Union Activities If the Contract Amount is $50,000 or more, no Judicial Council funds received under this Agreement will be used to assist, promote or deter union organizing during the term of this Agreement (including any extension or renewal term).
Union Activity Each employee shall have the right to join and while off work or on official release time, assist the Union freely, without fear of penalty or reprisal, and the Employer shall assure that each employee shall be protected in the exercise of such right.
Union Activities Restrictions If the Contract Amount is over $50,000, this section is applicable. Contractor agrees that no JBE funds received under this Agreement will be used to assist, promote or deter union organizing during the Term. If Contractor incurs costs, or makes expenditures to assist, promote or deter union organizing, Contractor will maintain records sufficient to show that no JBE funds were used for those expenditures. Contractor will provide those records to the Attorney General upon request.
Union Leave Leave of absence for Union business shall be given without pay up to a maximum of (as per the local provisions under L19) days per calendar year provided such leave does not interfere with the continuance of efficient operation of the Hospital. Such leave shall be subject to the following conditions: (a) not more than (as per the local provisions under L19) employees of the Hospital are absent on any such leave at the same time, and not more than (as per the local provisions under L19) employee from a department; (b) a request must be made in writing at least twenty-one days prior to the commencement of the function for which leave is requested, unless it is not reasonably possible to give such notice; (c) such request shall state the general nature of the function to be attended; (d) employees on a Union Leave which is approved by the Hospital in accordance with the above conditions shall be paid for such leave by the Hospital. The Hospital shall then forward a statement of such wages paid to the employee affected to the union for reimbursement of the amount stated; (e) an employee who is elected or appointed to office with the CAW, shall upon application by the Union in writing, be granted a leave of absence without loss of seniority and benefits for up to three (3) years. An extension shall be granted upon written application by the employee to the administration of the Hospital. During such leaves of absence, salary and benefits shall be kept whole by the Hospital and the Union agrees to reimburse the Hospital for such salary and the Hospital's contribution to said benefits. The employee agrees to notify the Hospital of the employee's intention to return to work within two (2) weeks following the termination of office for which the leave was granted. The union agrees to notify the Hospital five (5) months in advance of the Local Union election. The union further agrees that the requirement to meet under Article 14 will be waived. At the end of such leave, any employee hired or placed as a substitute for the employee on such absence, may be terminated or laid off by the Hospital as required, or may be transferred to the employee's previous position if the substitution was a transfer. An employee on leave of absence under this provision shall continue to accumulate all rights and privileges under this Agreement. It is understood that the intent of this article is that it shall normally apply to only one employee at a time per circumstance as noted above, and that the Union shall provide adequate notice prior to an employee commencing Union Leave of Absence. Further applications may be granted consistent with the Hospital’s staffing requirements. In addition, it is understood that any employee so elected or appointed is required to maintain their competence in the event that they are to return to the workplace.
Civic Leave Civic leave is provided to faculty members who are a) subpoenaed to appear before any court or other legally constituted body authorized to compel the attendance of witnesses, where the employee is not a party to the action; or b) summoned for jury duty by any court of competent jurisdiction. Faculty members required to report or serve for only part of a day for court or jury duty are obligated to return for the remainder of that day unless otherwise authorized by the Chair. Faculty members are required to provide written notification of civic leave to the Chair as far in advance of the leave as possible. Documentation regarding the leave (e.g., a copy of the summons, subpoena) shall be attached to the notification. The faculty member may retain any money received as compensation or expense reimbursement for jury duty or court attendance compelled by the summons or subpoena.
Union Leaves Employees on Union Leaves will be treated as provided in Article 18 (Q) while working on Union leave.
Professional Leave Professional leave without pay will be granted to full-time and regular part-time Nurses who are elected to the College of Nurses to attend regularly scheduled meetings of the College of Nurses. Professional leave without pay will be granted to Registered Nurses who are elected to the RNAO to attend regularly scheduled meetings. Professional leave without pay will be granted to Registered Practical Nurses who are elected to the RPNAO to attend regularly scheduled meetings.
Investigatory Leave The Appointing Authority/designee may place an employee who is the subject of a disciplinary investigation on an investigatory leave with pay provided a reasonable basis exists to warrant such leave.
Civic Duty Leave A. Employees summoned for jury duty will be granted a leave of absence with pay for time lost from their regular work schedule while on said jury duty upon presentation of the appropriate summons to the department head by the employee. B. An employee who receives jury fees for jury service upon presentation of the appropriate court certificate of service, shall either: 1. Retain such jury fees in lieu of pay for the period of jury service if the jury fees exceed his/her regular rate of compensation for the period involved; or 2. Remit to the Appointing Authority the jury fees if less than his/her regular rate of compensation for the period involved. C. Jury fees for the purpose of this Article shall be the per diem rate paid for jury duty by the court not including the expenses reimbursed for travel, meals, rooms or incidentals. D. An employee summoned as a witness in court on behalf of the Commonwealth or any town, city or county of the Commonwealth or on behalf of the Federal Government shall be granted court leave with pay upon filing of the appropriate notice of service with his/her department head except that this Section shall not apply to an employee who is also in the employ of any town, city or county of the Commonwealth or in the employ of the Federal Government or any private employer and who is summoned on a matter arising from that employment. E. All fees for court service except jury fees paid for service rendered during office hours must be paid to the Commonwealth. Any fees paid to an employee for court service performed during a vacation period may be retained by the employee. The employee shall retain expenses for travel, meals, rooms, etc. F. An employee on court leave who has been excused by the proper court authority shall report to his/her official duty station if such interruption in court service will permit four or more consecutive hours of employment. Court leave shall not affect any employment rights of the individual. G. No court leave shall be granted when the employee is the defendant or is engaged in personal litigation.
Leave for Union Activities Upon request by the Union, leave without pay will be granted to any employee duly authorized to represent employees of this bargaining unit at: a) Executive, Council meetings or Conventions of the Union and Labour Education Seminars. A written request for such leave shall be submitted at least twenty (20) days in advance. Such leave shall be limited to a total of four (4) employees at any one time, and to a maximum aggregate total of four hundred and fifty (450) working hours in any calendar year. The maximum leave for any individual Union official shall not exceed sixty (60) hours and one hundred (100) working hours for an Executive Officer. The Company will consider reasonable requests from the Union to increase the individual and/or aggregate maximum. Such leave shall not constitute a break in continuity of service in seniority, severance pay, or other benefits under this Agreement. b) In order to attend the CEP National Convention every other year (or every third year) up to four (4) employees will be released and the maximum aggregate total of working hours may be increased by an additional one hundred thirty (130) working hours, exclusive of the individual limits in above to attend the CEP National Convention. The Company will be advised of the convention dates as far in advance as possible. A written request for such leave will be submitted to the Company at least sixty (60) days in advance. c) It is understood that operational requirements may prevent the release of particular employee(s) under this Article and in such case the Local Union shall be allowed to name the alternate(s), however such requests for leave will not be unreasonably denied. d) An employee on unpaid Union leave under this Article shall be compensated at his/her regular rate for the leave by the Company. The Company will then invoice the Union for reimbursement of such compensation which shall be paid by the Union within fifteen (15) days of the date of the invoice. e) In addition, up to one (1) employee may accept a full-time elective position with the Union or an official labour body for a period not exceeding two (2) years. Any additional yearly periods may be granted at the Company’s discretion upon receipt of a written request from the employee and the President of the Union. The Company may hire temporary employees to fill the vacancies created by such leave of absence. During the employee’s leave and subject to the limitations of the various benefit plans, the employee may continue to participate provided the employee prepays all premiums and contributions. During such leave the employee shall not accumulate seniority for the purpose of annual leave credits and severance pay.