BACKPACKS. As a matter of safety, backpacks SHOULD NOT be allowed in the classroom. Backpacks should be kept in a locker during school hours and be worn only when traveling to and from school. This policy includes any similar bag including an attaché, briefcase., or purse. Each student can purchase a UTA bus pass at the beginning of the school year for a reasonable cost. Students will sign for their pass and will assume responsibility of not losing the bus pass. The cost to replace a bus pass is $25. Cell phones, MP3 players, and headphones/earbuds are a distraction for students and the learning environment and are therefore prohibited for use during school hours except for lunch time only. If a student wishes to have a cellphone on their person, the device must be turned off and stored in their backpack or in the teacher’s classroom in the cell phone organizer. Students are not allowed to carry their cell phone in their pocket during class hours. Cell phones are not allowed to leave with students if the student needs to use a hall pass for a given reason. Devices will be confiscated by teachers and other school officials if students are not in compliance with this policy. Cell phones that sound during classroom instruction will be immediately confiscated. We encourage parents to contact the school directly if they are needing to communicate with their student in any urgent matters. The front office will work to contact the student as soon as they are able. Any other needed communication between a student and their parent will be reserved for the time the student is at lunch when they will have a window to access their phones.
BACKPACKS. Backpacks and book bags will be permitted in the hallways for use to and from school. Upon arrival to school, students must place their backpacks and book bags in their school lockers. Only clear plastic/vinyl backpacks are permitted during the regular school day. Students will be permitted to use a gym bag to carry their physical education clothing to and from gym class. No books should be carried in the gym bag.
BACKPACKS. Students will only be allowed to carry back packs to school in the morning and from school in the afternoon. Back packs will NOT be allowed during the regular school day and must be kept in lockers or in provided carts on each floor.
BACKPACKS. Please provide your child with a child-size backpack in which they may store their papers or school supplies, as well as a lunch bag/lunch box. Please provide a folder for their work in the backpack.
BACKPACKS. Backpacks, duffel bags, large hand bags (no more than 12 inches by 12 inches in size) or soft/hard back/fannypacks are not to be carried during the school day. Students are expected to report promptly to the cafeteria during their assigned lunch period. They are to occupy and be responsible for their assigned area. Proper cafeteria behavior is expected of all students. Ten minutes before the lunch period ends, students are to return to their assigned seats. At this time, they are expected to pick up all refuse from the floor and/or table. Students are dismissed by the xxxxxxx. No student is excused from the cafeteria unless he/she has a pass issued by a teacher, administrative personnel, nurse or counseling personnel. Students may go to lockers at the change of class before their lunch period or upon dismissal from the lunch period. They may not go to their lockers during the lunch period. Students should not take any food or drink out of the cafeteria, unless permission has been granted. Eating anywhere outside the cafeteria is permitted by administration or by the 60 nurse. Students may purchase school supplies at the bookstore during their lunch period. G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N Throwing of food, refuse, etc. in the cafeteria will result in automatic suspension. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action.
BACKPACKS. Backpacks and book bags will be permitted in the hallways for use to and from school and in between classes. Students are not permitted to leave class with their backpacks/book bags during instructional time or prior to the completion of class.
BACKPACKS. As a matter of safety, backpacks SHOULD NOT be allowed in the classroom. Backpacks should be kept in a locker during school hours and be worn only when traveling to and from school. This policy includes any similar bag including an attaché, briefcase., or purse.
BACKPACKS. Bring one old backpack for field research. This will become dirty and stained. Bring another bag for going into town.
BACKPACKS. Students are not allowed to have backpacks, purses, or bags of any kind in the school during the day. You may bring those items to your locker or a locker room prior to the start of school. Students may bring their backpack, purse, or bag to 7th period at the beginning of the school day. However, you will not be allowed to carry any type of bag during the school day. Students will be allowed to carry a sling-bag type to and from PE class. The building will be open for student use in the morning by 8:00 a.m. and closed by 4:00 p.m. Any student or group of students in the building before 8:00 a.m. or after 3:30 p.m. must be supervised by a member of the faculty or sponsors which includes all clubs and athletic activities. Upon arrival of students to the building early in the morning, individuals should report to the high school cafeteria until 8:10. Students should not be in the hallway without a pass before this time for any reason. harassment, intimidation or bullying like other disruptive behavior has no place in the school environment. As used in this handbook “bullying” means overt, repeated acts or gestures, including:
BACKPACKS. Students are not allowed to bring backpacks into the classroom, library, cafeteria, or gym. Students should store their backpacks in their lockers. Possession of or use of illegal drugs or controlled substances is a violation of school policy and state law. Any student who is in violation will be disciplined according to school district policy mailed to parents in the August newsletter, and the laws of the State of Idaho. In all cases, law enforcement officials will be notified and citations issued. The district is committed to providing a safe environment for all students and staff when they are at school, on a school bus, or at any school-sponsored activity. The district’s commitment includes the prohibition against any weapons or other objects/ substances which may pose a threat to the health and safety of other students, staff members, or visitors, or could be used to disrupt the educational process.