Written Test Sample Clauses
Written Test. The written test shall be developed by the Chief and shall relate to law enforcement with emphasis on police supervision.
Written Test. Within twenty-four (24) hours of the initial training, the account manager shall administer a written test to security personnel and a test shall be administered quarterly or as often as necessary.
Written Test. The testing qualifications for each of the positions are as follows:
a. A bibliography for each test shall be determined by the promotion committee.
b. Each written test shall be administered and graded/scored by an independent testing agency to be selected by the promotion committee. The score used shall be the raw score converted to a percentage.
c. The testing agency shall develop an appropriate test for Fire Suppression Officer and Battalion Fire Chief VI on the basis of the bibliography provided for in subsection (a) above.
d. In order to qualify for promotion each applicant must achieve a minimum score of seventy percent (70%). The score of seventy percent (70%) is a passing score.
Written Test. (1) Provide where necessary to supplement Product Data and drawings. Organize in consistent format under separate headings for different procedures.
(2) Provide a logical sequence of instructions for each procedure.
Written Test. 1. Any “custodian” or “other” classification employee may pre-pass the tests in anticipation of future maintenance position openings.
2. Testing will include both written test and actual demonstration of skills.
3. Tests may be taken as often as needed for passage, with a minimum of five (5) working days between re-testing. Advance notification of testing date is required and will be administered within two (2) weeks.
4. Materials covered on the test will be reviewed with the supervisor.
5. Materials answered incorrectly on the test will be generally pointed out for further study.
6. The District shall maintain a set of materials in the supervisor’s office that employees will be permitted to check out for the purpose of preparing to take the tests. Test questions will be selected based on these materials. Materials may be checked out for a period of one (1) week at a time.
7. A reasonable amount of time will be given for written test completion and demonstration test completion.
8. The written test used in each category will be the same test for everyone taking the test.
9. The same test is used for the Maintenance II qualifying and Maintenance II advance testing. The only difference is the accuracy rate required for each position.
10. A seventy percent (70%) or better accuracy rate will be used as a guideline for test passage at the Maintenance II position. No additional pay increases per test.
11. A ninety percent (90%) or better accuracy rate will be used as a guideline for test passage at the Maintenance II advance testing level. Additional twenty-five cents ($0.25) per test passed after the Maintenance II level has been reached. (Requires Business Manager’s approval)
12. An accuracy rate of ninety percent (90%) or more on a written test, regardless of what level you are testing for, qualifies for advance written test passage in that particular category.
13. A “custodian” or “other classification” employee who has pre-passed the four tests and performance criteria, may become Maintenance II employees instead of Maintenance III employees when a vacancy occurs. They would serve the fifteen (15) day probationary period at the probationary rate. After the fifteen (15) day probationary period, the employee will be placed at the longevity step previously held.
14. Any employee wishing to take the written test shall fill out the application form provided by the District requesting to take such tests. Copies of the completed form will be given to the Building/...
Written Test. 1) A written test will be used to determine eligibility and ranking for participation in the Assessment Center and Chief’s interview.
2) The written test date will be posted no later than the Friday of the first week of November.
3) The written test will be prepared, validated, and graded by an outside company or contractor.
4) The Labor-Management committee will mutually establish a list of ten (10) nationally recognized fire service test books or reference books to be used in the creation of the written test. This list will remain in effect for the term of this agreement.
5) The written test will consist of one hundred (100) questions, from no more than five (5) books from the list established in Step 4. A list of the course material will be posted no later than the Friday of the first week of November.
6) The minimum passing score for the written test will be seventy (70%)
7) The candidates will be ranked in descending order of their score. In the event there is at tie, the tie will be broken by the Candidates’ seniority in rank.
Written Test. A written test will be administered to all applicants for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant. The test will be either a nationally recognized test, a test prepared by OSU Tech or a test prepared by some other mutually agreed to source. A score of seventy percent (70%) must be scored in order for the applicant to be eligible to proceed in the promotional procedure. A point value of thirty - two (32) will be awarded for a score of one hundred percent (100%). Points for scores under one hundred percent (100%) will be awarded on a prorated basis as per the examples below. 70% will receive 2 points 72% will receive 4 points 74% will receive 6 points 76% will receive 8 points 84% will receive 16 points 86% will receive 18 points 94% will receive 26 points 98% will receive 30 points 100% will receive 32 points
Written Test. ➢ The written test under the Fast Track channel will consist of questions on English language and General Banking and will be of 100 marks. ➢ The written test may be either objective, descriptive or both. ➢ The written test will be given a weightage of 30 marks.
Written Test. The written test may be comprised of multiple choice, true and false, short answer, fill in the blank, essay and scenario based questions. All candidates will take the test at the same time and the same location. The test or portions thereof may come from a third party testing agency or through LSSU School of Fire Science. The tests will be scored by the Fire Chief and a Captain. At no time shall any members of this unit be involved in the creations, administration or scoring of the written test. A list of recommended reading and study material will be provided at least four weeks prior to the scheduled written test; this list may be posted before the job posting. If study material is provided, it will be provided to all candidates. The written test must be passed with score of 70% or greater to continue with the testing process. The candidate's promotional score for the written test will be calculated by multiplying their test percentage for 50.
Written Test. If such training is not provided by the Employer, the employee will be allowed to attend one (1) such Employer-approved training program without loss of pay. The employee will be reimbursed for program costs upon passing the written test.