Additional Leave Any further leave granted beyond the normal thirty-seven (37) week period, or the forty-two (42) week period for special circumstances, will be unpaid leave without benefits.
General Leave Provisions 21.1.1 Except where explicitly noted in Article 00 Xxxxx Xxxxx, the Employer may implement, modify, or eliminate the leaves of absence as outlined in this Article and consistent with all state and federal leave requirements. The Employer reserves the right to modify its Leave of Absence policies. The Employer will inform the Union of any material and substantial changes in its Leave of Absence policies prior to implementation.
Leave Provisions Clause No. Title
Sick Leave Provisions The Employer will provide sick leave credits for the sole and exclusive purpose of protecting employees against loss of income during periods of legitimate illness. At the beginning of each fiscal year (April 1) full-time employees who have successfully completed their probationary or trial period are credited with ninety (90) hours of sick time credits to be paid at one-hundred percent (100%) of their normal earnings. New full-time employees will be allocated sick time credits pro-rated to the date they successfully complete their probationary or trial period. Sick leave credits have no value upon termination of employment and cannot be carried over from one fiscal year to the next. Any employee absenting herself on account of illness, regardless of whether she qualifies for sick leave pay under this Article, subject to extenuating circumstances, shall be required to speak directly with her supervisor or designate prior to the commencement of her shift, and in any event no later than two (2) hours prior to the normal commencement of her shift. An employee may be required to submit a medical certificate with respect to any period of time the employee is absent due to illness for more than three (3) consecutive days. It is understood that the Employer may request a medical certificate from employees to cover any absence due to illness, where a pattern of absence so warrants. In the case of longer absences, the employee must keep his/her supervisor informed at two (2) week intervals of his/her progress and expected date of return to work. Employees are expected to notify their supervisor as early as possible of their expected date of return to work. All employees returning to work after any absence due to illness or injury may be requested to present proof of fitness to return to work in the form of medical documentation from a physician or nurse practitioner. The cost of any medical certificate required will be paid by the employee. Employees are expected to participate in the Employer’s return to work program. A statutory or other declared holiday falling within the sick leave period shall not be charged against the sick leave credits. When and employee’s illness continues beyond their sick leave credits, the sequence shall be as follows: (a) The employee uses up all sick time credits; (b) The employee is placed on a Leave of Absence without pay. The employee is issued a Record of Employment and may apply for Employment Insurance Sick Benefits. While on EI, Community Living will supplement these benefits to eighty percent (80%) of the employee’s regular wages. (c) The employee makes application for long term disability coverage through the benefit plan of the Employer.
Personal Leave Day Each employee who has been continuously employed by the College for more than four
Overtime Provisions (a) Time worked as an extension to the regular scheduled shift or time worked in a bi- weekly pay period that is in excess of seventy-five (75) hours shall be compensated at a rate of one and one-half times (1½ x) the Nurse’s regular hourly rate for the overtime worked. A Nurse who works in excess of four (4) hours overtime in any one day shall be compensated at a rate of two times (2 x) the Nurse’s regular hourly rate for the overtime worked. (b) Overtime shall not be claimed for less than fifteen (15) minutes at the end of a shift, but if overtime amounts to fifteen (15) minutes or more, the overtime rates shall apply to the total period in excess of the shift. (c) In computing overtime a period of thirty (30) minutes or less shall be counted as one-half (½) hour and a period of more than thirty (30) minutes but less than sixty (60) minutes shall be counted as one (1) hour.
Extended Personal Leave Leave without pay for up to one (1) year may be granted to a teacher provided said teacher has been actively employed for five (5) continuous contract years preceding the granting of this leave and has not been granted an extended part-time leave within that period. Application for said leave shall include a statement indicating the purpose of the leave and shall be submitted, except in unusual circumstances, as determined by the District, thirty (30) days prior to the date the leave is to commence.
Personal Leave With Pay Full-time employees who are eligible to accrue sick leave may use up to a maximum of six days personal leave with pay per year provided that such days shall be charged against the employee's currently accrued sick leave. This leave is non-cumulative.
Personal Leave Days Section 1. All employees after completion of six (6) months of service shall be entitled to receive personal leave days in the following manner: (A) All full time employees shall be entitled to twenty-four (24) hours of personal leave with pay each fiscal year; (B) Part-time, seasonal, and job share employees shall be granted such leave in a prorated amount of twenty-four (24) hours based on the same percentage or fraction of month they are hired to work, or as subsequently formally modified, provided it is anticipated that they will work 1,040 hours during the fiscal year; Section 2. Should any employee fail to work 1,040 hours for the fiscal year, the value of personal leave time used may be recovered from the employee. Section 3. Personal leave shall not be cumulative from year to year nor is any unused leave compensable in any other manner. Section 4. Such leave may be used by an employee for any purpose he/she desires and may be taken at times mutually agreeable to the university and the employee.
OPERATIVE PROVISIONS In consideration of the disclosure of Proprietary Information by the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party hereby agrees: (i) to hold the Proprietary Information in strict confidence and to take all reasonable precautions to protect such Proprietary Information (including, without limitation, all precautions the Receiving Party employs with respect to its own confidential materials), (ii) not to disclose any such Proprietary Information or any information derived therefrom to any third person, (iii) not to make any use whatsoever at any time of such Proprietary Information except to evaluate internally its relationship with the Disclosing Party, and (iv) not to copy or reverse engineer any such Proprietary Information. The Receiving Party shall procure that its employees, agents and sub-contractors to whom Proprietary Information is disclosed or who have access to Proprietary Information sign a nondisclosure or similar agreement in content substantially similar to this Agreement