Examples of Goal 4 in a sentence
Goal 4: Family and Community Engagement• All students will benefit from programs and services designed to inform and involve family and community partners.
Regional Goalso Regional Goal 1: Pacific people benefit from strengthened resilience to climate change;o Regional Goal 2: Pacific people benefit from healthy and resilient island and ocean ecosystems;o Regional Goal 3: Pacific people benefit from improved waste management and pollution control;o Regional Goal 4: Pacific people and their environment benefit from commitment to and best practice of environmental governance.
Strategic Plan GoalsGoal #1 – Student Growth and AchievementGoal #2 – Learning Culture of Equity, Engagement & AgencyGoal #3 – Professional Culture of Teamwork & Continuous Improvement Goal #4 – Family Engagement & Community PartnershipsGoal #5 - Effective and Innovative Use of Resources Shared Agreements ReflectionAt the July 18, 2013 meeting, the Board of Education finalized their “shared agreements” and agreed to begin each regular board meeting by reflecting on one agreement.
This finding illustrates that future pricing should consider the nature of the case, and the differences in the capabilities of the distributors and customers.
Applicable provisions of ORS chapter 215 and OAR 660 division 6, enacted or adopted pursuant to Goal 4, generally prohibit the establishment of a lot or parcel less than 80 acres in size in a forest zone and regulate the establishment of dwellings on new or existing lots or parcels.