Division Chair Sample Clauses
Division Chair. 10.7.1 A Division Chair must be a full-time regular faculty member.
10.7.2 The Vice-President Academic shall initiate the selection process at least twenty-six (26) weeks prior to the December 31st date preceding the date of vacancy. This date may be altered by mutual consent of the President and the Association. The application closure date shall not be before October 15th. The Vice-President Academic shall appoint a Division Chair. Before making such appointment the Vice-President Academic shall consider the advice of a joint administration/faculty recommendation committee established for the purpose. The recommendation committee shall be composed of a non-voting chair appointed by the Vice-President Academic; the appropriate Xxxx; a regular faculty member of the Division selected by faculty members of the Division; a regular faculty member not belonging to the division selected by the Association. The recommendation of the recommendation committee shall initially be forwarded to the Vice-President Academic, who may make the appointment and advise the President. If the Vice-President Academic is not willing to appoint the person recommended by the recommendation committee, the Vice-President Academic shall meet with the committee and an attempt shall be made to come to accord. Should agreement not be reached, the matter shall be referred to the President and the appointment, if any, shall be made by the President.
10.7.3 The first term of appointment as Division Chair shall normally be two (2) years commencing on May 1 and terminating on April 30. Subsequent appointments shall normally be for three (3) years. An appointee shall be limited to two consecutive three-year subsequent reappointments, normally for a maximum total of eight (8) consecutive years as Division Chair. In the event of a vacancy with insufficient notice to apply the procedure described in 10.7.2 and its sub-articles, the Vice-President Academic may appoint a faculty member to serve as Division Chair Pro Tem until this procedure can be applied. An appointment as Division Chair Pro Tem shall not be considered in the calculation of the maximum number of consecutive appointments. In such a case, the specific timelines and dates in 10.7.2 may be modified by agreement of the parties. In the event of the appointment of a Division Chair at a time other than a May 1, the appointment shall normally be until the April 30 which will make the ter...
Division Chair. The term “Division Chair” as used in this Agreement, shall mean any person appointed by the Xxxx to fulfill the responsibilities, as the University may deem necessary, for leading any division as defined in this Agreement.
Division Chair. The Division Chair selected shall be mutually agreed upon by the Executive Committee of the Union and the College’s Administrators. Upon agreement by CAC, this membership may be augmented.
Division Chair. The division organization shall utilize a representative identified as Chair for the instructional division as identified in Article VIII of this document. The rate of pay that recognizes duties and responsibilities served by the Chair, over and beyond the responsibilities of the classroom portion of the instructor's assignment, shall be made in accordance with the schedule in Article XIV, Section D. Division Chairs are responsible to the appropriate Xxxx/Vice President. The term of the Division Chair shall be from July 1 to June 30, and shall also include the June Instructional Council meeting prior to becoming Division Chair.
Division Chair. 10.7.1 A Division Chair must be a full-time regular faculty member.
10.7.2 The President shall initiate the selection process at least twenty-six (26) weeks prior to the December 31st date preceding the date of vacancy. This date may be altered by mutual consent of the President and the Association. The application closure date shall not be before September 15th. The President shall appoint a Division Chair. Before making such appointment the President shall consider the advice of a joint administration/faculty recommendation committee established for the purpose. The recommendation committee shall be composed of a non-voting chair appointed by the President; the appropriate Xxxx; a regular faculty member of the Division selected by faculty members of the Division; a regular faculty member not belonging to the division selected by the Association. The recommendation of the recommendation committee shall initially be forwarded to the President, who may make the appointment and advise the College Board. If the President is not willing to appoint the person recommended by the recommendation committee, the President shall meet with the committee and an attempt shall be made to come to accord. Should agreement not be reached, the matter shall be referred to the College Board and the appointment, if any, shall be made by the College Board.
10.7.3 The term for appointment as a Division Chair shall normally be two (2) years commencing May 1st in an odd-numbered year and terminating April 30th in the subsequent odd-numbered year. An appointee shall be limited to three (3) consecutive two-year terms. In the event of a vacancy at a time other than described in Article 10.7.3 above, a faculty member shall be appointed pro tem by the President to fill the vacancy. The appointment shall remain in effect until Articles to 10.7. can be instituted and shall be for no longer than six (6) months except with the express written agreement of the Association. The faculty member selected for appointment as described in Articles 10.7.2 to 10.7. shall be released from one-quarter of full-time instructional duty during the term from January 1st to April 30th immediately preceding the appointment, for the purpose of orientation to the duties of the position.
10.7.4 The appointment of a Division Chair ceases in such capacity simultaneously with cessation of the appointee as a full-time regular facu...
Division Chair. Job Description and List of Divisions
Division Chair. The supervising administrator of the department/division in which the grievance occurs.
Division Chair. 1. Division Chair duties and responsibilities are articulated in Appendix B.
2. Division Chairs shall begin their term effective September 1.
3. Division Chairs shall be granted two thirds release time from teaching duties from the maximum workload. The remaining third will be teaching or an assignment of equivalent responsibilities.
a. An additional 35 days (beyond 174 day contract) will be assigned by the Vice President for Instruction and be paid for at the pro-rata rate during summer quarter. These days shall include additional work days during the normal academic year, days worked during summer quarter, and/or additional hours required to perform their duties during the standard work week.
b. Adjunct faculty or candidates from outside the college that are selected as division chair will be placed on the full-time salary scale and paid at the pro-rata rate. Adjunct faculty serving as division chairs earn 30 teaching credits per academic year for their service as chair, plus credits taught. Credits earned are applied toward pay step increases in accordance with Article VI, Section D.2.
4. The term of service is normally 3 years with potential re-selection for one additional term. After serving two consecutive full terms, a sitting division chair may not re-apply for the position unless phase 2 of the division chair selection process is reached.
5. The standard expectation is a Division Chair selected from within the WCC Faculty will teach one (1) class per quarter.
6. Normal Faculty service on standing college committees is not required. Division Chair appointments to committees shall be made jointly by the Vice President of Instruction and the Union.
7. Division Chairs who are Tenured or Tenure track Faculty will maintain their standing on the RIF list and Tenure status.
Division Chair. 10.7.1 A Division Chair must be a full-time regular faculty member.
Division Chair. If the division chair is not tenured, or is being evaluated for promotion that academic year, the previous division chair will fulfill the role of the division chair in the evaluation process, instead of the current division chair; if the previous division chair is not tenured, or is being evaluated for promotion that academic year, or is on sabbatical during that academic year, the division will elect an alternate division member who is tenured and is not being evaluated for promotion that academic year, and who will fulfill the role of the division chair in the evaluation process, instead of the division chair. This role includes all references to the division chair in this Faculty Evaluation Document, including having access to the closed file of evaluatees. The election of the alternate division member will be at the first division meeting of the academic year.