tolerated. Such behavior may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Anti-Harassment. 4.8.1 It is the responsibility of the Authority to ensure that the workplace is free of harassment as defined in the Authority’s Non-Discrimination & Harassment Policy #HR570 and Workplace Violence & Harassment Prevention Policy #HR 565, as amended from time to time, or as provided for under any applicable legislation.
4.8.2 If the complaint or grievance is not to be considered settled on the basis of the answer provided under the Authority’s Policy the grievance may be referred to an Arbitrator in accordance with Article 6 of this Agreement. The Arbitrator shall not have the power to change, modify, extend or amend the provisions of the Authority’s Policy on Workplace Harassment. Nothing in this Article shall preclude the complainant from filing a complaint under the Ontario Human Rights Code.
Anti-Harassment. The Employer and the Union agree that behaviors that harm, intimidate or coerce employees are inappropriate and unacceptable in the work environment. Examples of such behavior include, but are not limited to:
1. Intimidating messages, in various forms, including written, oral, social media, etc.
2. Obscenities, profanities or vulgar verbal, written comments, images, or gestures, directed at another person.
3. Degrading and/or targeting a person or group on the basis of a personal, cultural and/or individual characteristics. The Parties agree that such behaviors cannot be allowed in the workplace. The Parties further acknowledge that routine efforts to manage employee performance, conduct performance reviews and administer Corrective Action (Disciplinary Action) do not constitute prohibited behaviors. Neither the Employer’s rights nor the Union’s rights in this CBA or under law shall be abridged by this contract provision.