Actions Taken Under the Program. The actions taken by the Recipient under the Program include the following:
Actions Taken Under the Program. The actions taken by the Borrower under the Program include the following:
Actions Taken Under the Program. The actions taken by the Recipient under the Program include the following:
1. The Recipient has: (a) notified the government’s approval for the restructuring of the Federal Board of Revenue into an integrated federal tax administration agency organized according to functions; and (b) implemented related organizational changes in top management in the Federal Board of Revenue.
2. The Recipient, through MOF’s D.O. No. F.3(58) EF-C-II/2008 dated January 21, 2009, has approved the policy action plan to amend the legislation of domestic indirect taxes, to ensure a comprehensive taxation of goods and services in the form of a value added tax.
3. The Recipient has: (a) through MOP&NR’s letter No. PL-3(457)/2009 introduced automatic monthly adjustments of consumer fuel prices to reflect international fuel prices; and (b) through MOP&NR’s notification S.R.O. (1)/2008 of December 31, 2008, specified a revised minimum level of petroleum development levy.
4. The Recipient: (a) through Finance Act No. 1 of 2008, dated June 27, 2008, has authorized the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority to make monthly determination of the fuel adjustment surcharges; and (b) has notified to the public the new electricity tariffs within 15 days from tariff determination or re-determination.
5. The Recipient has adopted and begun implementation of a plan to eliminate power sector subsidies by June 30, 2009, consistent with the Recipient’s budget for fiscal year 2008/9.
6. The Recipient, through a letter from MOF, has communicated the consolidation and rationalization of the Public Sector Development Program portfolio by terminating non-viable projects and reducing the throw-forward by at least twenty percent (20%), consistent with the Recipient’s revised development priorities.
7. Through MOF’s letter No. F.2(4)DM/2003-79 dated January 13, 2009, the MOF has: (a) notified the State Bank of Pakistan, of the amendment of the PIB Rules, defining the MOF and the State Bank of Pakistan’s roles and decision-making rights in the issuance of Pakistan Investment Bonds; and (b) issued the Instructions to the State Bank of Pakistan.
8. Through S.R.O. (1)/2009 of January 22, 2009, issued by the Competition Commission, and MOF’s notification S.R.O. (I)/2009 of the same date, the Recipient has adopted CC Rules providing for: (a) the terms of reference of the members of the Competition Commission; and (b) the Competition Commission’s automatic sources of financing.
9. The Recipient, through St...
Actions Taken Under the Program. The actions taken by the Borrower under the Program include the following:
1. The Borrower, through its Secretariat of Tourism, has adopted the development of Agenda 21 action plans in 35 tourism destinations (additional to those that were in effect in December, 2006).
2. The Borrower, through PROFEPA, has increased by at least 50% the number of tourist enterprises participating in its environmental quality certification program (Programa de Calidad Ambiental Turística)(additional to those participating in December, 2006).
3. The Borrower has approved and started implementation of its 2007 – 2012 Energy Sector Program which promotes the implementation of energy efficiency targets, promotes non-hydro renewable energy sources and regulates the reduction of emissions of sulfur compounds.
4. The Borrower has increased CONAFOR’S budgetary allocation, by at least 80% (from 2006) to support: (a) greater community access to financial services; (b) the expansion of programs supporting sustainable forestry management; and (c) compensation to eligible forest land owners for environmental services.
5. The Borrower has issued specific provisions (Article 279) for the return of wastewater discharge fees, through CONAGUA, to municipalities and industries pursuant to the 2008 Federal Rights Law (Ley Federal de Derechos).
6. The Borrower, through CONAGUA, has adopted operational rules dated December 28, 2007 (Reglas de Operación para los Programas de Infraestructura Hidroagrícola, y de Agua Potable, Alcantarillado y Saneamiento a cargo de la Comisión Nacional de Agua, aplicables a partir del 2008) promoting efficient water use in its eight ongoing programs in irrigation, drainage, water supply, wastewater and sanitation.
7. The Borrower’s SEMARNAT and SAGARPA have signed a collaboration agreement for the implementation of joint actions to: (a) reduce negative environmental impacts of agricultural practices within the Mexican Mesoamerican Biological Corridor; and (b) include environmental criteria in the Operating Rules of SAGARPA’s Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Primary Production Program.
8. The Borrower, through CONAVI, has published new cross-sector guidelines, dated March, 2008, for incorporating environmentally sustainable practices into housing construction and is offering, through its main subsidy program, incentives to encourage their voluntary adoption.
Actions Taken Under the Program. The actions taken by the Recipient under the Program include the following, which have been found acceptable by the Association:
Actions Taken Under the Program. The actions taken by the Borrower under the Program include the following: The Borrower, through the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, has developed standard operating procedures within the Indonesia National Single Window for regular private sector consultative meetings on Indonesia National Single Window implementation issues, and has started holding the meetings. The Borrower, through the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, has developed work plans for the phased implementation of a Single Sign On procedure for two key agencies of Indonesia National Single Window: BPOM and the Directorate General of Customs. The Borrower, through the Ministry of Trade, has issued a Ministerial Decree (No. 709/M-DAG/KEP/9/2011) establishing a team to formulate Non-Tariff Measures under the Ministry of Trade, with clear standard operating procedures for the issuance of Non-Tariff Measures. The Borrower has issued a Presidential Regulation (No. 32/2011), a Ministerial Regulation (No. PER-06/X.XXXX/08/2011) and two Ministerial Decrees (No. KEP-35//X.XXXX/08/2011 and No. KEP-36//X.XXXX/08/2011), that put in place institutional mechanisms to enhance Connectivity in Indonesia. The Borrower has based Ministry/Agency Budget and Work Plans (RKA-K/L) for 2012 on Government Regulation (No. 90/2010) as evidenced by: separate treatment of baselines and new initiatives in the budget submission document following new guidelines on RKA-K/L; a manual for line ministries on formulation of new initiatives, which enables a review of rationale and cost information; and consistency between Government Work Plan (RKP) and RKA-K/L regarding performance and budget information. The Borrower, through the LKPP, has completed the strategy and policy for human resources development for the procurement function in government agencies. The Borrower has issued a Presidential Instruction (No.4/2011) on government internal audit systems, which clarifies the roles and responsibilities in internal controls. The Borrower has issued a Government Regulation (No. 71/2010) on accrual-based accounting The Borrower, through the Directorate General of Treasury, has submitted a draft regulation to the Minister of Finance detailing accounting policies and chart of accounts. The Borrower, through the National Team, has instructed agencies implementing Cluster 1 poverty programs to use the Unified Database. The Borrower’s National Team Executive Secretariat working group has submitted a policy note on ...
Actions Taken Under the Program. The actions taken by the Borrower under the Program include the following:
1. The Borrower has amended Law No. 133/2008 on Ajutor Social to implement a Case Management Approach for identifying and assessing the needs of the beneficiaries and provide access to services that respond to their needs, as evidenced by Law No. LP23/2024, dated February 15, 2024, and published in the Official Gazette on February 22, 2024.
2. The Borrower has amended the Labor Code to: (i) increase flexibility on hiring (a) Youth Workers for Light Tasks and (b) refugees to perform temporary or permanent tasks; and (ii) remove restrictions on the employment of pregnant women, including for the offering of work during non-working holidays, weekends, or night shifts by allowing such employment at the request of women who meet the requirements, as evidenced by Art. I of Law No. LP46/2024 dated March 14, 2024, and published in the Official Gazette on March 18, 2024.
3. The Borrower has enacted amendments to the Energy Vulnerability Reduction Fund legislation to (i) improve the targeting through the introduction of two additional energy vulnerability categories, as evidenced by Law No. 261/2023, dated August 17, 2023, and published in the Official Gazette on September 15, 2023, and (ii) introduce a monetized benefit for households categorized with very high or extreme energy vulnerability, as evidenced by Government Decision No. HG920/2023, dated November 22, 2023, and published in the Official Gazette on November 24, 2023.
4. The Borrower has enacted amendments to the Competition Law to: (i) establish the independence of the Competition Council and allocate the necessary resources to implement its mandate; (ii) increase the notification threshold to focus on important mergers and acquisitions; (iii) strengthen investigation capacity with better tools to collect direct evidence of violations; (iv) increase the maximum amount of fines for anticompetitive behavior; and (v) strengthen procedural fairness and protect the privacy of confidential information in legal proceedings, as evidenced by LP199/2023 dated July 25, 2023 and published in the Official Gazette on September 15, 2023.
5. The Borrower has amended the State Aid Law to: (i) increase the ceiling amount for De Minimis Aid, which is not subject to notification to the Competition Council; (ii) introduce a simplified notification procedure for selected state aid; and (iii) enhance transparency by establishing the publication of the d...
Actions Taken Under the Program. The actions taken by the Recipient under the Program include the following: The Recipient has satisfactorily implemented the Priority Action Plan for FY 2007, in accordance with paragraph 17 of the Letter of Development Policy. The Recipient has allocated adequate resources to MAP Priority Sectors in its budget for 2008, in accordance with paragraph 17 of the Letter of Development Policy. All Sector Ministries have reconciled their budget execution status with the Ministry of Finance and Budget at least every two (2) months, in accordance with paragraph 22 of the Letter of Development Policy. The Recipient has published on the website of the Procurement Oversight Institution the results of all public tendering processes of the central government with a contract value above 50,000 Dollars, in accordance with paragraph 24 of the Letter of Development Policy. The Recipient has started implementing the recommendations of the independent audit of the commitment control (CDE) in: (i) fully integrating the CDE into the integrated financial management system (SIGFP); and (ii) reducing the current transaction time necessary for the visa of the CDE by at least twenty percent (20%), in accordance with paragraphs 26 and 27 of the Letter of Development Policy. The Recipient has started reviewing the hydrocarbon law to include the separation of OMNIS regulatory function from its commercial ones in accordance with paragraph 40 of the Letter of Development Policy. The implementation by the Recipient of the National Education for All Plan is on track, in accordance with paragraph 35 of the Letter of Development Policy. The Recipient has updated and validated a health mapping at all levels of the health system, in accordance with paragraph 37 of the Letter of Development Policy. The Recipient has caused: (i) the national coordinator of the ONN to submit to the permanent office of the CNN the financial accounts of the ONN certified by an external independent auditor recruited by competitive bidding; and (ii) the permanent office of the CNN to validate the accounting and financial procedures manual of the ONN, all in accordance with the ONN implementation decree dated May 7, 2007, and paragraph 38 of the Letter of Development Policy. The Recipient has issued the decree for the creation of the directorate general of water and sanitation, and, through its ministry in charge of water, has started the recruitment of at least thirty (30) out of sixty (60) new staff for such direct...
Actions Taken Under the Program. The actions taken by the Borrower under the Program include the following:
1. The Borrower has ensured protection of social safety nets, pensions, and priority social spending programs for the poor and vulnerable by maintaining their shares in the 2010 State Budget (as compared to 2009) approved by Parliament on December 10, 2009 and by making available, via the Government Decrees # 275- N and 276-N/ dated March 25, 2010 and # 1238/N dated September 9, 2010, an additional 6.1 billion Armenian Drams for public spending for the poor and vulnerable.
2. The Borrower has strengthened the management and monitoring of social safety net programs to improve targeting efficiency and increase public awareness by establishing an inter-agency working group through a Government Protocol Decree #23, dated June 17, 2010 and by the Order of the Minister of Labor and Social Issues # N86-A/1 dated July 9, 2010.
3. The Borrower has issued Government Protocol Decree #38 dated September 30, 2010 adopting financing mechanisms to cover recurrent costs for the one-year school readiness program for 4.5-5.5 years old children.
4. The Borrower has issued a Government Protocol Decree #3 dated January 29, 2010 on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and launched performance-based contracting at primary health care level, including defined NCD services.
5. The Borrower has submitted to the National Assembly through Prime Minister’s letter #01/23.6/14392-10 dated November 16, 2010 revisions to competition- related legislation which aims at strengthening the autonomy and enforcement capacity of the State Committee for Protection of Economic Competition (SCPEC), and harmonizing key elements of the legislation with international best practice.
6. The Borrower has conducted an assessment of the improvement in spectrum management and monitoring, has discussed it with all spectrum stakeholders, and submitted to the Bank the minutes of the Borrower’s Board of the Broad Band and IT Security meeting of October 27, 2010, which includes key next steps in this area.
7. The Borrower has submitted to the National Assembly through a Prime Minister’s letter #01/24.1/13011 dated November 10, 2010 a new Mining Code adhering to international best practice for fiscal, environmental, social, and licensing standards.
8. The Borrower has achieved satisfactory progress towards business process reengineering (BPR) by:
(a) Contracting an external firm to advise on the BPR (contract # 09/101) with KPMG dated February ...
Actions Taken Under the Program. The actions taken by the Member Country under the Program include the following: