Certification Audit. Certification audit of Client’s managements system shall be performed on the basis of the requirement of applicable standards. The audit shall be in two stages (Stage 1 & Stage 2) Stage 1 audit shall be done at client place. The auditor shall check records of Client’s system documents (Manual, Procedure, Guides, etc.) and relevant records (Internal Audit Reports, Managements Review Reports, etc.) shall be performed prior to on-sit audit. The stage 1 audit is for examining Client’s Organization, policy and work process, and verifying whether they meets the requirements of applicable standards or not. Pre-audit can be performed upon Client’s request. This pre-audit is not to determine registration, but to evaluate the conformity of this management system. On-site audit is performed upon Client’s sites to verify if its activities are implemented according to documents system. If nonconformities are found during on-site audit, PCMS shall issue NCR (Non-conformity Record) If any non-conformity is found during on-site audit, PCMS shall verify that corrective actions taken are applicable through document review or follow up visit. If corrective action are taken by client are applicable, the certificate can be granted. PCMS shall issue the recommendation for certification letter to the client, and then certificate will be issued. The client agrees to allow Accreditation Board Auditor/trainee auditor as observer for the purpose of Witness Audit. The observer do not influence or interfere in the audit process or outcome of the audit. The client agrees to allow the auditors (PCMS & Accreditation Board) to access the all records except accounts, specially the records of complaints received and the action taken on the same. If the action taken is not as per the requirement of international standard of management system then Non-Conformance will be raised, and subsequently reviewed in follow-up or surveillance audit.
Certification Audit. 1. Certification audit of client’s management system shall be performed on the basis of the requirement of applicable standards.
2. Document review records of the client’s system documents (manual, procedure, guides etc.) and relevant records (internal audit reports, management review meeting etc.) shall be preformed prior to on-site audit. This document audit review is for examining client’s organization, policy and work process and verifying whether they meet the requirements of applicable standards or not.
3. Pre- audit can be performed upon client’s request. This pre-audit is not to determine registration, but to evaluate the conformity of the management system.
4. On-site audit is performed upon client’s site to verify if its activities are implemented according to documents system. If nonconformities are found during on-site audit, ICM shall issue NCR ( Nonconformity Report)
5. if any non-conformity is found during on-site audit, ICM shall verify that corrective actions taken are applicable through document review or follow up visit. If corrective actions are taken by the client are workable, the certificate can be granted.
6. ICM shall issue the recommendation for certification letter to the client, and then certificate will be issued.
7. The client agrees to allow NA auditors for the purpose of witness audit.
8. The client agrees to allow the auditors (ICM & NA) to access the all records except accounts, specially the records of complaints received and the action taken on the same. If the action taken is not as per the requirement of international standard of quality management system (ISO 9001:2015) then non- conformance will be raised, and subsequently reviewed in follow-up or surveillance audit."
Certification Audit. Certification audit of Client’s managements system shall be performed on the basis of the requirement of applicable standards. The audit shall be in two stages (Stage 1 & Stage 2) Stage 1 audit shall be done at client place. The auditor shall check records of Client’s system documents (Manual, Procedure, Guides, etc.) and relevant records (Internal Audit Reports, Managements Review Reports, etc.) shall be performed prior to on-sit audit. The stage 1 audit is for examining Client’s Organization, policy and work process, and verifying whether they meets the requirements of applicable standards or not. Pre-audit can be performed upon Client’s request. This pre-audit is not to determine registration, but to evaluate the conformity of this management system. On-site audit is performed upon Client’s sites to verify if its activities are implemented according to documents system. If nonconformities are found during on-site audit, Global Assessment shall issue NCR (Non-conformity Record) If any non-conformity is found during on-site audit, Global Assessment shall verify that corrective actions taken are applicable through document review or follow up visit. If corrective action are taken by client are applicable, the certificate can be granted. Global Assessment shall issue the recommendation for certification letter to the client, and then certificate will be issued. The client agrees to allow the auditors of Global Assessment to access the all records except accounts, specially the records of complaints received and the action taken on the same. If the action taken is not as per the requirement of international standard of management system (QMS, FSMS, EMS, OHSAS, HACCP, MD, ISMS) then Non-Conformance will be raised, and subsequently reviewed in follow-up or surveillance audit.
Certification Audit. A stage 1 review will take place to ensure client is ready for a stage 2 certification audit. • A management review and full internal audit needs to be done before the stage 1 review. • A stage 1 feedback synopsis will be given. • Stage 2 audit dates will be confirmed. • A stage 2 audit plan will be confirmed. • A document review will be done to ascertain if all clauses of the standard have been covered. • An audit report will be sent to the client. • Any deviation/s will need to be closed out before the certification can be granted. • Audit dates will be confirmed. • An audit plan will be sent. • Mandatory and process reviews will be done • An audit report will be sent to the client. • A new quotation will be generated and given to the client for approval. • Audit dates will be confirmed. • An audit plan will be sent. • A full document, mandatory and process review will be done • An audit report will be sent to the client. • Any deviation/s will need to be closed out before the certification can be granted. • Once the company has been assessed to the documented standards and an initial certification audit, a final report will be issued. • The Organisation has up to 90-day period to address all findings raised and submit this back to Sancert. (Depending on the finding raised) • In some instances, if there are major findings, the Auditor might have to re-audit these issues on site. The Organisation will be notified of this during the close out meeting. • Once all findings have been closed out, Sancert will recommend the company for official certification / recertification. • The certification committee will review all audit packs and give instruction that certification may be granted. Upon this process being completed Sancert will raise a draft certificate which will be sent to the client for approval with regards to correctness of information. • Certificates will be issued within four weeks thereafter. • Even though this is a 36-month agreement, certificates will be issued annually after each surveillance audit has taken place and only after deviations have been closed. Certificates will be identified as 1 of 3, 2 of 3 or 3 of 3. • Surveillance Assessment 1 needs to take place within 12 months after the initial audit, this is the date that stage 2 took place. Surveillance Assessment 2 needs to take place within 24 months after the initial audit. • In order for on-site, off-site and or part off-site certification audits to be deemed effective a number of do...
Certification Audit. Pre-Audit can be performed upon Client’s request. This pre-audit is not to determine registration, but to evaluate the conformity of this management system. Certification Audit ( Initial Audit ) of Client’s managements system shall be performed to verify client’s conformity to the requirements of the applicable standard. Document review ( Stage 1 Audit ) of Client’s system documents (Manual, Procedure, Guidelines etc.) and relevant records (Internal Audit Reports, Managements Review Reports, etc.) shall be performed prior to, or in conjunction with on-site audit adequacy audit ( Stage 1 audit ). This adequacy audit is done to verify the client’s readiness / suitability for stage 2 audit. Stage 2 will proceed only after inadequacies identified during the stage 2 audit have been addressed. On-site audit ( Stage 2 ) is performed upon Client’s sites to verify if its activities are implemented according to the documented system in accordance with the applied standard. If Nonconformities
Certification Audit. 1. The stage 1 audit is performed:
a) to audit the client's management system documentation;
b) to evaluate the client's location and site-specific conditions and to undertake discussions with the client's personnel to determine the preparedness for the stage 2 audit;
c) to review the client's status and understanding regarding requirements of the standard, in particular with respect to the identification of key performance or significant aspects, processes, objectives and operation of the management system;
d) to collect necessary information regarding the scope of the management system, processes and location(s) of the client, and related statutory and regulatory aspects and compliance (e.g. quality, environmental, legal aspects of the client's operation, associated risks, etc.);
e) to review the allocation of resources for stage 2 audit and agree with the client on the details of the stage 2 audit;
f) to provide a focus for planning the stage 2 audit by gaining a sufficient understanding of the client's management system and site operations in the context of possible significant aspects;
g) to evaluate if the internal audits and management reviews are being planned and performed, and that the level of implementation of the management system substantiates that the client is ready for the stage 2 audit.
2. For most management systems, at least part of the stage 1 audit is carried out at the client's premises in order to achieve the objectives stated above.
3. Stage 1 audit findings are documented and communicated to the client, including identification of any areas of concern that could be classified as nonconformity during the stage 2 audit.
4. In determining the interval between stage 1 and stage 2 audits, consideration is given to the needs of the client to resolve areas of concern identified during the stage 1 audit. QCS may also need to revise its arrangements for stage 2.
5. Stage 2 audit: The purpose of the stage 2 audit is to evaluate the implementation, including effectiveness, of the client's management system. The stage 2 audit takes place at the site(s) of the client. It includes at least the following:
a) information and evidence about conformity to all requirements of the applicable management system standard or other normative document;
b) performance monitoring, measuring, reporting and reviewing against key performance objectives and targets (consistent with the expectations in the applicable management system standard or other normative ...
Certification Audit. Upon the written request of NINTENDO, but no more frequently than once per year, LODGENET shall submit to NINTENDO a written certification from LODGENET's president or chief financial officer, and/or from the President or chief financial officer of each Approved Subdistributor, certifying that such individual has examined the records with respect to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement for the period (not to exceed 24 months) specified in NINTENDO's request and that the royalty payments and reports submitted by LODGENET to NINTENDO during that period are accurate and correct. In addition, NINTENDO may, at it's option, arrange for a licensed accountant to examine the records of LODGENET or any Approved Subdistributor to confirm the accuracy of records and royalty payments submitted under this Agreement. NINTENDO shall conduct the audit during normal business hours, upon not less than thirty (30) days Notice to LODGENET. NINTENDO shall bear the expense of the audit unless the audit shows an error in NINTENDO's favor amounting to a loss to NINTENDO in excess of five percent (5%) of the actual royalty payable to NINTENDO for the period examined, in which event LODGENET shall bear the expense of the audit.
Certification Audit. Upon successful completion of the Stage 1 Audit, the audit team will conduct an on-site audit to confirm conformance with the applicable standard(s) and to evaluate the implementation, including effectiveness of the applicant’s management system.
Certification Audit. 1.1.1 The certification audit is conducted in two stages. Stage 1 is designed to provide an overview of the management system and the implementation status. Using this information, stage 2 of the audit may then be performed, where the implementation and compliance of the management system is verified.
1.1.2 The stage 1 and stage 2 audits may be performed immediately one after the other. However, if the stage 1 audit shows that certification readiness has not yet been achieved, the stage 2 audit cannot be performed immediately afterwards. Instead, the client must first ensure certification readiness. The resulting additional costs of the client and the Contractor, including travel costs, travel time and time lost, shall be borne by the client.
1.1.3 Stage 1 and stage 2 audits must not be more than 6 months apart. If there are more than 6 months between stage 1 and stage 2, the stage 1 audit must be repeated. The resulting additional costs of the client and the Contractor, including travel costs, travel time and time lost, shall be borne by the client.
1.1.4 For determining the time between the stage 1 and stage 2 audits, client requirements as well as
1.1.5 If the contractor is not able to verify the implementation of corrections and corrective
1.1.6 Calculation of the durations of Xxxxx-0, Xxxxx-0, Xxxxxxxxxxxx, Recertification and Short Notice audits are done in compliance and in consistence with the requirements emphasised in the Standards ISO 17021-1:2015 and IAF MD5:2019 documents. Client’s audit time justification for the determination has been recorded to system operational form UFR-03 of Contractor. The particular justification form is ready to be provided to AB and Client itself on request.
Certification Audit