Ethos. The ethos of the School is to xxxxxx good relationships between pupils and between members of staff and pupils. Bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination will not be tolerated. The School and its staff will act fairly in relation to the Pupil and the Parents and We expect the same of the Pupil and the Parents in relation to the School or its staff.
Ethos. Xxxxxxxxx is a welcoming, inclusive, friendly, caring and vibrant community.
Ethos. The ethos of the College is to xxxxxx good relationships between pupils and between members of staff and pupils. Bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination will not be tolerated. The College and its staff will act fairly in relation to the Pupil and the Parents and We expect the same of the Pupil and the Parents in relation to the College or its staff.
Ethos. Services will be delivered to accord with the Authority’s and the NHS Body’s values as set out below: 1 People managed under CPA are also managed within the context of the Care Act and the Human Rights Act. Services will be responsive, flexible, accessible, inclusive, encompassing the principles of achieving recovery and social inclusion. They will promote independence by supporting people with mental health problems to gain employment and volunteer in their community and through short term interventions including reablement, rehabilitation, recovery or other preventative services. . The vision for Adult Social Care across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is that “People are supported to remain as independent as possible in and by their communities”. This means: A person centred approach where professionals work collaboratively with people to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to more effectively manage and make informed decisions about their own care. Supporting people in a way that works for them. And treating people with dignity, compassion and respect. A more localised approach to supporting citizens, where people feel connected and able to help themselves and each other. Nurturing local interventions wherever possible. And recognising that everyone has something of value to contribute to the neighbourhood. Strength based conversations which focus on what the person can do for themselves using their own skills and experience; as well as the support that friends, family and the local community can offer. Focusing on early intervention and prevention, and maximising people’s independence at every interaction. Working with people to plan for their future, to stay resilient and well connected. Delivering services for the future in an efficient and affordable way People have better outcomes when they are supported to remain as independent as possible in and by their communities. Better outcomes influences the level of demand placed on our councils in a way that does not rely on cutting services or restricting access, and ultimately costs less. In addition, practice will aim to prevent the escalation of mental and physical health problems. The NHS Body is expected to take into account the strategic objectives, priorities and outcomes defined by the Authority in delivery of assessment and support. These are updated from time to time and are published on the Authority’s website. The NHS Body shall work with the Authority to deliver...
Ethos. The school seeks to provide a positive working atmosphere in which each individual is valued, where personal endeavour is encouraged and fostered and where responsible and considerate use of the school and its environment is encouraged. Students are expected to respect these values and the individuals who work and live in and around the school.
Ethos. West Lakes Academy (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Academy’) is fully committed to every child receiving the very best education and to ensuring that all pupils reach their full potential. To achieve this, teachers aim to deliver outstanding lessons and the academy rightly has high expectations of its pupils. We expect all members of the academy community to behave well, work hard, achieve high standards appropriate to their learning abilities, show respect for one another and to ensure that the Academy is a positive and safe place to be. For the Academy to achieve a positive ethos it is essential that all members of the academy community work well alongside each other and develop positive working relationships (this includes all staff and other adults working in the School, pupils and parents). Having a positive ethos helps to ensure good behaviour from pupils in school. Young people learn by example and as such, having high standards of behaviour expectations from all parties involved in their education will create adults with similarly high behaviour standards. Through the promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development within the curriculum, we will positively promote fundamental British values. To achieve this, we will: We recognise that consistency is crucial in maintaining high standards of behaviour alongside a culture that celebrates success and is not based solely on sanctions. To this end, the Academy is committed to promoting and rewarding good behaviour. We are also committed to a united approach to managing behaviour in and out of school. The Academy will not tolerate bullying or intimidation of any description. A complaint of bullying will always be taken seriously.
Ethos. Xx Xxxxxxx’s is an appropriately academic school which means that we celebrate intellectual curiosity and the life of the mind, but not to the exclusion of all else. We expect our pupils to develop individual passions and through them to acquire a range of skills and characteristics. These characteristics will include a willingness to take risks, to question and to debate, and to persevere in the face of difficulty. In the words of Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx: “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” If a girl can immediately excel at everything we ask of her, we as educators must set the bar higher. We want all pupils to learn about life beyond the school gates, to appreciate the rich variety of our world, to develop an understanding of compassion and to value justice. We encourage all pupils to become involved in fundraising and community work. They should appreciate how their decisions and their actions can affect those around them. By the time a pupil leaves Xx Xxxxxxx’s she will be well- educated, courageous, compassionate, committed and self- confident with a love of learning, a moral compass and a sense of humour.
Ethos. As a Pupil: Parents/Carers will: The School will: LEARNING As a Pupil: Parents/Carers will: The School will: HOME LEARNING (WHERE APPROPRIATE) As a Pupil: Parents/Carers will: The School will: RESPONSIBILITY, EQUALITY AND FAIRNESS As a Pupil: Parents/Carers will: The School will: ATTENDANCE
Ethos. 2.1 At Hillview School our approach to Behaviour Management is based on our school values: We are a learning community where everyone has a valuable and unique contribution to make We work with students, parents/carers and governors to provide a safe and disciplined environment in which to work We respect ourselves, one another and our environment We work together to achieve the best we can for our students and our community We recognise and celebrate all forms of achievement both in and outside of school.
2.2 Hillview School for Girls will: Reward positive behaviour through our Code of Conduct, which is well- publicised and consistently applied by all staff. Utilise the school planner to share positive contributions and concerns about behaviour with parents and carers. Provide all students with opportunities to gain respect and develop self-esteem. Teach and model the need for tolerance, empathy and responsibility for and towards others. Follow agreed guidelines for applying the Code of Conduct, which are clearly communicated to students.
2.3 Teachers have the right to conduct their professional duties without hindrance or stress caused by students’ challenging behaviour.
Ethos. As a Catholic School, St. Anne’s Loreto P.S. takes our engagement on these devices from the principles of our love of God and our neighbour. We therefore expect that our use of devices as a learning tool and to communicate with others is based upon the premise of respect for others. It is envisaged that school and parent representatives will revise the AUP annually. Before signing, the AUP should be read carefully to ensure that the conditions of use are accepted and understood. This version of the AUP was created on 17th December 2020 (incorporating Circular 38/2018).