Association Business Days Sample Clauses

Association Business Days. 3.11.1 The Association will be granted up to 30 days of professional leave, with pay, for association business each year. The Association(s) will reimburse the district the cost of a substitute for each day used. 3.11.2 Up to 20 of the days granted in 3.11.1 may be used for Delegate Assembly. The cost of substitutes for the professional leave days used for Delegate Assembly will not be required to be reimbursed by the Association.
Association Business DaysThe Association will receive 20 days, as needed, for Association business during the school year. The President of the Association will be responsible for notifying the Administration when such a day or half-day will be needed. From this pool of days, no member may use more than 10 days. This will prevent disruption in the continuity of teaching. The association shall reimburse the district the cost of the employees’ retirement for days of professional leave used “for Association Business.” Half of unused AEA days (a maximum of 10 per year), will be provided to the sick bank on an annual basis, accumulating to a total of no more than 175 days.
Association Business Days. 1%-50% = ½ Day B. 51%-100% = Full day Section 21.18 For eligible employees, leave time granted under this Article is inclusive of the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA). For the purpose of FMLA leaves, immediate family means: spouse, son, daughter, parent. The benefit coverage provisions of FMLA will include the benefits provided at the Insurance Protection Article.
Association Business Days. The Association shall be granted by the Board up to 146 days release time for members designated by the Association President. The Board of Education will pay for the cost of substitutes for the first 38 Association days, and the remaining days shall be paid by the Association.
Association Business Days. 1. Teachers may be absent for the purpose of attending to Association business when designated to do so by the Association President. This written designation shall be submitted to the Superintendent’s office as far in advance as practicable and should contain the days on which the named teacher(s) are to be absent. 2. The School District shall provide the Association with a total of eighteen (18) such Association business days, of which twelve (12) shall be with full pay and benefits and six
Association Business Days. The ASSOCIATION may authorize the use of ASSOCIATION business days by its membership by submitting a written notice of such leave to the Personnel Office at least by 1:30 p.m. prior to the day of absence and by reimbursing monthly to the BOARD the daily substitute rate for each substitute teacher assigned. The ASSOCIATION president shall approve the use of each ASSOCIATION business day and so indicate with his/her signature. There will not be more than five (5) days absence for any one teacher annually and there will not be more than eight (8) teachers absent on ASSOCIATION business on any one day. The use of ASSOCIATION business days shall be directly related to the business of the WWEA/Local 1. The ASSOCIATION president may authorize more than five (5) days absence for officers, negotiators, and the grievance chairperson, as needed for Xxxxxx Xxxxx arbitration, fact- finding, or unfair labor practice hearings. The ASSOCIATION president shall not utilize more than twenty (20) days for ASSOCIATION business days annually. The BOARD shall provide the ASSOCIATION President released time with pay and full benefits. Consistent with Section 71(5) of the Michigan Public School Employees Retirement Act, the ASSOCIATION will reimburse the District on a current basis the amounts paid to the Office of Retirement Services for ASSOCIATION release time. If the ASSOCIATION President is a secondary teacher, the released time shall be one teaching period per day. If the ASSOCIATION President is an elementary teacher, the weekly released time shall be the equivalent of one day per week. A second released hour will be made available to the ASSOCIATION President with the understanding that the ASSOCIATION will reimburse the District for the second released hour at the rate of 1/5 of the current average annual teacher salary. Notification of the ASSOCIATION’S intent to use the second hour must be made to the District by the first week in May.
Association Business Days a. The Association will be allowed 15 (fifteen) days during which any Association business may be accomplished as long as adequate notification is given and suitable replacements are available. b. Participating teachers shall suffer no loss of pay. c. These may be used by the Association in whatever combinations it deems necessary (e.g., it may use three (3) teachers for five (5) days, one (1) teacher for fifteen (15) days, or any other combination so long as no more than fifteen (15) days are used).
Association Business DaysThe Xxxxxxxxx Forward Education Association shall be granted time off with pay for Association business up to a cumulative total not to exceed fifteen (15) days per year, provided: a. No more than four (4) employees shall be absent from the district at the same time; b. Said employee(s) other than the officers of the Association shall have prior written approval of an Association officer.
Association Business Days. A. The Association President or their designee, shall be entitled to five (5) leave days per year to conduct Association business. B. Such days shall be requestd using MyLearning Plan or other District approved form.
Association Business DaysThe Association will be granted a total of twelve (12) business days for Association business during the school year. The Association will reimburse the Coloma Community Schools for any incurred substitute costs and the employee's retirement. R-96