Continuous Shift Sample Clauses
Continuous Shift. Workers as prescribed at Clause 13 shall for each week that they work on a continuous shift roster that includes Saturdays, Sundays or Public Holidays as ordinary working days will accrue annual leave at the rate of 1/13 of the hours worked for each period of continuous employment.
Continuous Shift. If a turnaround period is less than four (4) hours, the shift shall be considered continuous. Should this occur, the Company agrees that:
a) A hotel room will be provided to a maximum of one hundred and fifteen dollars ($115) per night upon submission of receipts; or
b) Return cab fare to the employee's home and back to Sportsnet where the return trip does not exceed one hundred and fifteen dollars ($115.)
Continuous Shift. An Employee on a continuous shift is entitled to a paid meal break of not more than 30 minutes each shift. In the absence of any custom or agreement (e.g. existing 12 hour shift agreement), Employees will not be required to work more than five (5) hours continuously without a paid meal break.
Continuous Shift. Employees, excluding bus drivers, shall work a continuous hourly shift and shall not be asked to work part of his/her day’s employment with a break in it, other than lunch, unless at the employee’s specific request such an arrangement would be to the mutual benefit of both parties concerned.
Continuous Shift. The six day roster constitutes a continuous shift operation under the Metal, Engineering and Associated Industries Award 2009 (6.1.2a) and in accordance with Section (6.1.4c) as such, continuous shift workers are entitled to: A paid meal break (6.1.2b); Payment for all overtime at the rate of double time (6.4.1a).
Continuous Shift. The provision for payment of night turn adjustment (Section VIII, Paragraph B.) and overtime (Section X) shall be inapplicable to employees on continuous shift operations. Such provisions for payment of night turn adjustment shall also be inapplicable to any special groups of employees who have not heretofore received extra compensation for working night turn hours; and such provisions for payment of overtime shall also be inapplicable to any special group of employees who have not heretofore received overtime pay for work on particular days as such.
Continuous Shift. A period of work that begins upon arrival in the workplace and ends upon departure from the workplace, to include break times (whether paid or not) and may also extend from one day to the next if employees work past midnight.
Continuous Shift. After a continuous shift of 18 hours (excluding meal breaks), the employee must have a mandatory rest period equal to the length of the next day’s scheduled shift. For example, an employee who starts at 6:30 a.m., works 18 hours (leaving at 1:00 a.m.) and is scheduled for 9 hours the following day may report back to work no earlier than 10:00 a.m. the following day. The employee will be awarded three and one-half hours of Safety Leave to make up the difference between the normal start time and the mandatory earliest report time (6:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.).
Continuous Shift worker is a 7-day shift worker who is regularly rostered to work on Sundays and Public Holidays.
Continuous Shift. Workers
(a) The rates of pay for continuous shift workers incorporate and are inclusive of any additional or penalty rates for working additional hours, shift or weekend penalties, meal allowances, rostered days off and annual leave loading. The pay is averaged over an 8 week cycle, and is called cycle pay.
(b) Payment will be of equal weekly amounts regardless of the hours worked in a particular week of the roster.
(c) The Current Annualised Salary for each level includes the following:
(i) Base Salary at the applicable rate
(ii) Annualised afternoon shift and night shift allowances (iii) Average of overtime worked