Additional Leave Provision Sample Clauses

Additional Leave Provision. A. When the County Executive closes the County offices for an entire day or any portion thereof, because of extreme inclement weather, other emergencies producing hazardous conditions, or for any other reason, essential employees covered by this Agreement will report to their established work sites and will be paid straight-time wages for hours worked on their regular work shifts. In addition, such employees who work their full regularly scheduled shift during the twenty-four (24) hour period beginning at 6:00 a.m. of the day of the full or partial closing shall be entitled to receive one (1) hour of compensatory leave for each shift hour worked during the period of closure (not to exceed twelve (12) hours per employee per twenty-four (24) hour period). B. If the employee is directed by the employer to work any number of hours over and above the employee's regularly scheduled work shift during the aforementioned twenty-four (24) hour period, the employee shall not be entitled to any additional grant of compensatory leave by virtue of the full or partial closing. Rather, the appropriate premium rate, if any, shall apply to such hours. C. Compensatory leave earned pursuant to this subsection shall be used in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations. D. With the prior approval of the Sheriff or his/her designee, a Deputy Sheriff who is on extradition overnight for one (1) or more nights shall receive extradition compensation of four (4) hours of compensatory leave for each overnight.
Additional Leave Provision. When the County Executive closes the County offices for an entire day or any portion thereof, because of extreme inclement weather, other emergencies producing hazardous conditions, or for any other reason, essential employees covered by this Agreement will report to their established work sites and will be paid straight-time wages for hours worked on their regular work shifts. In addition, such employees who work their full regularly scheduled shift during the twenty-four (24) hour period beginning at 6:00 a.m. of the day of the full or partial closing shall be entitled to the number of hours of compensatory leave (up to ten (10) hours per employee per twenty-four (24) hour period depending on the employee's regular work schedule) equal to the number of hours of administrative leave granted to nonessential County employees. For purposes of this subsection, the County workday will be considered to begin at 8:00 a.m. and to end at 5:00 p.m. If the employee is directed by the Employer to work any number of hours over and above the employee's regularly scheduled work shift during the aforementioned twenty-four (24) hour period, the employee shall not be entitled to any additional grant of compensatory leave by virtue of the full or partial closing. Rather, the appropriate premium rate, if any, shall apply to such hours. Compensatory leave earned pursuant to this subsection shall be used in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations.
Additional Leave Provision. A. When the County Executive closes the County offices for an entire day or any portion thereof, because of extreme inclement weather, other emergencies producing hazardous conditions, or for any other reason, essential employees covered by this Agreement will report to their established work sites and will be paid straight-time wages for hours worked on their regular work shift. In addition, such employees who work their full regularly scheduled shift during the twenty-four (24) hour period beginning at 6:00 a.m. of the day of the full or partial closing shall be entitled to receive one (1) hour of compensatory leave for each shift hour worked (not to exceed twelve (12) hours per employee per twenty-four (24) hour period). B. If the employee is directed by the Employer to work any number of hours over and above the employee's regularly scheduled work shift during the aforementioned twenty-four (24) hour period, the employee shall not be entitled to any additional grant of compensatory leave by virtue of the full or partial closing. Rather, the appropriate premium rate, if any, shall apply to such hours. C. Compensatory leave earned pursuant to this subsection shall be used in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations.
Additional Leave Provision. A. When the County Executive closes the County offices for an entire day or any portion thereof, essential employees covered by this Agreement will report to their established work sites and will be paid straight-time wages for hours worked on their regular work shifts. In addition, employees who work the 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. shift and the 11:00 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift shall be granted the same number of compensatory leave hours (not to exceed eight (8) hours per employee per twenty- four (24) hour period) as were granted in administrative leave to nonessential County employees. The 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. shift shall be granted compensatory time, hour for hour, from the time of closing to 3:00 p.m. For purposes of this Article, the County workday will be considered ended at 5:00 p.m. B. If the employee is directed by the County to work any number of hours over and above the employee's regular work shift during the aforementioned twenty-four (24) hour period, the employee shall not be entitled to any additional grant of compensatory leave by virtue of the closing. Rather, the appropriate overtime rate, if any, shall apply to such hours. C. Compensatory leave earned pursuant to this Article shall be used in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and applicable rules and regulations. D. If the County declares a State of Emergency on the weekend, then employees covered by this agreement will receive hour for hour compensatory time for each hour worked.
Additional Leave Provision. In the event the County Administration closes all Baltimore County Offices for normal business, those employees who are required to remain at work or to come to work during the hours the County offices are closed shall be marked as present and credited with "F" time for official non- work day, for the hours actually worked during their regularly scheduled shift. If the F time is not credited to the member’s account in a timely manner, the agency will forward a request to the Director of Human Resources to reinstate the day for all affected members. Such requests will not be unreasonably denied.
Additional Leave Provision. In the event the County Executive grants additional leave to non- essential county employees for any reason, those employees required by the Fire Department to perform duties shall be entitled to receive one hour of "non work leave" ("F" Leave) for each hour granted, in addition to any pay which they are entitled to for that period.
Additional Leave Provision. In the event the County Executive grants additional leave to non-essential county employees for any reason, those employees required by the Fire Department to perform duties shall be entitled to receive one hour of "non work leave" ("F" Leave) for each hour granted, in addition to any pay which they are entitled to for that period. When an official non-work day is granted, members may select which date to utilize the “F”-Day from the point of earning said leave until the end of the calendar year. Employees with credited, unused “F” time after December 31st will be charged “F” for their next non-sick leave day used between then and March 31st.
Additional Leave Provision. When the County Executive closes the County offices for an entire day or any portion thereof, because of extreme inclement weather, other emergencies producing hazardous conditions, or for any other reason, essential employees covered by this Agreement will report to their established work sites and will be paid straight-time wages for hours worked on their regular work shifts. In addition, such employees who work their full regularly scheduled shift during the twenty-four
Additional Leave Provision. A. When the County Executive closes the County offices for an entire day or any portion thereof, because of extreme inclement weather, other emergencies producing hazardous conditions, or for any other reason, essential employees covered by this Agreement will report to their established work sites and will be paid straight-time wages for hours worked on their regular work shifts. In addition, such employees who work their full regularly scheduled shift during the day of the full or partial closing shall be entitled to receive one (1) hour of compensatory leave for each shift hour worked during the period of County office closure (not to exceed twelve (12) hours per employee per twenty-four (24) hour period). For example, if the County government closes three (3) hours early, each employee working shifts 1, 2 and 3, shall receive three (3) hours of compensatory leave. When there is a delayed opening or closure, non-essential employees who are required to work second (2nd) shift before 8:00 a.m. and report on time prior to the closure announcement, will be paid at least two hours of straight time, plus a two dollar ($2.00) per hour premium. For purposes of this section, the County Government’s hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. B. If the employee is directed by the employer to work any number of hours over and above the employee's regularly scheduled work shift during the aforementioned twenty-four (24) hour period, the employee shall not be entitled to any additional grant of compensatory leave by virtue of the full or partial closing. Rather, the appropriate premium rate, if any, shall apply to such hours. C. Compensatory leave earned pursuant to this subsection shall be used in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations.

Related to Additional Leave Provision

  • Additional Leave Any further leave granted beyond the normal thirty-seven (37) week period, or the forty-two (42) week period for special circumstances, will be unpaid leave without benefits.

  • General Leave Provisions 21.1.1 Except where explicitly noted in Article 00 Xxxxx Xxxxx, the Employer may implement, modify, or eliminate the leaves of absence as outlined in this Article and consistent with all state and federal leave requirements. The Employer reserves the right to modify its Leave of Absence policies. The Employer will inform the Union of any material and substantial changes in its Leave of Absence policies prior to implementation.

  • Leave Provisions Clause No. Title

  • Sick Leave Provisions (A) Sick Leave Defined Sick leave means the period of time an employee is permitted to be absent from work with full pay by virtue of being sick, disabled, exposed to contagious disease, or under examination or treatment of a physician, chiropractor, or dentist, or because of an accident for which compensation is not payable under the Worker's Compensation Act. (B) Amount of Sick Leave Sick leave shall be granted to employees on the basis of one and two-third (1 2/3) days for every month of service. In any one calendar year when an employee has not had sick leave, or only a portion thereof, the employee shall be entitled to an accrual of all the unused portion of sick leave up to a maximum of 160 working days for their future benefits. Employees at maximum accumulation of 160 or more sick days shall accumulate at one half day per month effective January 1, 1993. Employees who have accumulated 160 days or more and who become ill in the year preceding retirement will be allotted a maximum of twenty (20) days to maintain their entitlement. A deduction shall be made from accumulated sick leave of all normal working days (exclusive of Statutory Holiday) absent for sick leave as defined in (A) and Article 25 (Supplementation of Compensation). The PEBT LTD Plan shall be fully integrated with the sick leave plan so that an employee will be entitled to use sick leave up to the date the employee is eligible to collect LTD (80 work days) at which time sick leave usage shall cease. (C) Illness in the Family In the case of illness at the employee's residence and/or a medical emergency/procedure at a hospital of a family member where no one other than the employee can provide for the needs of the ill person, the employee, after notifying their supervisor, shall be entitled to a maximum of eight (8) days per calendar year when supported by a medical certificate. In the event that a non-resident parent requires support due to a serious medical condition as confirmed by a medical practitioner, such time will be provided under the Family Illness provisions of this Article.

  • Personal Leave Day Each employee who has been continuously employed by the College for more than four

  • Overtime Provisions (a) Time worked as an extension to the regular scheduled shift or time worked in a bi- weekly pay period that is in excess of seventy-five (75) hours shall be compensated at a rate of one and one-half times (1½ x) the Nurse’s regular hourly rate for the overtime worked. A Nurse who works in excess of four (4) hours overtime in any one day shall be compensated at a rate of two times (2 x) the Nurse’s regular hourly rate for the overtime worked. (b) Overtime shall not be claimed for less than fifteen (15) minutes at the end of a shift, but if overtime amounts to fifteen (15) minutes or more, the overtime rates shall apply to the total period in excess of the shift. (c) In computing overtime a period of thirty (30) minutes or less shall be counted as one-half (½) hour and a period of more than thirty (30) minutes but less than sixty (60) minutes shall be counted as one (1) hour.

  • Extended Personal Leave Leave without pay for up to one (1) year may be granted to a teacher provided said teacher has been actively employed for five (5) continuous contract years preceding the granting of this leave and has not been granted an extended part-time leave within that period. Application for said leave shall include a statement indicating the purpose of the leave and shall be submitted, except in unusual circumstances, as determined by the District, thirty (30) days prior to the date the leave is to commence.

  • Personal Leave With Pay Full-time employees who are eligible to accrue sick leave may use up to a maximum of six days personal leave with pay per year provided that such days shall be charged against the employee's currently accrued sick leave. This leave is non-cumulative.

  • Personal Leave Days Section 1. All employees after completion of six (6) months of service shall be entitled to receive personal leave days in the following manner: (A) All full time employees shall be entitled to twenty-four (24) hours of personal leave with pay each fiscal year; (B) Part-time, seasonal, and job share employees shall be granted such leave in a prorated amount of twenty-four (24) hours based on the same percentage or fraction of month they are hired to work, or as subsequently formally modified, provided it is anticipated that they will work 1,040 hours during the fiscal year; Section 2. Should any employee fail to work 1,040 hours for the fiscal year, the value of personal leave time used may be recovered from the employee. Section 3. Personal leave shall not be cumulative from year to year nor is any unused leave compensable in any other manner. Section 4. Such leave may be used by an employee for any purpose he/she desires and may be taken at times mutually agreeable to the university and the employee.

  • OPERATIVE PROVISIONS In consideration of the disclosure of Proprietary Information by the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party hereby agrees: (i) to hold the Proprietary Information in strict confidence and to take all reasonable precautions to protect such Proprietary Information (including, without limitation, all precautions the Receiving Party employs with respect to its own confidential materials), (ii) not to disclose any such Proprietary Information or any information derived therefrom to any third person, (iii) not to make any use whatsoever at any time of such Proprietary Information except to evaluate internally its relationship with the Disclosing Party, and (iv) not to copy or reverse engineer any such Proprietary Information. The Receiving Party shall procure that its employees, agents and sub-contractors to whom Proprietary Information is disclosed or who have access to Proprietary Information sign a nondisclosure or similar agreement in content substantially similar to this Agreement