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Trip Assignment Sample Clauses

Trip Assignment. Trips will be assigned on the basis of seniority, parking location, 30 and availability as listed below.
Trip Assignment. Trips will be posted on the transportation bulletin board every Friday afternoon. If time allows, trips will be posted one week in advance. A list of trips and of the assigned driver(s) will be posted on the board and/or will be called by the dispatcher. The driver must accept or decline the trip by his/her next shift following notification of the trip. Drivers are required to sign off on the appropriate trip list for any trips that he/she declines. Once a driver accepts, declines, or is unavailable for a trip, his/her name will be moved to the bottom of the list and the next senior employee on the list will move to the top of the list and be eligible for the next available trip. In the event of emergencies or late field trip request, the dispatcher with approval of the Transportation Supervisor will use personal discretion in assigning the trip. In most cases, the Dispatcher will use the Extra Duty list to assign a Driver/Courier to the trip. Definition of an Emergency Trip: It is not the intent of the trip assignment to provide equitable hours. It is the intent to provide a simple trip procedure that provides equal access to trips. The field trip assignment system will be handled separately and will not apply to opportunities of driving extra hours due to substitution for absent drivers. Each field trip driver will be responsible for preliminary trip preparation, such as, location of area (school, field, court etc.) in which he/she is going, (i.e. garbage bags, trip log sheet, time of departure, school organization being transported (sport, club, etc.), pre-trip evacuation speech to riders, etc.) Drivers may ask the dispatcher for assistance. Employees eligible to be field trip drivers include employees in the following classifications: Bus Drivers, Mechanics, dispatcher, Transportation Secretary, Bus Driver Trainer. The Transportation Supervisor will only drive field trips in an emergency as defined above in Section 17.4.3 Field Trip Pay
Trip Assignment. When a trip is not filled by the bid procedure, it will be assigned by the Supervisor/designee on a rotation basis.
Trip Assignment. Assignment for trips will first begin with any driver/aide who is listed on a make-up list (having had their previous assignment canceled, or having the list rotate such that his/her name comes up a second time on the same day and he/she cannot be assigned by virtue of the first assignment) without regard to length or type of trip. Then assignment will continue with the regular assignment list. If a driver/aide is skipped in the field trip rotation, they will be placed on the make-up list. If the trip assigned from the make-up list results in less hours worked than the actual hours worked of trip in which they were skipped, the driver shall be paid the difference in hours.
Trip Assignment. The following guidelines are used to fairly assign trips in an efficient manner. If unforeseen, unusual, short-term situations arise, the transportation supervisor will resolve the matter in the most efficient means for the District. 1. Trip bidding will be on Wednesday of each week, after the morning bus run. 2. Extra trips will be bid according to seniority, one trip at a time per driver before beginning another rotation. When it is a driver’s turn to bid, they will select one trip for the following week. If there are unassigned trips after going through a full rotation, the rotation will start at the top again so that drivers may take an additional trip for the following week. A driver may decline to take a trip for the bid week without consequence. 3. The rotation will begin anew with the most senior driver at the beginning of each posting period. 4. Drivers who are on official school business during the weekly bid, may bid by proxy by leaving their trip choice, in writing, with the transportation supervisor. 5. Drivers who back out of an assigned trip will not be allowed to bid the following bid day, unless there are enough trips to do a second round of bidding then this person will be allowed to bid during the second round. 6. If a trip is added after the weekly bid, within the current bid week, it will be offered to the next person in the weekly rotation. After a run has been bid and is subsequently canceled and is rescheduled for another day during the bid week, the driver that was awarded the trip shall retain the trip if possible. When not possible, the trip will go back into the weekly rotation. 7. Drivers who do not write in the number of the bus they will be taking by the end of the third day cannot take the bus from another driver. Drivers also need to tag the keys of the bus they are taking the morning they are going to use a bus. Buses are to be selected and assigned by size and the needs of the District. 8. If no regular drivers sign up, then regular subs will be called. If regular subs are not available, those holding CDL licenses from other departments may take the run. If drivers are not available when given short notice or in emergency situations, the supervisor will do what is necessary to meet the needs of the District. 9. Runs such as Xxxx Xxxxx, Ski Runs, Senior Trip, or those determined by the District are open to drivers who have been driving a bus route for a minimum of six (6) months. 10. Coaches will record the time and sign o...
Trip Assignment. The Transportation Office will assign all field trips requiring the use of Polk County school buses according to the following: (a) The field trip office will organize the field trips in the date and time order they are received. In the event that more than one trip is scheduled out of the same zone on the same day at the same time, trips will be assigned as they are received in the field trip office. (b) The assignment of trips will be made from a seniority list for each zone on a rotating basis. Trips will be assigned by the time and date that the trip is to be made. (c) Trips will be posted Tuesday noon at each zone posting school for the trips the week beginning the following Monday. Each employee is required to check the zone posting schools and sign acceptance by noon, Thursday following the Tuesday posting. (d) Trips received late and re-assignments will be assigned via radio, beginning at 8:45 a.m. until completed. (e) Drivers are assigned according to the rotation list and a driver’s available field trip times. The field trip office determines a driver’s available field trip time by adding fifteen (15) minutes to the time fully unloaded in the a.m., subtracting fifteen minutes from time first school dismissed in p.m., and adding fifteen (15) minutes to time fully unloaded in p.m. on the driver’s golden rod sheet. (f) When the school year begins, the rotation lists are first organized in seniority order. (g) At the moment the first field trip is assigned and the first driver is rotated, seniority order is no longer in effect with the exception of out of zone field trips. Any time a driver is posted for a trip that driver will automatically rotate. If a driver is called out for a trip over the radio and the driver does not respond or the driver rejects the trip, and the trip is more than forty-eight hours away, the driver will rotate. The only exceptions are bus inspections, CPR, First Aid, In-Service, a doctor’s appointment, a time conflict with your route, etc.
Trip Assignment. A. Post three (3) days in advance trip to be assigned along with list of drivers by the lowest hours. B. Drivers have the period between posting (noon) and assigning (10:30 a.m. of the following day) to enter their selection by choice (trip number 1, number 2, etc.) in writing. C. The following day a list will be posted indicating which driver has been assigned what trip. It is then the driver’s responsibility to fill out second form (yellow) indicating what runs are needed to be covered and if any directions or a map is required. D. The list will be posted with a ratio of four (4) drivers per trip for out-of-town trips and four

Related to Trip Assignment

  • Shift Assignment Should the University elect to establish a shift on any other schedule than the regular day shift (Monday through Friday) or to assign employees to work on any such shift, the employee(s) with the most seniority in the classification affected or to be assigned on such shift shall have preference in moving to such shift. If an insufficient number of employees in the classification elect to move to such shift, then the employee(s) with the least seniority in the classification shall be assigned to such shift. If positions or shifts are reduced or eliminated or movement of personnel to other shifts is required, then the seniority of the affected employee will prevail in the selection of shift, provided the affected employee can do the required work. Such shift preference is only applicable within the employee's classification.

  • Work Assignment 8.1 The jurisdiction of the Unions shall be that jurisdiction established by Agreements between International Unions claiming the work or Decisions of Record recognized by the AFL-CIO for the various classifications and the character of work performed, having regard for the special requirements of thermal, nuclear or hydraulic generation and transmission and transformation construction. An Agreement or Decision of Record is one that is published by the Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO (Agreement and Decisions Rendered Affecting the Building Industry). Where no Decision or Agreement applies, the Employer agrees to consider evidence of established practices within the industry when making jurisdictional assignments. (a) A markup process will be utilized when an Employer intends to perform work on a project site*. The purpose of this markup process is to indicate to the Union the work which is planned to be carried out by the Employer in order to minimize the potential for jurisdictional disputes. (b) When work is to be performed on a project site and it meets the following criteria: same employer, same work, same project site, the markup process will not be required. This procedure shall not preclude a Union’s right to contest previously disputed work. * For the purposes of this Article, Nanticoke, Lambton, Lakeview/Xxxxx, BNPD, Pickering, Darlington, Lines and Stations and the 5 Electricity Production Zones are each considered individual project sites. In the Electricity Production Zones when work falls within this criteria the EPSCA Office will send out a “Notification of Work” along with a copy of the original minutes of xxxx-up meeting(s) to the Local Union prior to work commencing. This procedure shall not preclude the Union’s right to contest previously assigned work, if the work is in a Local Union jurisdiction other than the one it was marked up in. (c) When an Employer has work that is less than 3 weeks duration and there are ten (10) or fewer employees covered by EPSCA Collective Agreements employed on this specific work, the Union and Union affiliates will be notified of the scope of work and the Employer’s proposed work assignments. The Unions will have two (2) weeks from the date of notification to submit jurisdictional claims and supporting evidence to the Employer for consideration. The Employer will notify the Union of the final work assignments prior to the commencement of the work. (d) All work that does not meet the criteria set out in clauses 8.2(b) or 8.2(c) will be reviewed and assigned at a markup meeting. (e) EPSCA will provide written notice to the Union as far in advance as possible of markup meetings. The Unions may attend these markup meetings, and every effort will be made to settle questions of jurisdiction before the work is expected to commence. (f) The Employer who has the responsibility for the work shall make a proposed assignment of the work involved. The Employer shall be responsible for providing copies of proposed assignments to the Union at the markup meeting. The Employer will specify a reasonable time limit for the Unions involved to submit evidence of their claims. The Employer will evaluate all evidence submitted and make a final assignment of the work involved. This final assignment will be in accordance with the procedural rules established by the Plan for the Settlement of Jurisdictional Disputes in the Construction Industry. The Employer will advise the Unions of the final assignments prior to the work commencing. (g) The EPSCA representative will record the proposed assignments and jurisdictional claims and forward a copy of them within fifteen (15) working days to the Union. (h) The parties recognize that circumstances may arise, particularly with discovery and emergency work, where the process set out above may not be practical or possible, however reasonable effort will be made by the Employer to adhere to the appropriate trade jurisdiction.

  • Room Assignment The Landlord will assign rooms in accordance with the current assignment practice set by Residence Services. The Landlord reserves the right to transfer or move Tenants when deemed necessary. Tenants failing to arrive within 48 hours of the specified move-in date, without informing Residence Services of the delay, will lose their room assignment.

  • Non-Assignment PROVIDER shall neither assign its rights nor delegate its duties under this Agreement without the prior written consent of A&M System.

  • Shift Assignments When an opening occurs in a shift assignment in an appropriate work group at a location, preference shall be given to employees within the classification who possess the training, ability and any required special qualifications to perform the work required, on the basis of seniority. In the event that no employee desires a shift assignment, employees shall be selected in order of inverse seniority. This provision shall not apply to necessary training assignments. This provision shall not in itself alter the practice of rotating shifts where such practice presently exists. No employee who has a regular shift assignment on the effective date of the Agreement shall be involuntarily displaced from such shift assignment as a result of this Article.