Actions under the Program. The actions taken by the Recipient under the Program include the following:
Actions under the Program. The actions taken by the Borrower under the Program include the following:
Actions under the Program. Actions Taken Under the Program
Actions under the Program. Actions Taken Under the Program. The actions taken by the Borrower under the Program include the following:
1. The Borrower, through the CCT Intersectoral Committee, has: (i) adopted procedures and mechanisms to allow for the verification of compliance with health and education co-responsibilities under the CCT Solidaridad Program; and (ii) established regional intersectoral committees in all regions covered by the CCT Solidaridad Program, as evidenced by a Disposición issued by the CCT Intersectoral Committee, dated August 26, 2011.
2. The Borrower has designed and mandated the establishment of an integral monitoring and evaluation system for purposes of sharing technical information amongst: (i) the CCT Solidaridad Program; (ii) the Borrower’s Ministries of Education and Health; (iii) ADESS; and (iv) SIUBEN, as evidenced by a Disposición issued jointly by the CCT Intersectoral Committee and the CCT Interagency Committee, dated August 25, 2011.
3. The Borrower, through its Ministry of Health, has: (i) mandated the daily registration of primary health care services through the Clinic Management System, as evidenced by Disposición No. 0000016, dated July 26, 2011, issued by the Borrower’s Ministry of Health; and (ii) issued an action plan (Plan de Acción para Apoyar e Incentivar la Aplicación de Protocolos y Uso del Sistema de Registro de Atenciones en los Centros de Primer Nivel), for the institutional strengthening of entities within the Borrower’s health sector, training, and the establishment of performance incentives for physicians, nurses and administrative staff of primary health care centers related to the use of the Clinic Management System.
4. The Borrower, through its Ministry of Education, has: (i) approved a mechanism for the transfer of financial resources to District Offices for the purchase of didactic materials, financing of non-personnel services and non-financial assets; and (ii) validated student evaluation standards for secondary education, as evidenced by Resolution No. 668-2011, dated September 7, 2011 and Resolution No. 605-2011, dated September 2, 2011.
5. The Borrower, through its Social Cabinet, has: (i) expanded the number of institutions affiliated to the Red de Abastecimiento Social (RAS) to a total of 3,067 institutions as of September 30, 2011 (from a baseline of 1,988 institutions as of June 30, 2009); (ii) approved the bylaws of the RAS; and (iii) entered into an agreement with Pro-Consumidor, dated August 10, 2011 to: (A) ...
Actions under the Program. The actions to be taken under the Program are set out in the Schedule to the Program Agreement.
Actions under the Program. The actions taken by the Recipient under the Program include the following: The Recipient has approved the Public Financial Management Reform Action Plan, in form and manner satisfactory to the World Bank. The Recipient has enacted the Law on the Civil Service No. 03/L-149 and the Law on Civil Service Remuneration No. 03/L-147, with a completed analysis of cost implications, and published such laws in the Official Gazette dated June 25, 2010, all in a form and manner satisfactory to the World Bank. The Recipient has: (i) established a permanent inter-ministerial committee on sustainable employment; and (ii) approved an employment strategy. The Recipient’s inter-ministerial committee on sustainable employment has approved an action plan based on the employment strategy and included actions with budgetary implications for 2010 in the 2010 budget, all in a form and manner satisfactory to the World Bank. The Recipient has: (i) approved the Kosovo Cadastre Agency’s strategy and business plan; and (ii) enacted the Law on Leasing No. 03/L-103, dated July 17, 2009, and published such law in the Official Gazette dated August 10, 2009; both satisfactory to the World Bank. The Recipient, through the Kosovo Accreditation Agency, has completed an accreditation review of all private tertiary education institutions, in a form and manner satisfactory to the World Bank. The Recipient’s Cabinet has taken decision 02/51, dated January 23, 2009, to increase the level of social assistance and pension benefits to cover the cumulated inflation since calendar year 2005, but without resorting to higher labor taxes, in a form and manner satisfactory to the World Bank.
Actions under the Program. The actions taken by the Borrower, through the Entities, under the Program include the following: The Parliament of RS has enacted a law, satisfactory to the Bank, on targeting of cash benefits mandating the targeting to needs. The Parliament of the Federation has enacted a law, satisfactory to the Bank, with a view to: (a) targeting cash benefits by way of mandating targeting to needs; (b) introducing a coefficient mechanism for all rights-based benefit schemes; and (c) introducing the indexation of all rights-based benefits to inflation instead of wage growth. The Parliament of RS has enacted a law, satisfactory to the Bank, amending the RS Law on the Rights of War Veterans and Families of Deceased Soldiers (Official Gazette No. 55/07) with a view to introducing, as of January 1, 2011, the targeting to means for the following benefits: (a) disabled war veterans with disability level 20% to and including 50%; and (b) all family benefits with the exception of children under age 27 who receive full time education. The Parliament of the Federation has enacted a law, satisfactory to the Bank, amending the Federation Law on Rights of Defenders and their Families (Official Gazette No. 33/04, as amended) with a view to introducing: (a) as of January 1, 2011, the targeting to means for the following benefits: (i) disabled war veterans with disability level 20% to and including 50%; and (ii) all family benefits with the exception of children under age 27 who receive full time education; (b) a coefficient mechanism for rights-based benefit schemes under said Law; and (c) indexation of rights-based benefits under said Law to inflation instead of wage growth. The Parliament of the Federation has enacted a law, satisfactory to the Bank, amending Federation Law on Special Rights of the Holders of Military Decorations (Official Gazette No. 70/05) with a view to introducing: (a) income means testing as of May 1, 2010; (b) a coefficient mechanism for rights-based benefit schemes under said Law; and (c) indexation of rights-based benefits under said Law to inflation instead of wage growth. The Parliament of the Federation has enacted a law, satisfactory to the Bank, repealing the Federation Law on Rights of Demobilized Soldiers and their Families (Official Gazette No. 61/06) and providing that benefits extended to current beneficiaries pursuant to said Law will cease on April 30, 2010. The Parliament of the Federation has enacted a law, satisfactory to the Bank, mandating ...
Actions under the Program. The actions taken by the Borrower under the Program include the following: Improving Public Sector
Actions under the Program. The actions taken by the Recipient under the Program include the following: Macroeconomic Framework
Actions under the Program. Pillar I –