Use of Roads by Contractor Sample Clauses
Use of Roads by Contractor. Except as provided herein, Contractor is authorized to use existing Na- tional Forest system roads and Specified Roads listed in A.7, when Forest Service determines that such use will not cause damage to the roads or National Forest resources.
(a) Cannot be used for log hauling or
(b) May be used only under the restrictive limitations stated therein.
Use of Roads by Contractor. Except as provided herein, Contractor is authorized to use existing National Forest system roads and Specified Roads listed in A7, when Forest Service determines that such use will not cause damage to the roads or National For- est resources. If Contractor’s use of an existing temporary or Na- tional Forest system road, not listed in A7, cannot be satisfactorily accommodated without reconstruction, Contractor shall be authorized to use such road upon agreement as to the minimum reconstruction work that Contractor shall perform before hauling. When appro- priate, such road shall be included in A7 as an alternate facility under B5.26.
Use of Roads by Contractor. 104.06_National_11_9_2016 The Contractor is authorized to use roads under the jurisdiction of the Forest Service for all activities necessary to complete this contract, subject to the limitations and authorizations designated in the Road Order(s) or described in the contract, when such use will not damage the roads or national forest resources, and when traffic can be accommodated safely.
Use of Roads by Contractor. The Contractor is authorized to use roads under the jurisdiction of the Forest Service for all activities necessary to complete this contract, subject to the limitations and authorizations designated in the Road Order(s) or described in the contract, when such use will not damage the roads or national forest resources, and when traffic can be accommodated safely. Comply with the requirements of 30 CFR 56, subparts B and H. Use all suitable material for aggregate regardless of size unless otherwise designated. When required, re-establish vegetation in disturbed areas according to section 625. Government-provided optional sources for this project are identified as follows: Material is available for use as (Borrow/pit run surfacing material) as needed for the project from There is no charge for material taken from these pits for use on this project.
Use of Roads by Contractor. Except as provided herein, Contractor is authorized to use existing National Forest system roads and Specified Roads listed in A7, when Forest Service determines that such use will not cause damage to the roads or National For- est resources. If Contractor’s use of an existing temporary or Na- tional Forest system road, not listed in A7, cannot be satisfactorily accommodated without reconstruction, Contractor shall be authorized to use such road upon agreement as to the minimum reconstruction work that Contractor shall perform before hauling. When appro- priate, such road shall be included in A7 as an alternate facility under B5.26. A7. Contractor shall construct Specified Roads used under this contract. Construction initiated by Contractor on any such Specified Road shall be completed to an agreed terminus that meets Contractor’s needs and prevents unnecessary impact on National Forest re- sources. Construction to such terminus shall be in full accordance with Plans and specifications identified in A7 or specifications and the Schedule of Items attached hereto, except for agreed adjustments needed to ac- commodate such terminus. For each pay unit, the "Schedule of Items" itemizes quantity of work and ma- terials and cost, with method of measurement and basis for payment. Forest Service shall revise the Schedule of Items to show the estimated cost for the portion con- structed to the revised terminus as a separate segment. A Temporary Road shall not be constructed sub- stantially on the location for a Specified Road, except by agreement. SAMPLE In event of agreed substitution or revision of con- struction design, specifications, or performance respon- sibility under B5.212, B5.25, B5.26, or C5.215#, A7 shall be modified. If Contractor does not need a Speci- fied Road or a portion of a Specified Road for harvesting Included Timber or completing stewardship projects and the Specified Road is not constructed, the deletion of the road or road segment will be a mutually agreed Design Change and Integrated Resource Account will be adjusted for the reduction in cost, as provided in B5.25. References in the contract to specifications, stand- ards, or test methods adopted by the American Associ- ation of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), General Services Administration (GSA), or other recognized national technical associations shall mean specifications, standards, or test metho...
Use of Roads by Contractor. Contractor is authorized to maintain roads, bridges, and other transportation facilities, as needed for harvesting included Timber or other products on National Forest and other lands where Forest Service has such authority per the specifications contained within Appendix C. The location and clearing widths of all Temporary Roads or facilities shall be agreed to before construction is started. Contractor is authorized to cut and use for construction without charge construction timber or other products designated by agreement. Except as provided herein, Contractor is authorized to use existing National Forest roads, when such use will not cause damage to the roads or National Forest resources and when hauling can be done safely. If Contractor’s use of an existing temporary or National Forest system road cannot be satisfactorily accommodated without reconstruction, Contractor shall be authorized to use such road upon agreement as to the minimum reconstruction work that Contractor shall perform before hauling. The Contract Area Map, provided with each task order, will show existing temporary or permanent roads that for such reasons as limitations in structural capacity, safety, and protection of soil, water, and roads:
(a) Cannot be used for log hauling or
(b) May be used only under the restrictive limitations stated therein. Contractor's use of existing roads identified on Contract Area Map by the following codes is prohibited or subject to restrictive limitations, unless agreed otherwise: Code Use Limitations X Hauling prohibited R Hauling restricted U Unsuitable for hauling prior to completion of agreed reconstruction P Use prohibited A Public use restriction W Regulation waiver Roads coded A will be signed by the Forest Service to inform the public of use restrictions. Contractor's use of roads coded R, A, or W shall be in accordance with the following restrictions: Restricted Road List RoadNumber Road Name Termini Map Description ofRestrictions From To Legend Per Task Order All roads used for hauling Per Task Order Per Task Order Per Task Order Conflicts with campgrounds may cause week end and holiday restrictions from noon Friday till Monday or Tuesday morning. Conflicts with urban areas or schools may restrict time periods of the week day such as no haul between 11:00am to 1:00pm. Generally will allow harvest activities seven days a week. However, this is dependent upon each Task Order.
Use of Roads by Contractor. Delete the entire subsection and substitute the following: The contractor is authorized to use Forest Service roads for all activities necessary for completion of this contract subject to the following limitations and authorizations: All road maintenance activities must be approved by the Engineer. Contractor shall be required to maintain roads in a satisfactory condition commensurate with the particular use requirements generated under this contract. Performance by the contractor of this road maintenance work may be required prior to, during, or after each period of use. Contractor shall xxxxx dust to promote safe use of road and to prevent excessive loss of road material. Contractor may choose the material used in dust abatement. When anything other than water is to be used, such material must be approved in writing by the Engineer. Contractors use of roads shall not cause damage to the roads or National Forest resources and shall safely accommodate all traffic. 106.02 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT. Delete the sixth paragraph and substitute the following: For aggregates weighed for payment, scale weights of material shall be adjusted to deduct the daily average moisture content in excess of 2 percent over optimum moisture. The daily average moisture content will be determined in accordance with AASHTO T-255, from not less than three representative samples of aggregate taken at random intervals each day that aggregate is being weighed.
Use of Roads by Contractor. CODE Use Limitations R Hauling restricted P Use Prohibited Contractor’s use of roads coded R or P shall be in accordance with the following restrictions: Sample Number From To Restrictions FR 300 R No hauling between 1200 noon Fridays and 0600 Mondays for weekends between and including Memorial Day and Labor Day. No hauling on the Federal observed holiday for Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day. All Roads Numbered and temp. R Project haul traffic speeds will be no greater than 25 miles per hour. All Roads Numbered and temp. R Use limited to Dry or Frozen. Loads restricted to ≤80,000 lbs 76 76A 76AA 76B 76B1 76B2 76B3 76BA 76D 76G 76I 76J 76L 76N 76N1 76P 76Q 76Q1 76R 76S 76S1 76S2 76S5 76U R No hauling between March 1 and August 31 unless approved by the District Wildlife Specialist in coordination with Sale Administration 92 300 415 92J1 9300 9300A 9300C 9302 9304 9305 0000 0000 0000 9309 9312 9314 9314A 9694 415 9300 9300C 9304 9309 R No hauling between March 1 and September 30 unless approved by the District Wildlife Specialist in coordination with Sale Administration 76A 76R 76S5 R No hauling between February 1 and August 15 unless approved by the District Wildlife Specialist in coordination with Sale Administration 9300 9300B 9310 9311 415C 415D 76A1 76B1 76B2 76BA 76BB 76C1 76E 76F 76H 76I 76J1 76K 76M1 76S3 76S4 76T 92H3 92J 9301A 9304A P Portions or all of the following roads are prohibited from Contractor use. No timber activity is allowed on portions of the roads shown on the Sale Area Map for the duration of the contract. Sample CT5.31# - ROAD MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS (09/2004) Contractor shall maintain roads in accordance with the following Contract Road Maintenance Requirements Summary: Sample Page Sample 76 Single Lane / Level 2 Nat 300 0.000 76 4.160 4.16 P Blade, Pre 1 76D Single Lane / Level 2 Nat 76 0.000 Ending 0.250 0.25 76G Single Lane / Level 2 Nat 76 0.000 Ending 0.730 0.73 76I Single Lane / Level 2 Nat 76 0.000 Ending 0.244 0.24 76J Single Lane / Level 2 Nat 76 0.000 Ending 0.630 0.63 76C1 Single Lane / Level 1 Nat 76C 0.000 76R 0.140 0.14 P ML1, to be opened 1 76U Single Lane / Level 1 Nat 76 0.000 Ending 0.280 0.28 P ML1, to be opened 1 76C Single Lane / Level 2 Nat 76 0.000 76 (South) 0.770 0.77 76L Single Lane / Level 2 Nat 76 0.000 Ending 0.480 0.48 76N1 Single Lane / Level 1 Nat 76L 0.000 76N 0.210 0.21 P ML1, to be opened 1 76N Single Lane / Level 2 Nat 76 0.000 Ending 0.670 0.67 76S Single Lane / Level 1 Nat 76 0.000 Endin...
Use of Roads by Contractor. CODE Use Limitations R Hauling restricted Contractor’s use of roads coded R shall be in accordance with the following restrictions: SAMPLE Number From To Restrictions FR300 R No hauling from 1200 Fridays to 0600 Mondays for weekends between and including Memorial Day and Labor Day, and no hauling Federal observed holiday for Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day All Roads Numbered and temp. R Use limited to Dry or Frozen. Loads restricted to ≤80,000 lbs KT-FT.3.1# - ROAD MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS (09/2004) Contractor shall maintain roads in accordance with the following Contract Road Maintenance Requirements Summary: SAMPLE 106 NFSR 195F NFSR 106A 0.51 1 P ML1 High Blade 106A NFSR 106 MP 1.53 1.53 1 P ML1 to be opened 106A1 NFSR 106A NFSR 195D 0.70 1 P ML1 to be opened 106A2 NFSR 106A1 MP 0.52 0.52 1 P ML1 to be opened 106A3 NFSR 106A1 MP 0.51 0.51 1 P ML1 to be opened 106B NFSR 106A MP 0.13 0.13 1 P ML1 to be opened 106X NFSR 106A MP 0.90 0.90 1 P ML1 to be opened 195 NFSR 300 0.71 0.71 3 P ML3 Pre-Blade 195 0.71 3.00 2.29 1 P ML1 High Blade 195A NFSR 195 NFSR 195 1.90 1 P ML1 to be opened 195A2 NFSR 195A NFSR 195A 0.68 1 P ML1 to be opened 195B NFSR 195 NFSR 195G 1.30 1 P ML1 to be opened 195B1 NFSR 195B MP 0.15 0.15 1 P ML1 to be opened 195C NFSR 195G NFSR 195G 0.80 1 P ML1 to be opened 195D NFSR 195 NFSR 195D 2.56 1 P ML1 High Blade 195F NFSR 106 NFSR 195A 0.69 1 P ML1 High Blade 195G NFSR 195 NFSR 195 2.10 1 P ML1 to be opened 195H NFSR 195 0.54 0.54 1 P ML1 to be opened 195S NFSR 195A MP 1.10 1.10 1 P ML1 to be opened 195T NFSR 195F NFSR 195S 0.45 1 P ML1 to be opened 195X NFSR 195 MP 0.31 0.31 1 P ML1 to be opened 300 NFSR 195 NFSR 105 2.37 4 P ML4 Pre-Blade SAMPLE P = Purchaser Performance Item, D = Deposit to Forest Service, D3 = Deposit to Third Party *Road Maintenance Specification T-G is required on all road work Road Termini Miles Road ML Applicable During-haul Road Maintenance Specifications* Remarks 195 NFSR 300 0.71 0.71 3 P Min. 8 Bladings Required 300 NFSR 195 NFSR 105 2.37 4 P Min. 14 Bladings Required P = Purchaser Performance Item, D = Deposit to Forest Service, D3 = Deposit to Third Party *Road Maintenance Specification T-G is required on all road work 106 NFSR 195F NFSR 106A 0.51 1 P ML1 High Blade 106A NFSR 106 MP 1.53 1.53 1 P ML1 to be closed 106A1 NFSR 160A NFSR 195D 0.70 1 P ML1 to be closed 106A2 NFSR 106A1 MP 0.52 0.52 1 P ML1 to be closed 106A3 NFSR 106A1 MP 0.51 0.51 1 P ML1 to be closed 106B NFSR 106A MP 0.13 0.13 1 P ML1 to...
Use of Roads by Contractor. The Contractor is authorized to use roads under the jurisdiction of the Forest Service for all activities necessary to complete this contract, subject to the limitations and authorizations designated in the Road Order(s) or described in the contract, when such use will not damage the roads or national forest resources, and when traffic can be accommodated safely. SAMPLE Select sources and provide acceptable material. Notify the CO of all proposed sources before delivery to the project to expedite material inspection and testing. Do not incorporate material requiring submittal into the work until approved. Material may be approved at the source of supply before delivery to the project. Approval does not constitute acceptance. If an approved source does not continue to supply acceptable material during the life of the project, further use of that source may be denied.