Timing of Evaluations Sample Clauses

Timing of Evaluations. Annual performance evaluations shall normally take place near the anniversary date of completion of original probation. However, as to employees who have been rehired as a restoration or after a reduction in force, the date of rehire shall be the anniversary date for the annual evaluation. The Human Resources Department will attempt to secure agency cooperation in conducting the evaluation process in reasonable relationship to the above schedule. Failure to conduct a timely annual rating shall not be grievable. In the event the time for annual evaluation falls subsequent to the issuance of a notice of performance deficiency (Step 1) but prior to the commencement of a PPR, the employer may issue an evaluation which does not supersede the previously issued notice. A special evaluation may be used at any time except it shall not be used as a late annual evaluation. Written feedback furnished to an employee which would have constituted the annual evaluation had it been timely conducted, shall not be considered as an evaluation, shall not be placed in the employee’s file at the time of issuance, shall not be grievable and does not require the presence of a union representative when issued. An oral or written notice of performance deficiency (Step 1 in the order of progressive corrective action) shall not be grievable when issued, and, when issued, shall not require the presence of a union representative. However, once Step 2 of progressive corrective action has been implemented (a special or annual evaluation coupled with a PPR) such notice or a written record of such notice shall be placed in the employee’s personnel file and shall be fully grievable.
Timing of Evaluations. An employee serving a promotional probationary period shall be evaluated at the end of the third and fifth months of service. Special evaluation reports may be made at other than the specified times when such are deemed necessary by the supervisor or designated manager.
Timing of Evaluations. All regular employees who have completed their probationary period should be evaluated once every twelve (12) months. In addition, an employee may also be evaluated at any time at the discretion of the department head, or when the performance of the employee has been rated at or below the “Improvement Needed” level on the most recent evaluation.
Timing of Evaluations. Annual performance evaluations shall normally take place near the anniversary date of completion of original probation. However, as to employees who have been rehired as a restoration or after a reduction in force, the date of rehire shall be the anniversary date for the annual evaluation. The Human Resources Department will attempt to secure agency cooperation in conducting the evaluation process in reasonable relationship to the above schedule. Failure to conduct a timely annual rating shall not be grievable; provided, however, that after fifteen (15) days’ notice of intent to the Commissioner of Human Resources the VSEA retains the right to pursue judicial remedies for failure to comply with the provisions of 3 V.S.A. Section 322.
Timing of Evaluations. Annual performance evaluations shall normally take place near the anniversary date of completion of original probation. However, as to employees who have been rehired as a restoration or after a reduction in force, the date of rehire shall be the anniversary date for the annual evaluation. The Personnel Department will attempt to secure agency cooperation in conducting the evaluation process in reasonable relationship to the above schedule. Failure to conduct a timely annual rating shall not be grievable. Deadline for Evaluation Meetings: A meeting to discuss an evaluation shall be held within forty- five (45) days after the applicable anniversary date, or after the end of any prescriptive period for remediation or warning period. This deadline may be extended to accommodate the employee’s illness or injury. Where the deadline is not satisfied, the employee shall be granted an annual overall presumptive rating equal to his or her last annual overall rating, but not less than a Satisfactory ("S") rating. However, if the time for annual evaluation falls during a prescriptive period for remediation or warning period (See Disciplinary Action Article, Section 1, e, 2 & 3), the annual evaluation shall be waived, and the last evaluation in such process shall be deemed to be the annual evaluation. In the event the time for annual evaluation falls subsequent to the issuance of a notice of performance deficiency (Step 1) but prior to the commencement of a prescriptive period for remediation ("PPR"), the employer may issue an evaluation which does not supersede the previously issued notice. A special evaluation may be used at any time except it shall not be used as a late annual evaluation. Written feedback furnished to an employee which would have constituted the annual evaluation had it been timely conducted, shall not be considered as an evaluation, shall not be placed in the employee’s file at the time of issuance, shall not be grievable and does not require the presence of a union representative when issued. An oral or written notice of performance deficiency (Step 1 in the order of progressive corrective action) shall not be grievable when issued, and, when issued, shall not require the presence of a union representative. However, once Step 2 of progressive corrective action has been implemented (a special or annual evaluation coupled with a prescriptive period for remediation) such notice or a written record of such notice shall be placed in the employee’s per...
Timing of Evaluations. Annual performance evaluations shall normally take place near the anniversary date of completion of original probation. However, as to employees who have been rehired as a restoration or after a reduction in force, the date of rehire shall be the anniversary date for the annual evaluation. The Human Resources Department will attempt to secure agency cooperation in conducting the evaluation process in reasonable relationship to the above schedule. Failure to conduct a timely annual rating shall not be grievable; provided, however, that after fifteen (15) days’ notice of intent to the Commissioner of Human Resources the VTA retains the right to pursue judicial remedies for failure to comply with the provisions of 3 VSA Section 322. In the event the time for annual evaluation falls subsequent to the issuance of a notice of performance deficiency (Step I) but prior to the commencement of a PPR, the employer may issue an evaluation which does not supersede the previously issued notice. A special evaluation may be used at any time except it shall not be used as a late annual evaluation. Written feedback furnished to an employee which would have constituted the annual evaluation had it been timely conducted, shall not be considered as an evaluation, shall not be placed in the employee’s file at the time of issuance, shall not be grievable and does not require the presence of a union representative.
Timing of Evaluations. Employees will be formally evaluated at least once every three (3) academic years. Employees who receive a negative evaluation may request and receive an interim evaluation to establish that performance concerns have been addressed.
Timing of Evaluations. All Bargaining Unit Faculty members may be evaluated once during each appointment period, and evaluations must be completed within one (1) Academic Term. Department Chairs (or qualified designee) are responsible for ensuring completion of the evaluations on a timely basis. If the Chair does not complete the evaluation in a timely manner, the evaluation will be deemed satisfactory for that Bargaining Unit Faculty member. This Article does not prevent Chairs (or qualified designee) from conducting reasonable additional observations or personal conferences with Bargaining Unit Faculty.
Timing of Evaluations. It is particularly important that reports be done in a timely manner, particularly with probationary employees for whom timely information is part of assuring every opportunity for successful completion of their probationary period. Newly hired employees will be evaluated at least quarterly (90 days) during the initial year. 1. An employee will complete a self-rating in advance of their annual evaluation review with his or her supervisor. An employee should receive a mid-year review, and a final appraisal after the completion of each year (from the anniversary date) in a position. A special performance evaluation/performance improvement plan may be instituted when, in the supervisor’s judgment, the employee’s performance requires immediate improvement. The Fire Chief or designee will maintain a system to assist supervisors in completing performance evaluations on time.
Timing of Evaluations. All Adjunct Faculty may be evaluated once during each appointment period, and evaluations must be completed within the same academic term in which they were started. Evaluations shall be completed by the applicable Department Chair or the Adjunct Faculty's direct supervisor or a full-time faculty member designated by the Chair. Department Chairs (or designees) are responsible for ensuring completion of the evaluations of Adjunct Faculty on a timely basis. If the Chair (or designee) does not complete the evaluation in a timely manner, the evaluation will be deemed satisfactory for that Adjunct Faculty member. This Article does not prevent Chairs (or designees) from conducting reasonable additional observations or personal conferences with Adjunct Faculty.