Other/Miscellaneous Agreements Sample Contracts

ማብራሪያ • February 2nd, 2023
Not Specified • December 28th, 2018
July 11, 2017
Not Specified • July 11th, 2017
Consent and Release for Students to be Filmed/Phtographed/Interview and use of Image/Voice
Consent and Release for Students to Be Filmed/Photographed/Interviewed • February 19th, 2016
ሐምሌ 22 ቀን 2AAA ዓ.ም. ዳኞች፡- Aቶ Aብዱልቃድር መሐመድ
የአስተዳደር ውል • December 27th, 2016
የአካባቢ እና ማህበራዊ አስተዳደር ሥርዓት (ESMS)
Environmental and Social Management System (Esms) Policy • October 31st, 2019
አመታዊ ትርፍ የማጋራት ስምምነት • July 1st, 2023
Training Manual • October 24th, 2017
የመኖሪያ ቤት ድጋፍ ክፍያዎች (HAP) ውል
የመኖሪያ ቤት ድጋፍ ክፍያዎች (Hap) ውል • August 30th, 2023
Joint Legal Cooperation Agreement • February 28th, 2023
የአሳልፎ መስጠት ስምምነት • February 2nd, 2023
Death Payment of $20,000.00 and Release Agreement
Death Payment and Release Agreement • November 30th, 2022

Upon the death of the Hebret Mutual Aid Society member mentioned above on , I/We the undersigned, Designee(s) of the deceased, hereby confirm receipt of $20,000 (Twenty thousand dollars) that the Society gives full and final payment as stated in the Bylaws. I/We acknowledge and agree that The Society is not responsible for other than paying out the money and will not be held liable for any issue/problem that arises in the future due to the improper disbursement of the funds. In addition, I/we confirm that I/we have given permission to HMAS One to post a photograph and an obituary on The Society’s website. I/we hereby declare that I/we have fully read and understood this Death Payment & Release Agreement and voluntarily signed here below.

Not Specified • January 3rd, 2017
June 24, 2015 -
Not Specified • June 25th, 2015
የግለሰብ የባህርይ አፈፃጸም ውጤት መግለጫ ቅጽ ቅጽ-3 • July 4th, 2014
Joint Legal Cooperation Agreement • January 23rd, 2023
34504.doc 36060.doc 36677.doc 36682.doc 38181.doc 39114.doc 41187.doc 43206.doc
የሰ/መ/ቁ. 39114 • August 9th, 2016
Joint Legal Cooperation Agreement • February 28th, 2023
ዳኞች፡- 1. Aቶ መንበረፀሐይ ታደሰ
የሰበር መ.ቁ. 15631 • February 13th, 2018
ዳኛ ጅሬኛ ዴቲ • May 20th, 2022
Not Specified • January 3rd, 2017
Not Specified • May 31st, 2022
Joint Legal Cooperation Agreement • January 23rd, 2023
የአከባቢ እና የማኅበራዊ ሕይወት አስተዳደር ሥርዓት (ESMS)
Environmental and Social Management System (Esms) • March 2nd, 2018

ተጽእኖ ዳሰሳ (ESIA) መወሰን፤ (ii) አማራጮችን መለየት፤ (iii) ባለ ድርሻ አካላትን መለየት (እነዚያን በቀጥታ በተጠቁት ላይ ትኩረት ማድረግ) እና አከባቢያዎ እና ማኅበራዊ ማመሳከሪያ መረጃን መሰብሰብ፤ (iv) ተጽእኖውን መለየት፣ ትንበያ፣ እና ትንታኔ፤ (v) ቅለትን መፍጠር ወይም የአስተዳደር መለኪያዎች እና ክንውኖች፤ (vi) የተጽእኖዎቹ ጠቀሜታ (ምንጭ፡ IFC PS 1) ESMP አከባቢያዊ እና ማኅበራዊ አስተዳደር ዕቅድ ESMS አከባቢያዊ እና ማኅበራዊ አስተዳደር ሥርዓት EXCO ሥራ አስፈጻሚ ኮሚቴ FP የገንዘብ መጠን አስቀድሞ ነጻ እና የታወቀ ስምምነት (FPIC) ከተወላጅ ሰዎች ጋር የማማከር አገልግሎት ሊሰራ የሚገባው በተለየ ሁኔታዎች ውስጥ በIFC PS7 ላይ እንደተገለጸው (በተለይም አንቀጾችን 13-17) ላይ) በተለይም የአከባቢው ተወላጅ ሕዝቦች በአገር በቀል በተለይም ለእጥ፣ ወይም ከዚያ መሸጥና መሬትን የመሬታቸው ገለጻ እና ስለምድራቸው ገለጻ እና ለተፈጥሯዊ እና ባሕላዊ ምንጮች (ምንጮች፡ IFC PS 7) GIIP መልካም ዓለም አቀፍ ኢንዳስትሪ ልምምዶች IC የኢንቨስትመንት ኮሚቴ የተነገረ አማካሪነት እና ተሳትፎ (ICP) አጠቃላይ የሆነ የአማሪነት ሂደት ማኅበረሰቡ ላይ ተጽእኖ የሚያመጣ በጣም የሚያጨናንቅ እና በእንቅስቃሴ ላይ ያለ ዓይነት ሆኖ በጣም ጥልቀት ያለው የልውውጥ እይታዎችን እና መረጃዎችን የሚያካትት፣ ወደ የጋራ ትንታኔ እና ውሳኔ ላይ ወደ መረስ የሚያመራ በሂድቱ የጋራ የሆነ የባለቤትነትን እና ውጤቱን ለማምጣት ዓላማ ያደረገ ነው (ምንጭ፡ ባለድርሻ አካላት ተሳትፎ መምሪያ፤ IFC, 2007)። ዓለምአቀፍ የፋይናንስ ትብብር (IFC) በዋሽንግተን፣ DC, USA፣ ውስጥ የተመሰረተ ዓለም አቀፍ ድርጅት በአባላት ሀገሮች መካከል በተ

Partial Death Payment of $5000.00 and Release Agreement
Partial Death Payment and Release Agreement • November 30th, 2022

ከዚህ በላይ ስማቸው የተጠቀሰው የኅብረት መረዳጃ ማህበር እ. ኤ አቆጣጠር ከዚህ አለም በሞት የተለዩ ሲሆን ከዚህ በታች ስሜ/ስማችን የተጠቀሰው የአባሉ ተወካይ/ተወካዮች በመተዳደሪያ ደንቡ መሰረት የቀብር ስርአት ለማስፈፀሚያ ማህበሩ የሚሰጠውን ቀሪውን $5,000 (አምስት ሺህ ዶላር) ተፈላጊውን መረጃ አቅርቤ መቀበሌን አረጋግጣለሁ/ እናረጋግጣለን። ማህበሩ ገንዘቡን ከመክፈል በስተቀር ቀብሩን የማስፈፀም ምንም አይነት ሀላፊነት የሌለበት መሆኑንና ወደፊትም ገንዘቡ በትክክል ስራ ላይ ባለመዋሉ ለሚነሳ ማንኛውም አይነት ችግር ተጠያቂ አለመሆኑን መስማማቴን/መስማማታችንን አረጋግጣለሁ/እናረጋግጣለን። በተጨማሪም የኅብረት መረዳጃ ማህበር የሟችን ፎቶግራፍ እና መረጃ በድህረገጹ ላይ እንዲለጥፍ የፈቀድኩ/የፈቀድን መሆኑን አረጋግጣለሁ/እናረጋግጣለን። ይህንን የሞት ክፍያ ሰነድና የሃላፊነት ማውረጃ ስምምነት በሙሉ አንብቤና/አንብበን ተረድቼ/ተረድተን በፈቃደኝነት ከዚህ በታች ፈርሜያለሁ/ፈርመናል። Upon the death of the Hebret Mutual Aid Society member mentioned above on , I/We the undersigned, representative(s) of the deceased, were unable to get the original death certificate to receive the full and final payment the Society gives for funeral expenses as stated in the Bylaw, hereby confirm receipt of the remaining $5,000 upon submission of the original death certificate. I/We acknowledge and agree that The Society is not res

ማብራሪያ • February 2nd, 2023
Peter Tatian እና Diane Glauber
የፍትሃዊ የቤቶች እቅድ • December 16th, 2022
Partial Death Payment of $15,000.00 and Release Agreement
Release Agreement • November 30th, 2022

Upon the death of the Hebret Mutual Aid Society member mentioned above on , I/We the undersigned, representative(s) of the deceased, were unable to get the original death certificate to receive the full and final payment the Society gives for expenses as stated in the Bylaw, hereby confirm receipt of the remaining $15,000 upon submission of the original death certificate. I/We acknowledge and agree that The Society is not responsible for arrangements other than paying out the money and will not be held liable for any issue/problem that arises in the future due to the improper disbursement of the funds. In addition, I/we confirm that I/we have given permission to HMAS to post a photograph and an obituary on The Society’s website I/we hereby declare that I/we have fully read and understood this Death Payment & Release Agreement and voluntarily signed here below.

ሐምሌ 29 ቀን 2000 ዓ.ም ዳኞች፡- Aቶ Aብዱልቃድር መሐመድ
Not Specified • December 27th, 2016
Joint Legal Cooperation Agreement • January 23rd, 2023
የአሳልፎ መስጠት ስምምነት • February 2nd, 2023