Working Conditions Committee. In an effort to solve problems in a mutually beneficial fashion, the Board and Teachers recognize the establishment of a Working Conditions Committee to deal with Teacher concerns arising from Teacher workload.
Working Conditions Committee. (a) There shall be a Working Conditions Committee (WCC) which will meet at the call of the Superintendent of Employee Services. The Committee shall consist of six (6) members: three (3) representing O.S.S.T.
Working Conditions Committee. A Working Conditions Committee shall be constituted of the Employer’s Executive Director and the Union Job Xxxxxxx or Union Representative.
(a) The purpose of this committee shall be to maintain communication and to promote cooperation between the Employees and the Employer. It shall include within its terms of reference any matter concerning the implementation of this Collective Agreement.
(b) The Committee shall meet once per week or at the call of either party.
Working Conditions Committee. A working conditions committee of school bus drivers and administration will meet as necessary to discuss issues relative to working conditions and safety concerns.
Working Conditions Committee. The Board and Union agree to establish a joint Working Conditions Committee with equal representation to review, assist and waive, for a specific period of time, the requirements of clauses 11.05 and 11.06 in situations where a school staff experiences difficulties in meeting the requirements of the clauses and makes a formal appeal to the Committee to assist in resolving the problem(s).
Working Conditions Committee. The Board shall establish and maintain a Working Conditions Committee that shall consist of three
Working Conditions Committee. During the life of this Agreement, the University and the Union agree to establish a Joint Working Conditions Committee to xxxxxx the development of improvements in the work relationships and to deal with issues of concern raised by either party respecting work and working conditions.
Working Conditions Committee. The Union and the Employer acknowledge the mutual benefits to be derived from joint discussion and consultation. This Committee will work to xxxxxx effective communications and the development and improvement of ongoing work conditions and work relationships between the parties and to maintain a spirit of mutual cooperation and respect. The Committee will review matters of concern, arising from the application of the Agreement. It is understood the criteria may change from time to time as determined by the Committee members, The Committee shall function in an advisory capacity with the authority to make recommendations to Senior Management but normally not to amend the Agreement. The meetings will not be used to discuss matters which are properly a subject of a grievance or collective bargaining. The shall consist of up to five (5) representatives from both Management and the Union. The respective parties will select their representatives. The Committee will meet monthly at a time and place agreed upon by Committee members. Both parties will submit agenda items within a subscribed time frame to the Committee Chair and where no items are submitted the meeting will be carried over to the next month. Each Committee member will receive copy of the Meeting Minutes and a summary will be posted on designated bulletin boards. When a meeting is scheduled at a time that the Branch Local President is not scheduled to work, will be paid at straight time for the meeting.
Working Conditions Committee. A Working Conditions Committee shall be established for the elementary panel to gather, compile, validate data and report to and to the Union with respect to staffing, workload, class size and preparation time. The Committee may make recommendations concerning these matters to the Board the Union. Composition of Conditions Committee The Committee shall consist of: two members of Administrative Council; two elementary school administrators; two representatives of the Union. The Working Conditions Committee will meet not later than the tenth teaching day of September in order to review class size. The Working Conditions Committee will have available to it the organization charts and the updated staffing charts for each school in each area. The Working Conditions Committee will review the data for each school and identify all which may require special consideration (e.g. number of integrated exceptional students) and will make recornmendations Board. Notwithstanding meetings of the Working Conditions Committee may be called through the Superintendent of Employee Services at the request of either party to the collective agreement.
Working Conditions Committee. There is hereby created a working conditions committee composed of three (3) members of management and three (3) members of the union to meet quarterly and discuss bargaining unit working conditions, including, but not limited to, hours of work, overtime and the physical environment of the Dispatch Center. The committee may make recommendations to the parties for any changes to successor agreements to this MOU.