Disability Claims Sample Clauses

Disability Claims. The review shall be conducted by the Compensation Committee (exclusive of the person who made the initial adverse decision or such person’s subordinate). In reviewing the appeal, the Compensation Committee shall (i) not afford deference to the initial denial of the claim, (ii) consult a medical professional who has appropriate training and experience in the field of medicine relating to the claimant’s disability and who was neither consulted as part of the initial denial nor is the subordinate of such individual and (iii) identify the medical or vocational experts whose advice was obtained with respect to the initial benefit denial, without regard to whether the advice was relied upon in making the decision. If a claim is denied due to a medical judgment, the reviewer will consult with a health care professional who has appropriate training and experience in the field of medicine involved in the medical judgment. The health care professional consulted will not be the same person consulted in connection with the initial benefit decision (nor be the subordinate of that person). The decision on review also will identify any medical or vocational experts who advised the Compensation Committee in connection with the original benefit decision, even if the advice was not relied upon in making the decision.
Disability Claims. Claims for disability benefits shall be determined under the DOL Regulation section 2560.503-1 which is hereby incorporated by reference.
Disability Claims. XXXX does not offer disability claims. The Servicer will continue normal servicing functions in accordance with TERI's servicing guidelines.
Disability Claims. If a claim for benefits is based on a determination of the claimant’s Disability by the Plan Administrator, the claim for Disability-based benefits will be processed within 45 days of receipt unless the claimant’s application is incomplete. The Plan Administrator will notify the claimant or the claimant’s representative within the initial 45-day period if his or her application is incomplete. If the Plan Administrator needs additional information, the initial 45-day period will be suspended. When the information is received, the Plan Administrator has the remainder of the 45-day period to process the application. In unusual circumstances, the Plan Administrator may extend the initial 45-day period to process the claimant’s application by up to two 30-day extensions. If it does so, the claimant will be notified in writing of the first extension before the end of the first 45-day period. The claimant will be notified of the second extension before the end of the first 30-day extension period. If the Plan Administrator is waiting for information from the claimant during a 30-day extension, the period during which it must wait is not counted toward the 30 days. If the claimant’s initial application for Disability-based benefits is denied in whole or in part, the Plan Administrator will provide the claimant with a written explanation of the denial and the claimant’s rights to have the denial appealed. The explanation also will describe any other information or material that the claimant can provide that on appeal may result in a reversal of the denial. The claimant may then submit a written request for reconsideration of claimant’s claim within 180 days after the denial. Any such request should be accompanied by documents or records that support the claimant’s appeal and should be sent to the Plan Administrator. The Plan Administrator will consult with vocational and medical experts in deciding claimant’s appeal for technical advice and opinions on claim appeals when appropriate. The Plan Administrator will make a final claim determination within 45 days of its receipt of the claimant’s request for an appeal of the initial denial. If the Plan Administrator needs additional information to process the appeal, it will notify the claimant or the claimant’s representative and request the information. While the Plan Administrator waits for the information, the 45-day period will be suspended. When the information is received, the Plan Administrator has the remainder ...
Disability Claims. 21 XIII. APPEAL PERIOD FOR CLAIM REJECTS................................... 21
Disability Claims. Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary, if a claim for benefits is based on Disability, the following claims procedures shall apply: The Committee shall maintain a procedure under which any Participant or Beneficiary can file a claim for benefits under this Plan based on Disability. 16.6.1 After receiving a claim for benefits, the Committee will notify the Participant or Beneficiary of its claim determination within 45 days of the receipt of the claim. This period may be extended by 30 days if an extension is necessary to process the claim due to matters beyond the control of the Committee. A written notice of the extension, the reason for the extension and when the Committee expects to decide the claim, will be furnished to the Participant or Beneficiary within the initial 45-day period. This period may be extended for an additional 30 days beyond the original extension. A written notice of the additional extension, the reason for the additional extension and when the Committee expects to decide the claim, will be furnished to the Participant or Beneficiary within the first 30-day extension period if an additional extension of time is needed. However, if a period of time is extended due to a Participant or Beneficiary’s failure to submit information necessary to decide a claim, the period for making the benefit determination by the Committee will be tolled from the date on which the notification of the extension is sent to the Participant or Beneficiary until the date on which the Participant or Beneficiary responds to the request for additional information. 16.6.2 If a claim for benefits is denied, in whole or in part, a Participant or Beneficiary or an authorized representative, will receive a written notice of the denial. The notice will follow the rules of 29 C.F.R. § 2560.503-1(o) for culturally and linguistically appropriate notices and will be written in a manner calculated to be understood by the Participant or Beneficiary. The notice will include: (i) the specific reason(s) for the denial, (ii) references to the specific Plan provisions on which the benefit determination was based, (iii) a description of any additional material or information necessary to perfect a claim and an explanation of whysuch information is necessary, (iv) a description of the Committee’s appeals procedures and applicable time limits, including, to the extent applicable, a statement of the right to bring a civil action under section 502(a) of ERISA foll...
Disability Claims. In addition to the forgoing, all Disability claims will be handled in a manner which complies with the reduced timeframe required for responding to such claims and in a matter which is compliant with all ERISA and the U.S. Department of Labor Regulations. In the event of a claim for Disability, the Administrator shall provide additional procedural information.
Disability Claims. For benefits to become payable, written notice of a claim must be received by the Administrator within six months after total disability commenced. Written proof satisfactory to the Administrator of the total disability of the insured employee must be received by the Administrator within three months after receipt of written notice described above. The Administrator at any time may request written proof of the continuance of disability and may request the person to submit to examination by the Administrator’s medical advisers. If the person fails to furnish proof satisfactory to the Administrator or refuses to submit to examination, the person will be considered to have ceased to be totally disabled immediately prior to the date the request was made. Proof satisfactory to the Administrator may be required to verify statements made to establish insurability.
Disability Claims. To make a disability claim, contact the Colorado Fire and Police Pension Association directly. Remember, you must be currently employed by the Aurora Police Department to be eligible for disability retirement benefits.
Disability Claims. Seller shall continue to be responsible after the Closing Date for disability benefits for employees of the Business who are absent from work as of the Closing Date due to disability, illness or injury, including those arising under any worker’s compensation laws or plans (“Disabled Employees”), consistent with the terms of Seller’s disability benefit plans or the provisions of any worker’s compensation laws. A true and complete list of all Disabled Employees existing as of the date hereof is attached hereto as Schedule 11.1(g), along with a description for each person listed thereon (whether covered by Seller’s disability benefit plans or worker’s compensation laws) of the following information: their current disability period and the nature of their disability, and Seller will deliver at Closing an updated list of the Disabled Employees as of the Closing Date for Buyer’s approval at Closing of any such updated information. Seller’s obligation to any such Disabled Employee(s) shall continue until such employee attains maximum medical recovery and receives a doctor’s release to return to work or until Seller’s obligations under its disability benefit plans or any worker’s compensation laws expire. Upon such employee’s attaining such recovery and receiving such release, Seller shall terminate such employee consistent with its obligations under Section 11.1(a) of this Agreement and Buyer shall make such employee an offer of employment consistent with Buyer’s obligations under Section 11.1(b) of this Agreement if Buyer or Seller has a contractual or other legal obligation to provide such employment. If any such employee accepts the Buyer’s offer of employment, Seller shall have no further obligations with respect to disability benefits for such employee.