Donation Sample Clauses
Donation something of value voluntarily transferred by or on behalf of a member to the MCO without compensation.
a) Something of value means cash or some other existing identifiable items that has a fair market value of more than $100.00.
b) Voluntarily transferred means any of the following:
i. The member or another person on behalf of the member transferring the item of value has the intention to voluntarily give it without compensation;
ii. The member or other person on behalf of the member transferring the gift is legally competent (in order to have intention);
iii. The MCO receiving the gift is an eligible recipient (e.g., some entities have prohibitions against employees accepting gifts);
iv. The item of value is an existing identifiable thing (e.g., a promise to give something in the future is not a gift); or
v. The item of value is actually transferred.
Donation. Donation of a seventh or subsequent sick leave day by October 15. 7 (2) Application: Application forms for membership shall be provided to teachers at their school 8 centers during preschool planning days. Sick leave days donated to the bank will not be returned 9 except as hereafter provided.
Donation. Donation of a seventh or subsequent sick leave day by October 15.
Donation any monetary or nonmonetary gift, grant, devise or bequest to the City. A monetary donation includes cash or a check, money order or other negotiable instrument. A nonmonetary donation includes real or personal property.
Donation a. Donation of sick days shall be initiated by the employee on a form found as Attachment 4, no later than the pay period within which the sick leave of the absent employee is exhausted.
b. Donated sick leave shall be added to the accumulated sick leave of the absent employee and deducted from the donating employee (Attachment 4).
c. Donated sick leave shall not be considered as sick leave used for purposes of merit incentive for attendance payments.
Donation. A member’s eligibility for donations from the Leave Donation Program are to be established by a four-member Leave Bank committee composed of the Sheriff’s designee, the Director of Administrative Services, and two (2) Sheriff's employees recommended by the Union President, or his or her designee. Qualifications for donation established by the Committee shall include the following provisions:
1. Leave may be donated upon call of the Committee. The Committee shall call for donations when an employee's request for use is approved or when necessary to maintain a sufficient balance of hours for an employee who is using the Program.
2. Employees donating time shall do so in increments of four (4) hours on a form supplied by the Human Resources Office.
3. Once time is donated to the Leave Donation Program, the donation is irrevocable and shall not be re-credited to the donating employee unless used by the employee as a result of his or her participation in the Donation Program.
4. Members are allowed to donate to any County employee determined to be eligible for Leave Donations.
Donation. Donations to the Sick Leave Bank shall conform to the following regulations:
1. A professional employee donating one (1) day of accumulated personal sick leave at any time during the school year prior to April 1 shall be a current member and shall continue as a current member until a special assessment is called for;
2. In the event that an active member of the sick leave bank retires or leaves the district, donated sick day (s) shall be subtracted from the bank and returned to the leaving professional employee(s), enabling new employee(s) to donate to the bank.
3. Employees not members of the Bank shall have the opportunity to become members prior to any current member donating additional days. The Council shall devise a method of determining how Bank non- members will be asked to contribute to the Bank.
Donation. A nurse may donate a minimum of four (4) hours and a maximum of 250 hours per year of his or her accrued PTO for the benefit of another employee who has a medical hardship:
Donation. A member’s eligibility for donations from the Leave Donation Program is to be established by a four-member Leave Bank committee composed of the Sheriff, (or designee), the Director of Administrative Services, and two (2) Sheriff's employees recommended by the Chief Associate, (or designee). Qualifications for donation established by the Committee shall include the following provisions:
1. Leave may be donated upon call of the Committee. The Committee shall call for donations when an employee's request for use is approved or when necessary to maintain a sufficient balance of hours for an employee who is using the Program.
2. Employees donating time shall do so in increments of four (4) hours on a form supplied by the Human Resources Office.
3. Once time is donated to the Leave Donation Program, the donation is irrevocable and shall not be re-credited to the donating employee unless used by the employee as a result of that employee’s participation in the Leave Donation Program.
Donation. A principal/assistant principal may contribute a total of two (2) days per fiscal year (July 1-June 30) of his/her accumulated sick leave days or vacation days to another employee (second donated day must go to a different employee) for the following reasons:
a. The employee receiving the donation is being placed on long term disability (LTD) and has insufficient sick leave, vacation days, and/or personal time off days to meet the LTD waiting period without loss of income. Only the minimum number of days necessary to meet the terms of the waiting period after the recipient has used his/her accumulated sick leave days may be donated; or
b. The employee receiving the donation has experienced a catastrophic circumstance, as determined by the Superintendent/designee, that resulted in a zero (0) balance of the employee’s sick leave, vacation days, and/or personal time off days. Guidelines to request a donation of a day and/or how to donate a day to another employee may be requested through the District Human Resource Department.