NO STRIKE OR LOCKOUT. The Union agrees that there shall be no strike, walkout or other interruption of work by any employees or group of employees during the term of this Agreement and the Employer agrees that there shall be no lockout during the term of this Agreement.
NO STRIKE OR LOCKOUT. The University agrees that there will be no lockout during the term of this Agreement. The UFF agrees that there will be no strike by it or by any employees during the term of this Agreement.
NO STRIKE OR LOCKOUT. The Employer agrees that during the term of this Agreement, the Employer shall not cause or permit any lockout of employees from their work. In the event an employee is unable to perform his/her assigned duties because equipment or facilities are not available due to a strike, work stoppage, or slowdown by any other employees, such inability to provide work shall not be deemed a lockout. During the term of this Agreement, the Union shall neither cause nor counsel the members of the bargaining unit to strike, walk out, slowdown, or commit other acts of work stoppage. Upon notification confirmed in writing by the Department or Agency to the Union that certain bargaining unit employees covered by this Agreement are engaging in strike activity in violation of this Article, the Union shall, upon receipt of a mailing list, advise such striking employees in writing with a copy to the Department of Administrative Services and the affected Department and Agency, to return to work immediately. Such notification by the Union shall not constitute an admission that it has caused or counseled such strike activity. The notification by the Union to employees covered by this Agreement shall be made at the request of the Department of Administrative Services.
NO STRIKE OR LOCKOUT. 5:01 There shall be no strike or lockout during the term of this Agreement. The words “strike” and “lockout” shall be as defined in the Labour Relations Act for the Province of Ontario.
NO STRIKE OR LOCKOUT. 24.01 There shall be no strike, lockout or slowdown during the currency of this Collective Agreement.
NO STRIKE OR LOCKOUT. A. No Employee, during the term of this Agreement, shall engage in any strike, sympathy strike, slowdown, sit-down, sit-in, cessation, stoppage, refusal to perform work, picketing (except informational hand billing or leafleting) or any other interference with the work and statutory functions or obligation of the CITY. The CITY agrees that there will be no lockout.
B. Neither the Union nor its officers or agents shall in any way authorize, institute, aide, condone, or participate in any strike, sympathy strike, slowdown, sit-down, sit-in, cessation, stoppage, refusal to perform, picketing (except informational hand billing or leafleting), or any other interference with the work and statutory functions or obligations of the CITY.
C. In addition to any other liability, remedy, or right provided by applicable law or statute, should a strike, sympathy strike, slowdown, sit-down, sit-in, cessation, stoppage, refusal to perform work, picketing (except informational hand billing or leafleting), or other interference as stated above occur, the Union, within twenty- four (24) hours of a request by the CITY, shall:
(1) publicly disavow such action by the Employees;
(2) advise the CITY in writing that such action by Employees has not been caused or sanctioned by the Union;
(3) notify Employees, including its local officers and representatives, of its disapproval of such action and instruct such Employees to cease action and return to work immediately;
(4) post notices on Union bulletin boards advising that it disapproves of such action and instructing Employees to return to work immediately.
D. Nothing contained herein shall preclude the CITY from obtaining judicial restraint or any other legal remedies available to the CITY under State law in the event of a violation of this Article.
Section 2. In order to prevent the disruption of the essential services provided by the Division of Police, the parties hereto agree that if an impasse is reached during negotiations for a successor collective bargaining agreement, that said dispute(s) will be resolved by final and binding arbitration as provided in Ohio Revised Code, Chapter 4117 or by a mutually agreed upon alternative dispute resolution procedure, provided that procedure culminates in final and binding arbitration.
NO STRIKE OR LOCKOUT. The Board and the Association agree that disputes which may arise between them shall be settled without resort to strike or lockout and that the requirements of law in this regard will not be violated. The Board agrees it will not lockout any or all unit members during the term of this Agreement. The Association agrees on behalf of itself and unit members that there shall be no strikes, slow-downs or interference with the normal operation of the University during the term of this Agreement.
NO STRIKE OR LOCKOUT. The UNION agrees it will refrain from any strike, work stoppage, slowdown or other job action, and will not support or condone any such job action. The STATE agrees that it will refrain from locking out its employees.
NO STRIKE OR LOCKOUT. The parties agree that there shall be no strike or lockout while this Agreement is in force.
NO STRIKE OR LOCKOUT. 5.01 During the term of this Collective Agreement, the Union agrees that there will be no strikes and the Employer agrees that there will be no lockout. The words “strike” and “lockout” have the meaning attributed to them in the interpretation section of the Ontario Labour Relations Act.
5.02 It is agreed if such action is taken by the employees, the Union will instruct said employees to return to work and to perform their usual duties and to resort to the grievance procedure for the resolution of any complaint or grievance.