Administrative Policies Sample Clauses

Administrative Policies. A. The Provider must have established written administrative policies and apply these policies consistently in the administration of the Provider Agreement without regard to the source of the money used for the purposes to which the policies relate. These policies include employee salaries, and overtime, employee leave, employee relocation costs, use of consultants and consultant fees, training, criminal background checks, if necessary for the protection of vulnerable or dependent recipients of services, and conflicts of interest, as well as the following: 1. Compliance with OSHA regulations requiring protection of employees from blood borne pathogens and that the Alaska Department of Labor must be contacted directly with any questions; 2. Compliance with AS 47.05.300-390 and 7 AAC 10.900-990. Compliance includes ensuring that each individual associated with the provider in a manner described under 7 AAC 10.900(b) has a valid criminal history check from the Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Health Care Services, Background Check Program (“BCP”) before employment or other service unless a provisional valid criminal history check has been granted under 7 AAC 10.920 or a variance has been granted under 7 AAC 10.
Administrative Policies. A. The Provider must have established written administrative policies and apply these policies consistently in the administration of the Provider Agreement without regard to the source of the money used for the purposes to which the policies relate. These policies include: employee salaries, and overtime, employee leave, employee relocation costs, use of consultants and consultant fees, training, criminal background checks, if necessary for the protection of vulnerable or dependent recipients of services, and conflicts of interest, as well as the following: 1. Compliance with OSHA regulations requiring protection of employees from blood borne pathogens and that the Alaska Department of Labor must be contacted directly with any questions; 2. Require criminal screening of both paid and volunteer employees having supervisory or disciplinary power over children or dependent adults, to be completed and submitted within 45 days of hire, under the authority of 7 AAC 81.130(a) and AS 12.62.160(b)(10) but will be required to have results prior to the employee(s) arrival; 3. Compliance with AS 47.24.010, Reports of Harm, including notification to employees of their responsibilities under that section to report harm to children and vulnerable adults; B. The Provider agrees to maintain appropriate levels of insurance necessary to the responsible delivery of services under this Agreement, which will include items 1 and 2 below, and may include all the following that apply to the circumstances of the services provided.
Administrative Policies. X. Xxxxxxxx to the adoption of the Central Wasatch Commission Interlocal Agreement, as amended (the “XXX”) and the accompanying Interlocal Assignment, Assumption & Consent Agreement (the “Transfer Agreement”) by the various members (“Members”) of the Central Wasatch Commission (the “CWC”), the CWC’s governing body (the “Board”) adopted these updated Bylaws and Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual on December 4, 2017 (these “Bylaws”). B. The XXX and Transfer Agreement should be read in conjunction with these Bylaws to understand the progression of the CWC from its creation by the Members, appointment of members of the Board (“Commissioners”) by the Members, to the election of officers and the administrative organization and responsibilities. C. These Bylaws include placeholders for various policies in these Bylaws that will be developed and added as directed by the Board.
Administrative Policies. A. DEPENDENT CARE. Telework is not a substitute for day care. Telework em- ployees may not have a dependent in the home during work hours unless an in- home care provider is present. Older children and others who can tend to them- selves before or after school may be in the home during duty hours, as long as care is not required by the employee and their presence does not disrupt the employee’s ability to telework effectively. B. DURATION. Telework Agreements can be for any period of time up to and including one (1) year. The agreement should be re-signed if the agreement is ex- tended past twelve (12) months.
Administrative Policies. 6.1 Chapters shall submit a brief Annual Report to Central Office by 1 February of each year. The Annual Report shall consist of an Annual Activity Report and a Financial Summary Report. When necessary, the College of Chapters may request more frequent update reports. 6.2 The governing bodies of each Chapter should prepare in November of each year a yearly budget and a work plan setting out the list of events for the year following. Adherence to the plan and delivery of the events is the responsibility of each Chapter. This budget need not be forwarded to the College of Chapters or to Central Office. 6.3 New proposals for activities should be promptly reported to Central Office in order that other Chapters may avoid programme clashes. A decision on whether to proceed with these activities is the responsibility of the Chapter. If requested, Central Office will offer advice, support and comment but does not have the power to make decisions about Chapter events. 6.4 Each Chapter shall open a bank account in the Chapter's name. Each Chapter shall appoint a Treasurer to authorise expenses and sign cheques. The Chapter Board shall adopt specific rules to govern expenditure, subject to national laws. 6.5 The Chapter Treasurer is responsible for authorising, tracking and reporting on the entire income and all expenditures. The Treasurer should prepare regular reports for the Chapter Board. The College of Chapters may request updates if it considers it necessary.
Administrative Policies. A. The Provider must have established written administrative policies and apply these policies consistently in the administration of the Provider Agreement without regard to the source of the money used for the purposes to which the policies relate. These policies include: employee salaries, overtime, employee leave, employee relocation costs, use of consultants and consultant fees, training, criminal background checks if necessary for the protection of vulnerable or dependent recipients of services, and conflicts of interest, as well as the following:
Administrative Policies. As a rule, zoning regulation is the County's prerogative if a county has adopted a zoning ordinance. The City, however, exercises authority over subdivision regulation in a city's fringe area. Annexation is also primarily under exclusive rule of cities. Each of these activities, however, affects both jurisdictions and produces a clear need for coordination and joint administration. To that end, the City of Hills and Xxxxxxx County agree to the following procedures for administration of land use regulations.
Administrative Policies. A. Enrollment Methodology The Group’s human resource staff will enroll each new client group’s employees via [ * ]. On a [ * ] basis, the Group will [ * ]. Enrollments will be accepted [ * ]. BCBSF/HOI’s assigned [ *] to resolve all enrollment(s) on a timely basis. B. Identification Cards _________________________ Identification cards will be issued by BCBSF/HOI to each member enrolled within [ * ] working days of receipt of the completed enrollment information. C. Terminations Terminations are removed on the date of termination. BCBSF/HOI will generate Certificates of Creditable Coverage (COC) and submit directly to each member at the address on file for all terminated contracts. X. XXX Primary Care Physician Assignment If an HOI member does not choose a Primary Care Physician (PCP), BCBSF/HOI will assign a PCP based on the member’s home address. A letter will be generated advising the member that a PCP was assigned and offering them the option to change if they so desire. The member may call the customer service number on their identification card to initiate the change. When a member changes their PCP, the effective date of the change is determined by the time of the month the change is requested. If a member requests a change between the 1st and 15th of the month, the member is eligible to utilize the new PCP the 1st of the following month. Changes requested after the 15th of the month, will be effective the 1st of the second month following the month the member made the request (Example: PCP change requested January 20th. PCP would be effective March 1st.)
Administrative Policies. Growth management within the fringe area of the City of Springville affects both the City and the County. There is a clear need for coordination and joint administration of development policies in this area. To that end, the City and County agree to the following procedures for administration of land use regulations. 1. Correspondence between authorized representatives of the City and County. 2. Subdivision plats received by the County 3. Rezoning requests
Administrative Policies. The rights and obligations under the Contract are subject to our administrative policies. We may, without notice to you, change our administrative policies from time to time for any reason including, without limitation, to provide improved levels of service, or to reflect corporate policy and economic and legislative changes, including revisions to the Income Tax Act and applicable pension legislation. We will, however, provide you with at least 60 days written notice of any change to our administrative policies that (a) affects the benefits to which you are entitled under the Contract, (b) increases a fee that is charged to you under the Contract for which the Contract stipulates that we will give you such notice, or (c) is required by applicable law. Each reference in the Contract to the application of our administrative policies to a matter means such administrative policies in effect as of the time the matter occurs.