DURATION AND RENEGOTIATIONS. This Agreement shall be in effect from January 1, 2019 to 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2022 and from year to year thereafter unless either party gives written notice to the other party of its desire to modify or amend this Agreement on or before September 1, 2022 or any subsequent September 1. Negotiations for the new collective bargaining agreement shall begin on or about October 1, 2022 or another mutually agreeable date.
DURATION AND RENEGOTIATIONS. This agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2018 and remain in full force and effect through June 30, 2021. Not later than November 1, 2020 , the parties shall enter into negotiations with respect to a successor agreement as provided in Chapter 150E of the General Laws. In witness whereof, we have affixed our hands this day of Signature - School Committee Chair Date Signature – Association President Date Signature –Superintendent of Schools Date STEP BA BA + 30 MA + 30 CAGS MA M+60 1 41,344 43,231 47,117 52,074 2 43,112 45,364 49,307 54,152 3 44,661 47,279 51,279 56,010 4 46,209 49,196 53,250 57,869 5 47,759 51,110 55,222 59,727 6 49,307 53,026 57,192 61,587 7 50,856 54,940 59,165 63,445 8 52,407 56,855 61,135 65,304 9 53,955 58,771 63,107 67,162 10 55,504 60,686 65,079 69,104 11 57,090 62,600 67,050 71,061 12 58,700 64,516 69,022 73,013 13 60,341 66,431 70,994 75,025 14 61,978 68,346 73,042 76,950 15 63,592 70,338 75,122 78,946 16 65,331 72,278 77,178 80,892 17 67,175 74,226 79,274 82,867 18 81,217 84,803 STEP BA BA + 30 MA + 30 CAGS MA M+60 1 43,112 45,364 49,307 54,152 2 44,661 47,279 51,279 56,010 3 46,209 49,196 53,250 57,869 4 47,759 51,110 55,222 59,727 5 49,307 53,026 57,192 61,587 6 50,856 54,940 59,165 63,445 7 52,407 56,855 61,135 65,304 8 53,955 58,771 63,107 67,162 9 55,504 60,686 65,079 69,104 10 57,090 62,600 67,050 71,061 11 58,700 64,516 69,022 73,013 12 60,341 66,431 70,994 75,025 13 61,978 68,346 73,042 76,950 14 63,592 70,338 75,122 78,946 15 65,331 72,278 77,178 80,892 16 67,175 74,226 79,274 82,867 17 68,586 75,875 81,217 84,803 18 82,923 86,584 STEP BA BA + 30 MA + 30 CAGS MA M+60 1 44,017 46,317 50,342 55,289 2 45,599 48,272 52,356 57,186 3 47,179 50,229 54,368 59,084 4 48,762 52,183 56,382 60,981 5 50,342 54,140 58,393 62,880 6 51,924 56,094 60,407 64,777 7 53,508 58,049 62,419 66,675 8 55,088 60,005 64,432 68,572 9 56,670 61,960 66,446 70,555 10 58,289 63,915 68,458 72,553 11 59,933 65,871 70,471 74,546 12 61,608 67,826 72,485 76,601 13 63,280 69,781 74,576 78,566 14 64,927 71,815 76,700 80,604 15 66,703 73,796 78,799 82,591 16 68,586 75,785 80,939 84,607 17 70,026 77,468 82,923 86,584 18 84,664 88,402 Head Coaches (Category I) * 4,231 4,358 4,489 Lead Directors (Category I) ** 4,231 4,358 4,489 Category I – Assistant Positions Assistant Coaches (Category I) * 2,643 2,722 2,804 Assistant Directors (Category I) ** 2,643 2,722 2,804 CATEGORY II Head Coaches (Category II) *** 2,643 2,722 2,804 Category II – Assistant Positions As...
DURATION AND RENEGOTIATIONS. A. This Agreement and each of its provisions shall be effective as of May 1, 2018 and shall continue in full force and effect until April 30, 2021 and thereafter unless either party shall notify the other in writing 120 days (or by January 1st) prior to the anniversary date of this contract, that it desires to modify and/or amend this Agreement. Negotiations shall commence no later than thirty (30) days after service of such notice.
B. Any retroactive pay shall be on a separate check from normal salary. IN WITTNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signature, this the day of , 2018. FOR THE UNION: FOR THE CITY: 2443 President Mayor 2446 Vice President City Clerk 2449 Treasurer 2452 Secretary 2455 2456 Sergeant -at-Arms APPENDIX A SALARY SCHEDULE Start $65,248 $66,879 $68,384 $69,923 Step 1 $71,602 $73,392 $75,043 $76,732 Step 2 $75,895 $77,792 $79,543 $81,332 Step 3 $80,451 $82,462 $84,318 $86,215 Step 4 $85,278 $87,410 $89,377 $91,388 Step 5 $90,395 $92,655 $94,740 $96,871 Step 6 $94,011 $96,361 $98,529 $100,746 Step 1 $102,824 $105,395 $107,766 $110,191 Step 2 $103,852 $106,448 $108,843 $111,292 Step 3 $105,387 $108,022 $110,452 $112,937 Step 4 $106,668 $109,335 $111,795 $114,310 Step 5 $110,932 $113,705 $116,264 $118,880 APPENDIX B PROMOTIONAL POTENTIAL RATING City of Wheaton Fire Lieutenant Selection Process Lieutenant Candidate Name: For each of the criteria below, rate the candidate on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest). Criteria Score
1.) Remains calm and thinks clearly during an emergency. ___________
2.) Works safely. ___________
3.) Leads by example. ___________
4.) Is honest & trustworthy. ___________
5.) Able to adapt to any situation. ___________
6.) Is dependable when assigned a task. ___________
7.) Shows initiative without being told. ___________
8.) Overall contributions to their crew. ___________
9.) Maintains a positive attitude. ___________
10.) General job knowledge required to be an effective Lieutenant. ___________ Total Score out of 100 points = ______________________________ ______________________________ ____________ Evaluator Printed Name Evaluator Signature Date APPENDIX C FACTORS IN CHIEFS POINTS For each of the criteria listed below rate each candidate on a scale of 1-5 (5 being the highest rating) based on the dimension of Teamwork. Criteria Scores
1. Reaching logical conclusions from incomplete or ambiguous information.
2. Reaching sound decisions and committing oneself to a defined course of action.
3. Deal...
DURATION AND RENEGOTIATIONS. This agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2014 and remain in full force and effect through June 30, 2017. Not later than November 1, 2016 , the parties shall enter into negotiations with respect to a successor agreement as provided in Chapter 150E of the General Laws. In witness whereof, we have affixed our hands this day of Signature - School Committee Chair Date Signature – Association President Date Signature –Superintendent of Schools Date *The Berkshire Hills Regional School District will fund the Director position and three other positions, excluding 4 musicians which will be funded by the Booster Club. Should other negotiated positions be needed for a production, the Booster Club will fund them at the negotiated stipend rate.
DURATION AND RENEGOTIATIONS. This agreement shall become effective upon the Union ratification, adoption by the Superintendent and shall remain in effect up to and including June 30, 2015. Neither party shall be obligated to meet and negotiate on any Article that has not been reopened unless it meets the provisions described in Article XIV Effect of the Agreement. Two Articles may be reopened during the term of this agreement by mutual agreement in writing by both parties to this agreement.
DURATION AND RENEGOTIATIONS. This agreement shall become effective upon the Superintendent’s adoption and shall remain in full force and effect up to and including June 30, 2018, and thereafter shall continue in effect year by year unless one of the parties has been notified the other in writing of intention to reopen as specified in this Article no later than April 15 of each year of the agreement. The parties agree to reopen negotiations on two (2) Articles each of the agreement in addition to Article IX Compensation for 2016-2017 and 2017-2018. Neither party shall be obligated t meet and negotiate on any Article that has not been reopened unless it meets the provisions described in Article XIV Effect of the Agreement. Articles may be reopened during the term of this Agreement by mutual agreement in writing by both parties to this Agreement.
DURATION AND RENEGOTIATIONS. A. This Agreement and each of its provisions shall be effective as of May 1, 2015 and shall continue in full force and effect until April 30, 2018 and thereafter unless either party shall notify the other in writing 120 days (or by January 1st) prior to the anniversary date of this contract, that it desires to modify and/or amend this Agreement. Negotiations shall commence no later than thirty (30) days after service of such notice.
B. Any retroactive pay shall be on a separate check from normal salary.
DURATION AND RENEGOTIATIONS. This Agreement shall become effective upon Association ratification and report to the Superintendent and shall remain in effect up to and including June 30, 2015 2021, and thereafter shall continue in effect year by year unless one of the parties has notified the other in writing of intention to terminate. The parties agree that Article IX Compensation is closed for purposes of 2019-2020 negotiations. The parties agree to reopen negotiations for 2013-2014 2019-2020 on compensation, two (2) other Articles at the choice of the Association and two (2) other Articles at the choice of the Office. Negotiations of President’s Leave Vacancy, Transfer and Reassignment will be considered a mutual reopener in addition to the other two (2) Articles.
DURATION AND RENEGOTIATIONS. Section 23.1 Duration and Notice Section 23.2 Negotiations
DURATION AND RENEGOTIATIONS. A. This Agreement shall continue in effect to and including June 30, 2020. The Agreement shall expire on July 1, 2022.
B. This Agreement concludes meeting and negotiating on any subject between the parties, whether included in this Agreement or not, for the term of this Agreement, except as follows:
1. Should any change in California or Federal legislation increase, decrease, or delete any sections of this Agreement, the District and Association will meet and negotiate in good faith on such items within twenty (20) days after such change becomes known to one of the parties. This includes any changes affected by SB 813 without the twenty (20) days requirement.
C. Items for annual negotiations will include salary and benefits, plus two (2) items each from MCTA and the District, including items carried over from prior year’s negotiations.