Administrative cooperation. 1. In order to ensure the proper application of this Chapter, the Parties shall cooperate, through the customs authority of each Party, in verifying whether a product is originating and in compliance with the other requirements provided for in this Chapter.
2. If the claim for preferential tariff treatment was based on a statement on origin referred to in subparagraph 2(a) of Article 3.16, after having first requested information in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 3.21, the customs authority of the importing Party conducting the verification may also request information from the customs authority of the exporting Party within a period of two years after the importation of the products if the customs authority of the importing Party conducting the verification considers that additional information is necessary in order to verify the originating status of the product. The request for information should include the following information:
(a) the statement on origin;
(b) the identity of the customs authority issuing the request;
(c) the name of the exporter;
(d) the subject and scope of the verification; and
(e) if applicable, any relevant documentation. In addition to this information, the customs authority of the importing Party may request the customs authority of the exporting Party for specific documentation and information, where appropriate.
3. The customs authority of the exporting Party may, in accordance with its laws and regulations, request documentation or examination by calling for any evidence or by visiting the premises of the exporter to review records and observe the facilities used in the production of the product.
4. Without prejudice to paragraph 5, the customs authority of the exporting Party receiving the request referred to in paragraph 2 shall provide the customs authority of the importing Party with the following information:
(a) the requested documentation, where available;
(b) an opinion on the originating status of the product;
(c) the description of the product subject to examination and the tariff classification relevant to the application of this Chapter;
(d) a description and explanation of the production process sufficient to support the originating status of the product;
(e) information on the manner in which the examination was conducted; and
(f) supporting documentation, if appropriate.
5. The customs authority of the exporting Party shall not provide the information referred to in paragraph 4 to the customs authorit...
Administrative cooperation. 3.1 乙方應秉持善意,盡力理解、尊重並適應文化差異,避免於課堂中主觀批評政府及甲方之政策。 Out of goodwill, Party B shall understand, respect, and adjust to cultural differences at his/her best, and avoid criticize the policies of the ROC government and/or Party A in class.
3.2 乙方須遵守甲方相關規定,如參與學校相關行政或學科會議,寒暑假亦然。 Party B shall observe the relevant rules and regulations of Party A, such as participating in related administrative or subject meetings held by the school, including those held in summer and winter breaks.
3.3 乙方應以友善態度,與甲方之教師、行政人員、學生家長及其他外籍英語教師同儕保持良好關係。 In a friendly attitude, Party B shall maintain a good relationship with the teachers and staff of Party A, students’ parents, and other foreign English teachers.
3.4 乙方服儀需保持整潔合宜。 Party B shall dress neatly and tidily.
3.5 乙方不得於甲方校園內持有、使用或閱覽含有成人情色及暴力內容之產品及刊物。 Party B shall not possess, use, or read products or printed matters containing pornography or violent contents on campus.
3.6 乙方不得從事危險或違法(含持有及吸食大麻)之活動,並避免飲酒過量,致影響教學能力。 Party B shall not engage in dangerous or illegal (including possession or use of marijuana) activities and shall avoid excessive drinking from affecting teaching ability.
Administrative cooperation. The United Nations and the Court shall consult, from time to time, concerning the most efficient use of facilities, staff and services with a view to avoiding the establishment and operation of overlapping facilities and services. They shall also consult to explore the possibility of establishing common facilities or services in specific areas, with due regard for cost savings.
Administrative cooperation. 1 By way of derogation from Articles 7 and 128(1), as of the date of entry into force of this Agreement, the United Kingdom shall have the status of observer in the Administrative Commission. It may, where the items on the agenda relating to this Title concern the United Kingdom, send a representative, to be present in an advisory capacity, to the meetings of the Administrative Commission and to the meetings of the bodies referred to in Articles 73 and 74 of Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 where such items are discussed.
Administrative cooperation. 1. In order to ensure the proper application of this Chapter, the Parties shall cooperate, through the customs authority of each Party, in verifying whether a product is originating and is in compliance with the other requirements provided for in this Chapter.
2. If the claim for preferential tariff treatment is based on a statement on origin and after having first requested information in accordance with Article 3.23
(1) (Verification), the customs authority of the importing Party conducting the verification may also request information from the customs authority of the exporting Party within a period of two years after the date on which the claim for preferential tariff treatment on the basis of a statement on origin referred to in point (a) of
Administrative cooperation. 1. By way of derogation from Articles 7 and 128(1), as of the date of entry into force of this Agreement, the United Kingdom shall have the status of observer in the Administrative Commission. It may, where the items on the agenda relating to this Title concern the United Kingdom, send a representative, to be present in an advisory capacity, to the meetings of the Administrative Commission and to the meetings of the bodies referred to in Articles 73 and 74 of Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 where such items are discussed.
2. By way of derogation from Article 8, the United Kingdom shall take part in the Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information (EESSI) and bear the related costs.
Administrative cooperation. 1. The customs authorities of the Contracting Parties shall provide each other, through the European Commission, with specimen impressions of stamps used in their customs offices for the issue of movement certificates EUR.1 and EUR-MED, and with the addresses of the customs authorities responsible for verifying those certificates, origin declarations and origin declarations EUR-MED or suppliers’ declarations.
2. In order to ensure the proper application of this Protocol, the Contracting Parties shall assist each other, through the competent customs administrations, in checking the authenticity of the movement certificates EUR.1 and EUR-MED, the origin declarations and the origin declarations EUR-MED or the suppliers’ declarations and the correctness of the information given in these documents.
Administrative cooperation. The Administration and Board will cooperate to encourage all involved universities to upgrade and reevaluate their student teacher programs.
Administrative cooperation. 1. Authorized authorities of the States Parties shall exchange with samples of blank certificates, seal impressions of authorities, empowered in accordance with the national legislation of the Parties to certify (or) to issue certificates of origin of goods, with information on the names and addresses of such competent authorities and authorized, empowered to verify certificates and declarations of origin of goods (in case that such authorities are provided for). Samples of seal impressions must be original and precise to allow for their unambiguous identification for authenticity. Authorized authorities of the States Parties shall promptly notify each other in case of any changes to such information.
2. Without provision of the information, specified in paragraph 1 of this Article, and (or) in the case where such information does not meet the requirements, set out in paragraph 1 of this Article, free trade regime in respect of imported goods shall not be granted.
3. Authorized authorities of the States Parties shall carry out the subsequent verification of certificates and declarations of origin of goods by means of sampling, or if the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of documents or accuracy of information contained therein.
4. In cases, referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, the customs authorities of the importing country shall be entitled to address the competent body, that verified the certificate, or the authorities, empowered to carry out verification of certificates and declarations of origin, with a motivated request to confirm the authenticity of the certificate (declaration of origin of goods) and (or) the accuracy of information, contained therein, or to provide additional or clarifying information, including on fulfillment of the criterion of origin of goods, and (or) copies of the documents, on the basis of which the certificate was issued. To the request for post-verification scanned copy of the certificate (declaration of origin) shall be attached . The request shall state the reasons of its direction and (or) other additional data, indicating what information in the certificate (declaration of origin) may not be valid, except for cases of post-verification on the basis of sampling.
5. Post-verification shall be carried out by the competent authorities of the exporting State Party, for which they should be entitled to request the necessary documents and check the documentation ...
Administrative cooperation. The Parties, desirous of ensuring the effectiveness of the measures for the development and conservation of fishery resources, shall: — develop administrative cooperation with a view to ensuring that their vessels comply with the provisions of this Agreement and with Mauritanian sea fisheries rules, each on its own behalf, — cooperate to prevent and combat illegal fishing, in particular through the exchange of information and close adminis- trative cooperation.