Posting and Filling Vacancies Sample Clauses
Posting and Filling Vacancies. For the purposes of this section “working days”, will be consecutive days, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays or holidays observed by the Company.
12.01. Permanent Postings
(a) Any vacancy required to be filled will be immediately and conspicuously posted for seven (7) calendar days, in a standard form provided by the Company. A copy of all said postings will be sent to the Union.
(b) Where the conditions of service indicate that the position is required to be filled immediately, a temporary appointment may be made for the duration of the posting procedure which will in no instance exceed ninety (90) calendar days.
(c) Should the Company contemplate not filling a vacancy, the matter will be discussed by the parties to this Agreement within ninety (90) calendar days of the vacancy occurring. This Clause will not apply to temporary positions that are seasonal in nature.
(d) Job postings will contain a description of the position functions, the required knowledge, skills and qualifications for the position, hours of work for the position, and the wage rate for the position. The Company may include other information on the posting.
(e) All applications will be addressed to the Company as indicated on the posting and will include the return address of the applicant. Internal applicants will also forward a copy of their application to the Union office.
(f) Appointments may be made by mutual Agreement between the Union and the Company without a posting.
(g) The Company will have the right to fill vacancies which result from reversions or terminations of employment during normal probationary periods or trial terms from among the original applicants without posting such vacancies.
(h) Employees will be eligible to apply for jobs not coming within the scope of this Agreement and will receive consideration in accordance with their qualifications, experience and seniority. However, nothing in this Agreement will be deemed to bind the Company to appoint an employee to a job which does not come within the scope of this Agreement.
(i) Positions becoming vacant as a result of foreseen retirement will be posted thirty (30) days prior to such vacancy occurring.
Posting and Filling Vacancies. 13.01 Notices of vacancies to be filled, within the jurisdiction of this Collective Agreement, shall be emailed to all employees and posted in an electronic format accessible to all employees for a period of seven (7) calendar days.
Posting and Filling Vacancies. 12.01 For the purposes of this section “working days" means consecutive days, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays or holidays observed by the Company.
12.02 Postings a) Notices of vacancies required to be filled shall be immediately posted for a period of seven (7) calendar days in a place accessible to employees, on a form provided by the Company. A copy of all postings shall be sent to the Union.
Posting and Filling Vacancies. Amend Article 12 to read:
Posting and Filling Vacancies a. After term contracts have been awarded pursuant to Articles C.22.7, C.22.8.a, and C.22.8.b, any remaining vacancies will be listed and circulated to all adult education teachers at their home addresses not later than one (1) month prior to the commencement of the term.
b. Adult education teachers wishing to be considered for courses listed pursuant to Article C.22.9.a, shall ensure that their applications are received by the Continuing Education Office up to the closing time noted on the listing, which closing time shall not be less than seven (7) calendar days subsequent to distribution of the listing.
c. Applications in C.22.9.a and C.22.9.b must include all details which would assist in determining the most suitable applicant.
d. When all suitable applicants from the recall list have been awarded term contracts, any remaining contracts will be awarded to other suitable applicants.
Posting and Filling Vacancies. Vacancies occurring within the bargaining unit, including newly created positions, which the Administration decides to fill shall be posted on a designated bulletin board in each District building, along with a copy of such posting to the Association. Positions as described above should be posted prior to being filled. Bargaining unit members may apply for such positions. Said positions may be filled by the certified applicant with the most seniority provided he/she meets all requirements imposed by State or Federal law. (Section 1249 of the school code is the primary section for filling vacancies.)
Posting and Filling Vacancies. All vacancies shall list locations and additional job and school requirements. Vacancies shall be posted and filled in the following manner:
1. The hiring calendar for cycles 1 & 2 will be mutually agreed. Positions will be posted and filled in the following manner: • The first and second cycle following Board action on RIF and/or dismissal of staff members each year will follow this outline: • Internal positions available at each building/group • Dislocated surplus process • District wide posting on page 20 • From the end of cycle 2 to August 30th to the comple- tion of Board action of the following school year on RIF and/or dismissal, positions will be uploaded to the District’s online application server by noon and be kept open for 7 calendar days (or longer if not filled). A weekly email will be sent out by Human Resources via District email to the REA email group notifying them that vacant positions are listed on the District’s online application server. • It is the intent of the parties to advertise and fill va- cancies created by or occurring as a result of Article 33, Early Retirement Notifications, by following the internal posting and surplus placement process prior to advertising and recruiting for the resulting vacancies. Such advertisement and recruitment shall occur in the fall of the year in which the retirement notification is received. • Recommendation for hires will be sent to HR the first day of the work week by 3:00pm. Placements will be sent to REA the following day.
2. Applications are due within seven (7) school days of posting. If a staff member wishes to withdraw their appli- cation or change their order of preference for a vacancy, it must be done within seven (7) school days of posting. Upon request, the REA shall receive a list of applicants prior to the filling of any vacancy and the results of placements by email.
3. It is the District’s intent to fill vacancies promptly. If a vacancy is not filled or not withdrawn after it has been posted, then it shall be reposted in accordance with this Section.
4. Should the Board desire to attract and retain staff mem- bers at identified schools, the Association and the District shall establish a specific plan beginning in the 2012-2013 school year to provide professional development programs and graduate credit reimbursement to attract candidates to apply for published vacancies at these specific schools. If a staff member accepts one of these positions, he/she must commit to stay for a ...
Posting and Filling Vacancies. Rehire of Temporary Employees (a) There will be no requirement to post seasonal vacancies filled by temporary employees. (b) The rehire of temporary employees will be subject to satisfactory performance evaluations.
Posting and Filling Vacancies. Provisions in this Article apply to all positions covered by this Agreement unless specifically excluded.
Posting and Filling Vacancies a. When a vacancy which is to be filled occurs in a classification, it shall be posted on the district’s website and shared via email for a period of five (5) calendar days. If there are applicants from within the job classification applying for the vacancy, the Superintendent or designee shall fill the position with the applicant who has the greatest seniority in that job classification provided the most senior employee is qualified to perform the duties of the vacant position and there is no justifiable reason for not doing so.