Administration of Benefits Sample Clauses
Administration of Benefits. The City will provide the medical, dental, vision and/or prescription drug benefits as set forth in this agreement through a properly licensed insurance company in the state of Connecticut, or through an alternative self-insured arrangement. If benefits are self- insured by the City, employees shall have all claims adjudicated in conformance with applicable confidentiality standards, along with the same internal rights of appeal extended by the service provider as if the benefits were insured. In no event shall, the coverages and benefits provided through an alternative insurance carrier, managed care vendor, either self-insured or self-administered will be less than the benefits and coverages as set forth in Exhibit I. The size and scope of a preferred provider network of physicians, hospitals, dentists, optometrists, etc. shall not be a factor in determining the duplication of benefits by an insurance carrier or managed care vendor. It is agreed that an alternative insurance carrier or managed care vendor can be selected by the City provided that the new insurance carrier or managed care vendor network includes seventy (70%) percent of the hospitals and physicians in Fairfield County of the original preferred provider network of hospitals and physicians. The City retains the sole and exclusive right to select and/or change insurance carriers or managed care vendors. The City shall review any proposed changes with the Union prior to implementation, and if there is a disagreement on the level of benefits, coverages or services provided with the proposed insurance carrier and/or managed care provider, the Union may submit the issue to binding arbitration.
Administration of Benefits. The administration of all Health and Welfare Benefits and the management of all Health and Welfare Benefits contracts is the sole responsibility of the Board or its designated representative. It is understood any changes in the Health and Welfare package as to coverage or insurance shall be subject to thirty (30) days' notice and negotiations that the parties hereto at that time mutually agree upon.
Administration of Benefits. 38.01 The Parties agree that the Benefit Plans as contained in the Memorandum of Understanding dated January 1, 2006-December 31, 2008 shall remain in full force and effect up to and including June 30, 2009.
(a) The Parties further agree that effective July 1, 2009 the employee health and welfare benefits as specified below shall be administered through the Association for the benefit of its members and pensioners. The Employer will no longer administer these plans. For greater certainty, these health and welfare benefits are: Employee’s Group Insurance - Basic Life Coverage - Supplementary Life Coverage for Employees - Life Insurance for Dependents Group Life Insurance Plan Supplementary Health and Hospital Insurance Long Term Income Protection Plan up to and including December 31, 2012. Dental Plan Vision Care and Hearing Aids
(b) Effective January 1, 2013, the LTIP plan shall be administered by the Employer. All employees eligible for LTIP benefits, excluding those employees in receipt of LTIP under the Association's administration of the LTIP Plan, will receive disability benefits under the Employers' LTIP Plan effective January 1, 2013. Employees in receipt of LTIP under the Association's administration of the LTIP Plans shall be transferred to the Employer's LTIP Plan effective March 1, 2013. The Employer will assume full responsibility for payment of LTIP benefits to eligible current and future disabled employees following the transfer date.
38.03 The Association agrees to provide health and welfare benefits not less than health and welfare benefits contained in the January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2008 Memorandum of Understanding.
38.04 Pensioners include retirees, survivors, and deferred members. For the purposes of this Article, a “retiree” is defined as a former member of the Association who is in receipt of a pension from the Public Service Pension Plan and who has met the eligibility criteria to receive post-retirement benefits.
Administration of Benefits. NCPA shall pay directly to CalPERS the lesser of (1) the retiree’s actual insurance cost or
Administration of Benefits. The services necessary to administer the benefits under this Agreement will be provided in accordance with Our standard administrative procedures, or those standard administrative procedures of Our designee. If the Group requests that such administrative services be provided in a manner other than in accordance with these standard procedures, including requests for non-standard reports, the Group shall pay the applicable reasonable charges for such services or reports.
Administration of Benefits. The Parties recognize the importance of benefits to employees and their families, and that employees are entitled to know the benefits for which they qualify, the processes involved in making claims for benefits, and to fair treatment in relation to the administration of benefits plans. In recognition of these principles, the parties agree as follows:
Administration of Benefits. Except as otherwise expressly set forth herein, your benefits will be administered consistent with the applicable plan documents and based upon your Retirement Date.
Administration of Benefits. Excepting the salary levels and benefits provided herein, the following positions shall be subject to the provisions of the respective appendix in the areas of uniform, clothing, and safety equipment allowances; certification pay; paramedic training allowance; leave provisions; bilingual pay; health / medical benefits; and retirement benefits. Assistant to the City Manager B Building & Safety Division Manager B Chief Deputy City Clerk B Deputy Administrative Services Director / Finance Division Manager B Deputy City Manager B Field Services Manager B Finance Operations Manager B Fire Division Chief A Human Resources Manager B Information Systems Manager B Library Manager B Neighborhood & Business Services Division Manager B Planning Division Manager B Police Captain G Police Lieutenant G Public Works Division Manager B Recreation Manager B Water System Manager B Representatives of the City of Monrovia and the Monrovia Mid-Management Employees (Mid- Management), have met and conferred and reached agreement on this Side Letter of Agreement to the Mid-Management Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) dated July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2022. This Side Letter of Agreement will modify the following section of the Mid-Management MOU dated July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2022, with regard to offsets to CalPERS Unfunded Accrued Liability costs and related employee giveback contribution amounts:
Administration of Benefits to Terminated Vested Participants Who Terminated Prior to September 1, 2023; Insufficient Information Relating to Calculation of Benefits under Prior Plan. Recognizing that documentation by previous plan administrators of the accrued benefits of Participants who Terminated prior to September 1, 2023, may not provide adequate information relating to the computation of Retirement benefits under the Plan for GMEBS to accurately determine a Participant’s Vested status, eligibility for benefits, or the amount of a Participant’s monthly Retirement benefit, as applicable, the following provisions shall govern the administration of Retirement benefits with respect to a Participant who Terminated employment with the City prior to September 1, 2023 (i.e., the effective date of the City’s first GMEBS Plan) and who applies for Retirement benefits on or after such date.
(i) GMEBS shall accept the City’s determination regarding whether a Participant who Terminated prior to September 1, 2023, was deemed Terminated Vested as of such date, provided, however, that in the event the City deemed such a Participant not Vested and information is subsequently presented suggesting that such Participant was Vested, GMEBS shall, in its sole discretion determine whether said Participant was Vested upon his or her Termination prior to September 1, 2023.
(ii) Where sufficient information necessary for GMEBS to compute such a Participant’s benefit is available, including applicable prior plan documents, GMEBS will compute the Participant’s Retirement benefits in accordance with such plan documents and supporting information.
(iii) Where sufficient information necessary to compute such a Participant’s benefit is not available, if the accrued benefits of such a Participant were calculated by the plan administrator in place at the time of the Participant’s termination, and GMEBS has written documentation of such calculation, GMEBS will administer Retirement benefits, as applicable, to the Participant in accordance with the greater of:
(A) The prior administrator’s calculation of the Participant’s Retirement benefits, applying the GMEBS Retirement factors and the Plan’s Early Retirement factors (if applicable) in effect at the time of the Participant’s Retirement to determine the monthly Retirement benefit amount payable to the Participant; or
(B) XXXXX’s calculation of the Participant’s Retirement benefits, using the terms of the GMEBS Plan in effect at the time of the Participant’s Retire...
Administration of Benefits. Benefits are administered by each state and upon the state’s written agreement with the Secretary of Labor to provide the specific benefits. States that enter into such an agreement with the Secretary of Labor will be reimbursed in whole or in part for the cost of the benefits plus administrative expenses.