DUTY PAY Sample Clauses

DUTY PAY. Employees who are required to serve on a jury shall be compensated for days actually spent on jury duty when they would, otherwise, have been at work. They shall receive the difference between their jury fees and their normal day's pay for that time they would have been regularly employed had they not been serving on the jury. The employee shall be required to report immediately upon being excused or released from jury duty where such reporting is reasonable under the circumstances. The claim of an employee shall be verified by presentation of his jury duty cheque. However, no payment shall be made for any hour for which the employee receives compensation by the Employer for any other reason. Payment shall not be withheld pending submission of the jury duty cheque. Any employee subpoenaed to attend as a witness on behalf of the Employer or the Crown shall be entitled to the difference between their witness fee and their normal day’s pay. In the event employees serve on jury duty from Monday through Friday, they shall not be required to work on Saturday. ARTICLE DURATION OF AGREEMENT and shall continue until April It shall continue automatically from year to year thereafter until either party serves written notice on the other party by registered mail within days and not less than thirty days prior to the
DUTY PAY. Section 42.1 With respect to the Divisions of Water Distribution, Wastewater Collection, and Public Works, "Duty" shall consist of one person on a weekly rotating basis.
DUTY PAY. An employee will receive for each day of jury duty the difference between the pay last com- puted at the employee's regular hourly rate and the amount of jury fee received, provided that the employee furnishes the Company with a certifi- cate of service signed by the Clerk of the Court showing the amount of jury fee paid.
DUTY PAY. The members of the Police Wage Negotiating Committee shall be granted leave from duty with full pay for all meetings between the City and the Lodge for the purpose of negotiating the terms of an agreement, when such meetings take place at a time during which such members are scheduled for duty.
DUTY PAY. A 40/48 hour employee assigned by the Employer to be on standby duty during hours outside the employee's general work schedule shall be compensated at the rate of three dollars ($3.00) per hour for such assignment. An employee who is the Duty Chief shall be immediately accessible by telephone, radio or other departmentally approved communication device and shall be available for immediate response. Assignment as Duty Chief shall not count as hours worked. Employees who are called back for additional work hours, while on Duty Chief assignment, shall be compensated for such time worked pursuant to applicable provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding and shall not receive duty pay for such period. Employees not assigned as Duty Chief shall be subject to call back pursuant to the Rules of the Department and applicable provisions of the Memorandum. Employees assigned as the Duty Chief, who are dispatched, shall be granted a minimum of three (3) hours of pay unless the two (2) hours of work overlaps with the employee’s normal workday.
DUTY PAY. The Company agrees to subsidize the pay of an employee called for Jury Duty or subpoena appearance court other than Company Union arbitration cases, so there will be no loss of earnings.
DUTY PAY. Increases standby pay by 1% and .5% when a holiday occurs during the period of standby or duty pay.
DUTY PAY. The Company agrees to pay a full day’s pay at straight time hourly for each day an employee is required to serve and does serve on any jury or serve as a crown witness, provided his or her department is scheduled to work on the days actually served on the jury or as a crown witness. The employee, however, will be required to turn in to the Company, the jury fees or witness fees and conduct money in order to receive the compensation above provided. The Company shall require an employee to prove that they have been subpoenaed as a crown witness.
DUTY PAY. Employees who are required to serve on a jury shall be compensated for days actually spent on jury duty when they would, otherwise, have been at work. Employees shall receive the difference between their jury fees and their normal day's pay for that time they would have been regularly employed had they not been serving on the jury. The employee shall be required to report immediately upon being excused or released from jury duty where such reporting is reasonable under the circumstances. The claim of employees shall be verified by presentation of their jury duty cheque. However, no payment shall be made for any hour for which the employee receives compensation by the Employer for any other reason. Payment shall not be withheld pending submission of the jury duty cheque. Any employee subpoenaed to attend as a witness on behalf of the Employer or the Crown shall be entitled to the difference between their witness fee and their normal day's pay.
DUTY PAY. An who is summoned and reports for Jury Duty or as a subpoenaed Crown Witness, as prescribed by shall be paid by the Company an amount to the difference between the amount of wages (ex- cluding shift premium) the employee otherwise would have received by working straight time hours on that day at the applicable wage classification rate and the daily jury fer paid by the court for each day on which the employee otherwise have been scheduled to work for the Com- pany. order to be eligible for payment, an employee notify the Company within hours after receipt of notice for selection for jury duty or subpoenaed Crown witness and must furnish a written statement from the ap- propriate officials the date and time served and the amount of pay received. Union bulletins and notices, when approved by the Manager, Resources or designate, may be posted on bulletin boards by the Company. The Union also agrees that there shall be no other distribution or posting by employees of pamphlets, advertising or poli- tical matter, notices or any kind of literature upon the Company property, other than as approved by the Com- pany.