Transportation Benefits. Ambulance Services ▪ Coverage for ambulance service from the place of illness or accident to the nearest hospital capable of providing appropriate treatment. Dependent Escort ▪ Coverage for the additional cost of return economy airfare for an escort to accompany the covered dependents (up to 18 years of age) to Manitoba in the event you have been evacuated by air ambulance to Canada for medical reasons. The age limit is waived for dependents who are mentally or physically incapacitated. Emergency Remote Evacuation ▪ Coverage for emergency evacuation when a regular ambulance service cannot be used, from a mountain, body of water or other remote location by a commercial operator licensed to convey passengers to the nearest qualified medical facility capable of providing appropriate treatment to a maximum benefit payment of $5,000 per participant. Medical Evacuation / Air Ambulance Service ▪ Coverage for medical evacuation by air ambulance to a hospital in Canada if the evacuation is not harmful to the patient’s health. Prior approval must be obtained and is subject to the discretion of Manitoba Blue Cross. ▪ Coverage for the additional cost, if any, of the most direct return (economy) air travel from the place where you were hospitalized as an in-patient if you must return to Manitoba to receive further medical treatment. This would include the cost of return economy air travel for a graduate professional nurse TRAVEL HEALTH BENEFITS where nursing care is required during the flight home. This benefit must be supported by a letter from the attending physician as medically necessary. This coverage also applies to the family (applicant, spouse, and dependents) or one travel companion who is covered by a Manitoba Blue Cross Travel Health Plan and is travelling with the patient at the time of illness or accident. ▪ Coverage for economy air transportation by stretcher to Manitoba if deemed medically necessary and the patient has received treatment at a hospital as an Repatriation of the Deceased Person ▪ Coverage for up to $7,500 in the event of loss of life towards the cost of transporting the deceased person to Manitoba (including costs of preparation and standard transportation container), or up to $5,000 for cremation or burial at place of death. Return of Personal Items ▪ Coverage for up to $500 for the cost of returning your luggage or personal items if you are returned to Manitoba by air ambulance as a result of a medical emergency. This benefit also applie...
Transportation Benefits. Each teacher at a school off of the road system (not including communities on Prince of Wales Island) shall be reimbursed up to $600 for one round-trip to a local hub per year. Reimbursement will be based on documented costs submitted to the DISTRICT prior to June 30 of the school year in which the trip was taken.
Transportation Benefits. Executive shall be entitled to reimbursement of reasonable train, taxi, and/or livery service transportation costs of up to $500/month, reduced by any required withholdings of taxes, in accordance with the Company's reimbursement policy.
Transportation Benefits.
12.1 When acting in accordance with assigned duties or when requested to travel when using his/her own private vehicle, an employee shall be reimbursed for such travel at the prevailing state rate as of January 1.
12.2 In the event the District furnishes a district-owned vehicle and gasoline, the employee(s) shall not receive a mileage payment.
Transportation Benefits. When acting with district pre-approval in accordance with assigned duties or when requested to travel using his/her own private vehicle, an employee will be reimbursed for such travel at the current state rate per mile.
Transportation Benefits. As provided in the CLA, Article 34.
Transportation Benefits. All transportation benefits except for Ambulance Services must receive the prior approval of the Travel Assistance Service and are subject to the discretion of Alberta Blue Cross. Usual, Customary and Reasonable Charges for regular ambulance services from the place of Illness or Accident to the nearest qualified medical facility capable of providing appropriate treatment. When regular ambulance services cannot be used, up to $5,000 will be reimbursed towards the cost of emergency evacuation of the Covered Person from a mountain, body of water or other remote location to the nearest qualified medical facility capable of providing appropriate treatment.
Transportation Benefits. (1) The Company shall provide round trip tickets (business class) between Shanghai and [location] for the Employee.
Transportation Benefits. Eligible employees will receive the transportation benefits provided in King County Code.
Transportation Benefits. Ambulance Services Ambulance service from the place of illness or accident to the nearest hospital capable of providing appropriate treatment. Board and Lodging TRAVEL HEALTH BENEFITS Additional expenses incurred for board and lodging by a family member or friend remaining with a participant (patient) during their hospitalization as an in-patient. To be eligible for coverage, the family member or friend must be travelling with the participant and also be covered by a Manitoba Blue Cross Travel Health Plan. Return of the participant (patient) must be unavoidably delayed beyond the termination date of their trip. Only expenses incurred after the termination date of the participant's scheduled trip will be considered eligible. Emergency Remote Evacuation When a regular ambulance service cannot be used, coverage for emergency evacuation from a mountain, body of water or other remote location by a commercial operator licensed to convey passengers to the nearest qualified medical facility capable of providing appropriate treatment to a benefit maximum of $5,000 per participant. Medical Evacuation / Air Ambulance Service Subject to the discretion of Manitoba Blue Cross, medical evacuation by air ambulance to a hospital in Manitoba if the evacuation is not harmful to the patient's health. Prior approval must be obtained from Manitoba Blue Cross. Additional cost, if any, of the most direct return (economy) air travel from the place where the participant was hospitalized as an in-patient to Manitoba, including the cost of return economy air travel for a professional nurse where nursing care is required during the flight home. This benefit must be supported by a letter from the attending physician as medically necessary. This coverage also applies to the family (applicant, spouse, and dependents) or one travelling companion who is covered by a Manitoba Blue Cross Travel Health Plan and is travelling with the patient at the time of illness or accident. Economy air transportation by stretcher to Manitoba if the patient has received treatment at a hospital as an in-patient. Repatriation Benefit In the event of loss of life, up to $7,500 towards the cost of transporting a deceased participant to Manitoba (including costs of preparation and standard transportation container), or up to $5,000 for cremation or burial at place of death. Return of Dependent Children Additional cost of return economy airfare for an escort to accompany the covered dependents (up to ...