Acting Lieutenant Sample Clauses

Acting Lieutenant. Public Safety Officers assigned as Acting Lieutenant shall be paid $3.00 per hour in addition to the base rate for all hours worked as Acting Lieutenant during the assignment. The Acting Lieutenant shall perform the routine duties of the Lieutenant for the hours/days the Lieutenant is absent. The Acting Lieutenant designated shall be assigned by the Director of Public Safety or designee and shall be voluntary on the part of the employees. In the event of an absence of the Campus Lieutenant for three (3) or more consecutive working days, a Public Safety Officer shall be designated as Acting Lieutenant. After six (6) consecutive months in an assignment as Acting Lieutenant, an Officer shall be paid $3.75 per hour in addition to the base rate for all hours worked from the beginning of the seventh (7th) consecutive month worked during the assignment. The $3.75 is not retroactive to the first day of the assignment nor is it compounded on the $3.00.
Acting Lieutenant. Any member who is designated by the Chief of Police, or designee, as an “Acting Lieutenant” shall be compensated in an amount equal to 6% above the top rate for a sergeant. The Acting Lieutenant designation may be made when the Chief of Police, or designee, in his or her sole discretion, deems it necessary to designate an Acting Lieutenant for a specific and limited period of time under such conditions as the Chief of Police, or designee, may determine. The member designated as an Acting Lieutenant must work a minimum of eight (8) consecutive hours as officer-in-charge in order to be entitled to additional compensation. The exercise of the Chief of Police’s, or designee, discretion as described above is not grievable. When a member serves as an Acting Lieutenant, there will be no break in OPBA seniority.
Acting Lieutenant. To be eligible to act as a Lieutenant, any person must have at least five years' service as a First Class Fire Fighter. They shallsuccessfully complete NFPA 1021Fire Officer I (April2014), or the Ontario Fire College curriculum for the Company Officer Level One certificate. In addition acting lieutenants must successfully complete occupational health and safety training requirements for Competent Supervisors. Those members eligible to act as a Lieutenant will form the departmental list of "Qualified Acting Lieutenants".
Acting Lieutenant. 29.1 When a senior Patrol Officer on duty is assigned by a commanding officer for a temporary period, because of the absence of a Lieutenant, to perform duties as an Acting Lieutenant, he shall be paid a differential of forty-eight cents ($0.48) per hour for the actual time he works as an Acting Lieutenant, and shall be required to report at the same starting time as the Lieutenant he is temporarily replacing. Effective July 1, 1999, the differential shall be One Dollar Thirty Five Cents ($1.35) per hour
Acting Lieutenant. A. Whenever a member is required to serve as an Acting Lieutenant for minimum of one (1) hour, the member shall be compensated an additional one dollar ($1.00) per hour for all hours worked in such acting capacity. B. All Acting Lieutenant assignments shall be made on the basis of qualifications for such assignments in the judgment of the City. C. The Lieutenant assigned to Station 23 shall be paid an additional one dollar ($1.00) per hour when assigned as shift commander.
Acting Lieutenant. Any firefighter who works in the rank of Acting Lieutenant shall be paid the same hourly rate as the first step on the Lieutenant pay scale for that period of time in which the firefighter has been appointed to the acting position for his shift by the Chief or his designee. A firefighter is paid acting pay for all time that they are in the acting role. The selection for firefighter who is to work as an Acting Lieutenant shall be taken from that shift’s listing of individuals in the order in which they rank from top to bottom on the then active lieutenant’s list. If there is no firefighter on that shift listed on the lieutenant’s listing, or the list is exhausted, the Chief or designee will select the person to fill the position. If an eligibility list is expired, the old list and personnel will be used until a new one is posted.
Acting Lieutenant. Those Firefighters who are placed in charge of a shift, for a half of shift or more, in the absence of the Captain or Lieutenant shall be considered Acting Lieutenants for that designated time period. In addition to their current rate of pay, Acting Lieutenants will receive additional compensation as outlined in the attached wage scale. Acting Lieutenants for each shift shall be appointed by the Fire Chief after successfully passing the Lieutenant Xxxx and completing the mutually agreeable Acting Lieutenant training program and task book. Employees being promoted to the rank of Acting Lieutenant must have five (5) years continuous service to the Department, hold certifications to meet the requirements of NFPA 1001, Standards for Firefighter Professional Ǫualifications, and NFPA 1021, Standards for Fire Officer Professional Ǫualifications. Employees must also hold and maintain at least a Paramedic EMS License. Those individuals that successfully pass the Acting Lieutenant exam will not be required to test again unless there is a twelve (12) month lapse in time from being an Acting Lieutenant. Those individuals that successfully pass the Acting Lieutenant exam will not be required to retest annually unless they wish to do so. The Fire Chief may require remedial training for those Acting Lieutenants whose performance is not satisfactory. The Fire Chief reserves the right to remove an individual from the Acting Lieutenant position for egregious conduct. Said written exam will be a Lieutenant level written promotional exam developed by an independent testing agency and shall be administered by the Public Safety Commission annually in October and shall not be utilized for any promotional process to either Lieutenant or Captain. A recommended reading list for the exam shall be published in July of each year to provide for an adequate study period. Only those employees that have five (5) years of service at the time the written test is administered shall be eligible to take said exam. Those Firefighters meeting the above requirements and wishing to apply for said designation shall notify the Fire Chief in writing by November 15th of each year expressing their desire to become or continue within these responsibilities for the upcoming year. In the event that no Firefighter on a given shift expresses a desire to take on the Acting Lieutenant responsibilities, the Fire Chief reserves the right to make shift to shift transfer of personnel in order to ensure that each ...

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