CONTRACT REVIEW MEETINGS. Both the District and the Association agree to hold monthly contract maintenance review meetings. The purpose of these meetings is to work toward and maintain a cooperative and trusting relationship in solving mutual concerns.
CONTRACT REVIEW MEETINGS. 3.1 Contract Review Meetings shall be held:
CONTRACT REVIEW MEETINGS. Supplement to NEC3 ECSC clause 16 16.3.1 In addition to any risk reduction meetings convened under clause 16.1 of the NEC 3 ECSC, the Contractor attends regular meetings (“Contract Review Meetings”) with the Employer to assess the performance of the Contractor and to facilitate due and satisfactory performance in accordance with the contract. The Employer arranges for an initial Contract Review Meeting to be held within one month of the starting date and thereafter at monthly intervals. 16.3.2 The Contractor submits to the Employer no later than five days before each Contract Review Meeting a written report which: describes the Contractor’s performance of the works delivered by reference to the contract and relevant instructions; specifies all outstanding requests by the Contractor for information or instructions; and explains any new circumstances arising since any previous meeting which in the opinion of the Contractor have affected their performance adversely or beneficially. 16.3.3 The Employer issues to the Contractor no later than seven days after each Contract Review Meeting a written record of the Contract Review Meeting and where practicable a response to any requests by the Contractor for information or instructions. 16.3.4 Not Used Z 6 20.3 Conditions affecting the provision of the Works Supplement to NEC3 ECSC clause 20 20.3.1 The Contractor satisfies himself as regards the nature and extent of the works and conditions of or affecting the Affected Property, means of communication, the supply of and conditions affecting labour, the suitability, nature and extent of the Affected Property and the Equipment required for the works. 20.3.2 No failure by the Contractor to satisfy himself as envisaged by clause 20.3.1 above nor failure to foresee any matter affecting the provision of the Works, nor inaccuracy in any document or other information provided by the Employer or Others (unless that information is part of the Service Information) is a Compensation Event.
CONTRACT REVIEW MEETINGS. The Department requires the Contractor to attend regular meetings in which the Contract Reports are reviewed and the status of the Program is assessed by the PMO.
CONTRACT REVIEW MEETINGS. The contractor shall participate in regular meetings to coordinate and oversee the contract effort conjointly with the CO, CS, and COR. Such meetings may include, but are not limited to, the following: - Meeting with the contractors and subcontractors to discuss clinical manufacturing progress, product development, product assay development, scale-up manufacturing development, clinical sample assays development, preclinical/clinical study designs and regulatory issues. - Meeting with individual contractors and other government officials to discuss the technical, regulatory, and ethical aspects of the program. - Meeting with technical consultants to discuss technical data provided by the contractor.
CONTRACT REVIEW MEETINGS. Contract review meetings ("CRM") will be held at major program milestones, as set forth in the Work Plans and Specifications, or as otherwise needed but in no event less than once every six months. The Contract Review Meetings will be used to approve project results, define the Confidential Information available for disclosure to third parties (unless already exempted under Master Agreement or this Agreement), review the scope and the focus of the project, review the actions taken at, or recommendations arising out of, the PMM, approve the TDD Project Schedule or TDD Project Budget (to the extent such approval was not attained by the Project Managers), track external circumstances which will have an impact to the project and give approval of plans and funding of the project for the following six months' period. These meetings will be attended by four Nokia and four IDC senior corporate representatives; provided, however, that Nokia and IDC shall each have one vote per company, regardless of the number of representatives attending the Contract Review Committee. Nokia will nominate one of its representatives to act as a chairman of the Contract Review Committee. The Chairman will have the responsibility to call the meetings; provided, however, that IDC may call a meeting if required to have TDD Technology deliverables approved. In addition to other matters, any changes to the Work Plans and Specifications recommended by the Program Managers but for which the PMM did not have the authority to implement, shall be reviewed and voted on in the Contract Review Meeting. Such changes to the Work Plans and Specifications, as well as any PMM proposed changes to the Work Plans and Specifications, TDD Project Schedule and/or TDD Project Budget to address Major Deviations PROPRIETARY INFORMATION
CONTRACT REVIEW MEETINGS. (1) The Supplier and the Customer shall participate in contract review meetings which will meet to:
CONTRACT REVIEW MEETINGS. It will be a requirement of the contract/s for the successful framework suppliers to attend contract review meetings over the course of the contract. It will fall to individual institutions to decide precise frequency and format but the frequency is unlikely to be greater than quarterly and Tenderers should allow for the meeting structures and agreed frequencies in their management costs.
CONTRACT REVIEW MEETINGS. 7.1 The Authorised Officer and the Contract Manager shall hold review meetings normally at monthly intervals and at any other times as reasonably required by the Council to review the Contractor’s performance of the Contract and to examine areas of improving service quality, reducing costs and raise any other matter that may affect the parties’ rights and obligations under the Contract.
CONTRACT REVIEW MEETINGS. In addition to the Progress Meetings, Customer shall be advised by Contractor of and shall have the option of attending, any regularly scheduled internal meetings that Contractor may establish to assess progress and problems. Customer shall be provided with the agenda relevant to these meetings two (2) Business Days prior to the meetings taking place.