WEEKEND PENALTIES. 25.1. The Company may roster an Employee to perform their ordinary hours of work on Saturday or Sunday to meet the operational requirements of the business and its clients.
25.2. Weekend work will be paid the following weekend penalty rates: Between midnight Friday and midnight Saturday First 2 hours After 2 hours Between midnight Saturday and midnight Sunday - All hours
25.3. An Employee required by the Company to work weekend work shall be paid for a minimum of four (4) hours of work.
WEEKEND PENALTIES. The following rates shall apply for shifts up to 8 hours and no shift allowances apply. The following penalty rates apply to weekend shifts where the wage rate is aggregated (as the ‘single’ rate is already included in the weekly wage rate):
i) Saturday - 0.5 times the ordinary hours at applicable Ordinary Hourly Wage Rate.
ii) Sunday - 1.0 times the ordinary hours at applicable Ordinary Hourly Wage Rate. Weekend penalties are tallied and factored into the Aggregate Rate.
WEEKEND PENALTIES. (a) Employees are entitled to the following weekend penalties calculated on their base rate of pay for ordinary hours worked on a weekend. Saturday (midnight Friday to midnight Saturday) Time and one-half (150%) Sunday (midnight Saturday to midnight Sunday) Time and three-quarters (175%)
(b) Weekend penalties are paid instead of shift penalties and the casual loading, where applicable.
WEEKEND PENALTIES. 28.1 For all ordinary hours worked between midnight Friday and midnight Saturday, a day worker will be paid their ordinary hourly rate and an additional 50% loading.
28.2 For all ordinary hours worked between midnight Saturday and midnight Sunday, a day worker will be paid their ordinary hourly rate and an additional 100% loading.
28.3 A casual employee who works Saturday or Sunday will be paid a weekend loading in accordance with 28.1 and 28.2 in addition to the shift loading that would normally apply.
WEEKEND PENALTIES. All time worked during an ordinary shift between midnight on Friday and midnight on Saturday will be paid for at one and a-half times the ordinary rate and between midnight on Saturday and midnight on Sunday at double the ordinary rate. The above shift loadings are paid in conjunction with weekend penalties when an employee works their shift on a weekend.
WEEKEND PENALTIES. 25.1 The Company may roster an Employee to perform their ordinary hours of work on Saturday or Sunday to meet the operational requirements of the business and its clients.
25.2 Weekend work will be paid the following weekend penalty rates: Work Pattern 150% - Base Rate of Pay 200% - Base Rate of Pay Between midnight Friday and midnight Saturday All Hours - Between midnight Saturday and midnight Sunday - All Hours
25.3 An Employee required to work on a public holiday during hours which, if the day was not a public holiday, would be outside the range of ordinary working hours will be paid for such hours at the following rates:
a) Good Friday and Christmas day - 300% of the employees’ ordinary base rate of pay.
b) Any other public holiday - 250% of the employees’ ordinary base rate of pay.
25.4 An Employee required by the Company to work weekend work shall be paid for a minimum of four (4) hours of work.
WEEKEND PENALTIES i. For Saturday work refer to Appendix III
ii. Payment for work on Sundays All work performed on Sundays by weekly employees on the instructions of the employer will be paid for at the rate of 200% of the ordinary hourly rate with a minimum payment as for 4 hours.
WEEKEND PENALTIES. (a) In all Cases the weekend penalties as set out in clause 4.2.5 shall apply where shiftwork is performed between midnight Friday and midnight Sunday.
WEEKEND PENALTIES. Where an employee is required to work on weekends or public holidays, they will receive the following loadings: Day Loading Saturday 150% for the first 3 hours and 200% thereafter. Sunday 200% for all hours Public Holidays 250% for all hours
WEEKEND PENALTIES. (a) Full-time, part-time and fixed term Employees are entitled to the following weekend and public holiday penalties calculated on their base rate of pay for ordinary hours worked: Saturday Time and one half (150%) Sunday Double Time (200%) Public Holiday Double time and one half (250%)
(b) Weekend penalties are paid instead of shift penalties and the casual loading where applicable.
(c) Where an Employee works hours which would entitle the Employee to payment for more than one of the penalties payable in accordance with the overtime, public holidays, shift and weekend clauses of this Agreement, only the highest of such penalty will be payable.