Weekend Work (1) All ordinary hours of work performed between midnight on Friday and midnight on Sunday shall be paid for at the rate of time and one-half.
Ordinary Hours of Work The ordinary hours of work will be worked any time between 6.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday. Ordinary hours of work may be varied by agreement between the Employer and the majority of the employees concerned and the ETU State Secretary (via the relevant full time ETU Official) to accommodate the hours or work required for the most efficient and safe operation of the Employer and the requirements of its client. Where agreement is reached to work alternate hours, occupational health and safety principles will prevail. Proper health monitoring procedures will be introduced and suitable rosters clearly agreed prior to commencing work. Adequate supervision must always be provided. Matters on which agreement may be reached include: a) How the hours are to be averaged in a work cycle b) The duration of the work cycle
Day Work The Company shall structure the Project Working Hours to include one (1) half-hour rest break to be taken without deduction of pay by Employees working the Project Working Hours on any day, Monday to Friday.
Excused Absences Absences will be excused only under the following circumstances.
HOURS OF WORK & OVERTIME Section 15.1 This Article is intended to define the normal hours of work per day or per week in effect at the time of execution of this Agreement. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as preventing the Employer from restructuring the normal workday or workweek as necessary to promote efficiency or improve services, or from establishing the work schedules of employees. However, nothing in this Section shall relieve the Employer of its duty to bargain the affects of such decisions on employee wages, hours, terms and other conditions of employment. This Article shall be used as the basis for computing overtime for employees who are not exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and shall not be construed as a guarantee of hours of work per day or per week. Section 15.2 Employees may take one paid fifteen (15) minute break for every four (4) hour block worked. Employees may combine breaks to take up to one (1) sixty (60) minute paid break. Employees may not leave campus on their paid breaks. Section 15.3 Bargaining unit employees who are not exempt from the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act will be paid one and one-half times their normal hourly rate for all hours actually worked in excess of forty (40) hours per work week. All overtime shall have prior supervisory approval, except when it is necessary for a nurse to remain on duty to protect patient safety. Only hours actually worked are counted for the purpose of computing an employee's eligibility for overtime pay. There shall be no pyramiding of hours or pay. Section 15.4 The Board serves individuals 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. To meet this need for service to our individuals evening and weekend hours may be required of any bargaining unit employee. The Employer will establish the standard work day as beginning at 6:00 a.m. and ending at 5:59 a.m. and starting and ending times for each shift in each department. Supervisors will establish daily workschedules. Section 15.5 Absent an emergency situation, management will notify the Union in the event management intends to institute a long-term change in the present shift times for nurses. Following notification and upon request by the Union, management will meet with the Union to discuss the reason for the change and possible alternatives.
Shift Work (1) Except as varied by this Clause, all other aspects of Section 4 of the Agreement shall apply to the working of shift work. (2) The Company has the right to direct Employees to work shift work as required and the Employees shall work the shift work as directed. Shift work will be worked and paid for in accordance with this subclause. (3) Shift work is deemed to be any arrangement of Project Working Hours where the majority of the Ordinary Hours are worked outside of the spread of Ordinary Hours defined at clause 16 - Hours of Work of this Agreement and when Employees are working as such. (4) Ordinary Hours for shift Employees will comprise thirty-six (36) hours per week averaged over a defined work cycle and will not commence before 5.00pm on Sunday night. Such Ordinary Hours are the specified hours under each shift Employee's terms of employment by reference to which annual leave and personal/carer's leave accrue. (5) Prior to the commencement of shift work, the Company shall seek the agreement of the Employees involved. Failing agreement, the Company will provide to the Employees concerned one (1) week's notice of the commencement of shift work and the starting and finishing times of Ordinary Hours of the shifts. (6) Where less than five (5) consecutive shifts are worked then Employees shall be paid at overtime rates in lieu of the shift loading prescribed at subclause (7) of this clause. The consecutive nature of shifts will not be deemed to be broken if work is not carried out on a Saturday, Sunday, RDO or on any public holiday. (7) A shift Employee shall receive a flat loading of twenty-five (25) percent of their Ordinary Hourly Rate for each hour worked. (8) Employees working night shift shall be entitled to stop work for a half-hour without deduction of pay for the purpose of taking a meal break. (9) The Company may stagger the times for Employees to take meal breaks to meet operational requirements. (10) The Company shall structure the Project Working Hours for Employees working night shift to include one (1) half-hour rest break to be taken without deduction of pay by Employees working the Project Working Hours on any night shift.
Lunch Breaks The lunch break will consist of a one-half hour (or one hour where scheduled) unpaid break taken mid-way during regular work day. In the event that an employee is required to work during his regular lunch period he shall be allowed a one-half hour lunch period between the hours of ll:30 a.m. and l:00 p.m., otherwise he shall be paid double time for working through said lunch period.
Workdays All workdays when the central and administrative offices are open shall be duty days for members employed on a twelve-month basis. All student days, when the schools are open, shall be duty days for members employed on a ten-month basis.
Hours Worked For the purpose of computing the number of hours worked, all time during which an employee is in paid status shall be construed as hours worked.
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME 16.01 The normal work week is thirty-seven point five (37.5) hours over five (5) days. Employees shall be entitled to a one half (0.5)) hour unpaid lunch period taken at a time directed by the Employer. Where the work day exceeds nine (9) hours, there shall be a second thirty (30) minute unpaid lunch break taken at a time directed by the Employer. In the event that patient care programs (e.g. flu shot clinic, patient education sessions) are scheduled and require an Employee to work hours other than those listed above, such employee shall be given a minimum of two weeks’ notice prior to the change in shift. It is understood and agreed that the provisions of this Article are intended only to provide a basis for calculating time worked and shall not be considered a guarantee as to the hours of work per day or the days of work per week. Should the Employer wish to make a change to the current schedule, a meeting shall occur with the Union to discuss the implementation of such schedule. 16.02 Authorized hours worked in excess of forty-four hours per week (Sunday to Saturday) shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1.5) times the Nurse’s regular hourly rate of pay. The Employee may elect time off in lieu at the rate of time and one-half (1½) her regular rate of pay. The time off will be taken at a time which is mutually convenient to the individual and the Employer. 16.03 Schedules will be posted monthly. 16.04 An Employee who is called in and required to work outside his/her normal scheduled hours, other than those hours immediately prior to or after normal starting or quitting time, shall receive a minimum of four (4) hours pay at straight time or payment for the actual hours worked. It is agreed that there shall be no pyramiding of overtime or any premiums provided for in this agreement.