Additional Implementation Arrangements. 1. The Recipient shall select and appoint the Fiduciary Agent with terms of reference, qualification and experience satisfactory to the Association and in accordance with the provisions of Section III of Schedule 2 to this Agreement to:
(a) discharge all management and administrative functions under this Financing, including the procurement and financial management aspects thereof; and (b) maintain adequate financial coordination between MEF and MTPTC under the Project.
2. The Recipient shall ensure that:
(a) all the procurement of works under the Project, is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Section III of Schedule 2 of this Agreement, the Procurement Guidelines, and the Operational Manual;
(b) all contractors and consultants providing goods or carrying out works and services under the Project carry out their activities under the Project with due diligence and efficiency and in accordance with sound technical, economic, financial, managerial, environmental and social standards and practices satisfactory to the Association, including in accordance with the provisions of the ESMF, the Anti-Corruption Guidelines applicable to recipients of Grant proceeds other than the Recipient and the applicable provisions of the Operational Manual;
(c) all bidding documents and contracts under the Project incorporate the environmental and social standards satisfactory to the Association and provide the Recipient with the right of the Recipient to, inter alia, upon the contractor’s or consultant’s failure to perform any of its obligations under the applicable contract: (i) suspend or terminate the right of any contractor or consultant to receive or use the proceeds of the Financing; and (ii) obtain a refund of all or any part of the amount of the Financing withdrawn and outstanding; and
(d) for any additional consultancy that shall be required at any time during Project implementation in relation with the preparation of supplemental environmental and/or social studies or mitigation measures, actions and policies under the ESMF or any advice associated therewith and to be financed out of the proceeds of this Financing, the Recipient shall ensure that the terms of reference of and the ensuing report for, any such consultancy shall duly incorporate all pertinent and current Association’s operational, fiduciary, environmental or social safeguards requirements in each such respect.
Additional Implementation Arrangements. 1. The Recipient shall, through MENFP, ensure that the annual Project work plans and budgets prepared by PMT, approved by CS-FIA and agreed by the Association are thereafter carried out with diligence and efficiency.
2. Not later than 1 month after the Effective Date, the Recipient shall, through MENFP and in accordance with the provisions of Section III of Schedule 2 to this Agreement, select and appoint to the PMT an assistant coordinator for the implementation of the Project as referred to in part A.1(a) of this Schedule.
3. The Recipient, through MENFP, shall ensure that annual technical audits of Project activities are carried out by independent auditors.
4. Not later than 4 months after the Effective Date, the Recipient shall, through MENFP and in accordance with the provisions of Section III of Schedule 2 to this Agreement, select and appoint a technical auditor for the annual technical evaluation of ongoing and/or completed Project activities referred to in paragraph 3 heretofore.
5. Not later than 1 month after the Effective Date, the Recipient shall, in accordance with the provisions of Section III of Schedule 2 to this Agreement, select and appoint at the MENFP department of administrative affairs, an accountant and a procurement specialist to support the implementation of the Project.
6. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section IV B. 1(b) of this Schedule, the Recipient shall not make any request for financing of any PPA under this Agreement until and unless the relevant PPA, satisfactory in form and substance to the Association, shall have been entered into between the Recipient and the relevant Beneficiary IFMs, as further specified in the Operational Manual.
Additional Implementation Arrangements. 1. The Recipient, shall ensure and shall cause INIAF to ensure, that:
(a) the Research Subprojects, SAR Subprojects, and Pilot Subprojects are identified, appraised, selected, approved, implemented, managed and evaluated in accordance with the procedures set forth or referred to in the OM;
(b) each annual Project work plan, including internal audit plans and budgets (“POA”), is: (i) prepared by the pertinent Directorate of INIAF identified in the OM; (ii) subsequently reviewed and approved by the Steering Committee; (iii) then submitted to the Association by November 30 of the calendar year preceding the year when such POA is intended to be executed; and (iv) thereafter implemented with due diligence and efficiency duly applying the Association’s comments, views and recommendations thereon; and
(c) the terms of reference of any consultancy work required during Project implementation in connection with the preparation of additional environmental and/or social studies or mitigation measures, actions and policies under the EMF and the PMP, or any advice associated therewith, and to be financed out of the proceeds of this Financing, shall duly incorporate all pertinent and current Association’s operational safeguards requirements in each such respect. The Recipient shall, under each budget proposal to its legislature for the corresponding year during Project implementation, make adequate arrangements to assume, for that year, the counterpart portion of the costs related to staff and day to day operational costs of the Project carried out by INIAF.
Additional Implementation Arrangements. 9.1. Component 1 shall principally and directly be implemented by MAFI, and the CPIU shall be responsible for the timely delivery of inputs and outputs and for coordination with all other relevant agencies.
9.2. The implementation of the first three financing facilities under Component 2 shall be co-managed by the CPIU and the CLD. Financing facility (iv) shall be implemented by a mutually agreed CGF entity, whose daily responsibilities include adjustment of operational policies, annual business planning and related budgeting, marketing of CGF services, processing of guarantee applications, including appraisal of SCAs, evaluation and approval of guarantee claims, reporting to relevant stakeholder, including MOF, MAFI, the Fund, the NCFM, the CLD and the CPIU. For the capacity development to the SCA sector, overall coordination shall rest with the CPIU.
9.3. Lead responsibility for the implementation of Component 3 shall rest with the CPIU, in particular its Infrastructure Development Specialist.
Additional Implementation Arrangements. The Recipient shall cause INE to: (a) submit annual Project work plans and budget to MPD and the Association for their respective review and approval; and (b) apply the views and recommendations of the Association in the further implementation of the Project.
Additional Implementation Arrangements. 1. Without limitation upon the generality of Part B of this Section I, the Implementing Entity, through UU, PHATA and HUDD, shall carry out the Program Action Plan in accordance with the schedule set out in the said Program Action Plan in a manner satisfactory to the Association.
2. The Implementing Entity, through UU, PHATA and HUDD, shall:
(a) implement the Program Action Plan agreed with the Association, in a manner and substance satisfactory to the Association; and
(b) refrain from amending, revising, waiving, voiding, suspending or abrogating, any provision of the Program Action Plan, whether in whole or in part, without the prior written concurrence of the Association.
3. In the event of any inconsistency between the provision of the Program Action Plan and those of this Agreement and/or the Financing Agreement, the provision of the latter agreement shall govern.
4. The Implementing Entity shall ensure that collection, storage, usage or processing of personal data, including collection, storage, usage or processing of personal data by UU, PHATA, and HUDD, are carried out with due regard to appropriate data protection and privacy standards and practices.
Additional Implementation Arrangements. 1. The Borrower shall cause IDAAN to require that:
(a) all the procurement of works under the Project shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Section III of Schedule 2 of this Agreement, the Procurement Guidelines, and the Operational Manual;
(b) all contractors and consultants providing goods or carrying out works and services under the Project carry out their activities under the Project with due diligence and efficiency and in accordance with sound technical, economic, financial, managerial, environmental and social standards and practices satisfactory to the Bank, including in accordance with the provisions of the EMF, IPPF and IRF and the Anti-Corruption Guidelines applicable to recipients of Loan proceeds other than the Borrower, and the applicable provisions of the Operational Manual;
(c) all bidding documents and contracts under the Project incorporate the environmental and social standards satisfactory to the Bank and provide the Borrower with selected intervention rights, including, inter alia: upon the contractor’s or consultant’s failure to perform any of its obligations under the applicable contract, the ability to: (i) suspend or terminate the right of any contractor or consultant to receive or use the proceeds of the Loan; or (ii) obtain a refund of all or any part of the amount of the Loan withdrawn as of then; and
(d) the terms of reference of any consultancy work that may be required during Project implementation in relation with the preparation of additional environmental and/or social studies or mitigation measures, actions and policies under the EMF, the IPPF and the IRF or any advice associated therewith and to be financed out of the proceeds of this Loan shall duly incorporate all pertinent and current Bank’s operational safeguards requirements in each such respect.
2. The Borrower shall cause IDAAN to ensure that: (a) EPU submits annual Project work plans and budget to MEF and the Bank for their respective review and approval ; and (b) the implementation of the Project is subsequently carried out applying the views and recommendations of the Bank in that respect.
3. The Borrower shall, under each budget proposal to its legislature for the corresponding year during Project implementation, make adequate arrangements to assume, for that year, the counterpart portion of the costs related to the implementation of Part 2 of the Project to be financed out of the proceeds of the Loan in the proportion set forth in Category...
Additional Implementation Arrangements. 1. The Recipient shall ensure that an NEA-AEPC coordination committee is established not later than one month after the Effective Date, and thereafter is maintained throughout Project implementation, as set forth in the NEA Project Implementation Plan and the AEPC Project Implementation Manual, to coordinate the implementation of rural electrification activities under Parts 2 and 3 of the Project.
2. The Recipient shall cause NEA to carry out, the financial management action plan agreed with the Association on December 2010.
3. By no later than August 2013, or such other date as the Association shall communicate in writing to the Recipient, the Recipient shall cause NEA and AEPC to carry out a midterm review of the implementation of their respective Parts of the Project. To that end, the Recipient shall cause NEA and AEPC, at least one month prior to the date of the midterm review, to prepare and furnish to the Association, for its review and comments, a report including, inter alia:
Additional Implementation Arrangements. 1. The Recipient shall, through the Secretariat, and as a pre-requisite to using Financing proceeds to finance Stipends: (a) establish a separate stipend fund account with an entity acceptable to the Association selected in accordance with the relevant provisions set out in Section III of Schedule 2 to this Agreement; and (b) ensure that all amounts deposited in the Stipend Fund Account are used exclusively to make payments for Enrolled Students under the Project.
2. The Recipient shall, through the Secretariat, prior to commencing an academic year starting from calendar year 2011:
(a) enter into a School Attendance Agreement with each Enrolled Student setting forth, inter alia: (i) modalities for the payment of Stipends;
Additional Implementation Arrangements. 1. Without limitation upon the generality of Part B of this Section I, the Implementing Entity shall carry out the Program Action Plan in accordance with the schedule set out in the said Program Action Plan in a manner satisfactory to the Association. The Implementing Entity shall:
(a) implement the Program Action Plan agreed with the Association, in a manner and substance satisfactory to the Association; and
(b) refrain from amending, revising, waiving, voiding, suspending or abrogating, any provision of the Program Action Plan, whether in whole or in part, without the prior written concurrence of the Association.
2. In the event of any inconsistency between the provision of the Program Action Plan and those of this Agreement and/or the Financing Agreement, the provision of the latter agreement shall govern.