Facebook Sample Clauses

Facebook. The Academy School may have their own Academy School Facebook page that they use as a tool to inform parents of significant events and successes of the Academy School • The Facebook page will be published, updated and monitored by members of SLT • To safeguard everyone at the Academy School there are strict procedures in place regarding the use of the Academy School Facebook page • The Academy School will NEVER post content which identifies any children, staff, parents or members of the Academy School community • The Academy School will immediately remove any posts, which identify, name or compromise the privacy of any member of the Academy School community • Users are required to be polite and courteous in their communications. Any comments which are deemed to be inappropriate will be removed • Users who repeatedly breach the guidelines will be banned from the page • Should the Academy School have a Facebook page and SLT feel that the Facebook page is causing adverse or negative reflections of the Academy School, or that the site is burdensome to monitor and control, the page will be deleted • Staff wishing to use personal Facebook accounts should take every necessary precaution to avoid their professional reputation or the reputation of the Academy School being compromised in any way • Personal Facebook accounts should not have any information data or photographs of Academy School children on their account • Personal Facebook accounts should not be used during Academy School working times • Concerns about inappropriate content/conduct in relation to Facebook use should be immediately reported to the Headteacher/DSL, in line with the Acceptable Use Agreement • The Headteacher/Principal takes responsibility for content published to the Academy School website but delegates general editorial responsibility to a designated member of office staff who are responsible for the editorial control of work provided for publication • The Academy School will hold the copyright for any material published on their website or will obtain permission from the copyright holder prior to publishing with appropriate attribution • The Academy School encourages the use of e-mail to contact the Academy School via the office • The Academy School does not publish any contact details for the pupils • All digital communications with students/pupils/parents/carers should be on a professional level and only carried out using official Academy School systems. Staff should not communicate ...
Facebook. To obtain program updates and information, join our Facebook page once you are in the US.
Facebook. If you are identifying with Pink Zebra on a Facebook Page or Group, the words Independent Consultant must be included in the Facebook Page/Group Name according to the following guidelines: • Personal or Business Name, Pink Zebra, Independent Consultant • Pink Zebra, My Personal or Business Name, Independent Consultant • My Personal or Business Name, Independent Consultant • Independent Consultant, My Personal or Business Name The URL for the page cannot have the words Pink Zebra in it. Some approved examples include: • xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxxXXxxxxxxxxxxxx • xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxx • xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxxxXXxxxxxxxxxxxx • xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Please Note: When you set your Facebook Page up, the URL for that page will default to the Page Name. If you have chosen to use one of the options where Pink Zebra is part of your page name, you will need to change the URL to remove those two words before saving. There is a video in Resources > Video/Audio > General that walks you through the process. Other Social Media For other social media sites or online marketing, the term “Independent Consultant” does not have to be in the account name, but must be clearly and prominently stated within the bio or header. This includes Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Google+, etc. In addition, the URL for many of these sites would be your @. This @ cannot contain the words Pink Zebra. The Consultant is allowed one external social media website of each type (included but not limited to a Facebook page or Facebook group, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Pinterest, etc.) to personalize his or her Pink Zebra business and promote the Pink Zebra opportunity. The Consultant is only allowed to use the Pink Zebra replicated website as his or her shopping cart, and he or she may redirect a personal URL to the Pink Zebra replicated website.
Facebook. Manitowoc ParentCo (or a subsidiary of Manitowoc ParentCo) is the owner of record for and currently has control over the Facebook account having the name “Manitowoc Company” (the “Manitowoc ParentCo Facebook Account”). SpinCo Group is the owner of record for and currently has control over the Facebook accounts having the names “Manitowoc Foodservice,” “Convotherm,” “Merrychef,” “Frymaster,” and “Manitowoc Ice” (collectively, the “SpinCo Facebook Accounts”). The foregoing Facebook account information represents the only Facebook accounts and account names owned or used by the parties. Therefore, ownership of the Facebook account assets relevant to the Distribution has already been allocated to the respective parties. The parties agree that, following the Distribution, there is (a) no current practical business need for Manitowoc ParentCo to use or have access to the SpinCo Facebook Accounts and, similarly, (b) no current practical business need for SpinCo to use or have access to the Manitowoc ParentCo Facebook Account.
Facebook. Become a fan of Xxxxx’s All-American to receive up-to-date information, get special offers and discounts, and participate in exclusive contests. Xxxxx’s All-American has the right to remove posts from followers deemed inappropriate. Each department also has it’s own Private Facebook Group as well.
Facebook. Upload pictures, videos and other audiovisual elements. - Post regular updates on the xyz Facebook wall – A Minimum of 1 update per day, and sometimes 2-3 updates if there are other things to be communicated. But any given month, a minimum of 30 status updates (including quizzes, info, news, etc) - Moderate comments, delete spam, and engage fans on the xyz Facebook wall - Create facebook apps, and add apps on the xyz Facebook page. - Have regular contests that are relevant to the brand and increase the fan base. IMPORTANT (FACEBOOK CONTESTS): From our experience, we know that too many contests are usually negative for the brand. A healthy frequency is to have about 1 contest per month OR have 1 big contest every two months. - Measure and report analytics for the Facebook page. - Design and launch targeted Facebook ads for increased engagement and larger fan base. - And everything else that is synonymous with developing, designing and maintaining the Xyz Facebook page. Please note that the following details and information must be provided to the <Agency Name> team on a regular basis by the Xyz team. - Pictures: All pictures from events, product pictures, etc. - Videos: All videos from events, product showcase videos, etc. - Event details: Any and all event details in advance so that we can update the online portals and create a buzz about the events. - Details of logins: All the login details for social media sites that already exist. - Poster’s, previously used promotional material: All previously used posters, ads, magazine ads, and other promotional material so that we have a good idea of the branding look and feel. - Brand manual or any existing guidelines: A copy of any brand manual or guideline manual if it exists. Also high resolution images of the logos. - And any other important information and newsworthy items for the brand that can be shared with the online community. NOTE: All materials given to us, like brochures, audio, videos, photos, etc, will only be used for Xyz promotional purposes. It will not be used for any other purposes in any shape or form, and will be returned if & when required All this information will be treated as confidential and proprietary in nature and will not be used by <Agency Name> for any other purposes besides using the materials to promote Xyz on social media and digital platforms. Both parties, i.e., <Agency Name> and xyz Limited have the right to terminate the contract with a one month notice period. All login det...
Facebook at least four dedicated pieces, six BirdLasser mentions, and six shares of BirdLasser posts per annum;
Facebook. To obtain program updates and information, join our Facebook page once you are in the US. The CCUSA office in Budapest has a Facebook page, called CCUSA-­‐Hungary. Please like it to see the latest news about the program – even before departure. Also you should join the CCUSA Hungary 2015 Facebook group in order to keep in touch with other Hungarian participants this season.
Facebook. All Applicants will "friend" Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx. Applicant is expected to treat Facebook as they would their personal behavior. No profane language, no bullying, no sexual pictures, etc. Any inappropriate posting can/will lead to dismissal from the royalty program. Applicant will maintain the highest level of integrity and poise and will avoid even the slightest implication of inappropriate behavior.
Facebook. The OBS will provide an online user web interface tool to reserve, modify, cancel, retrieve booking information and pay for parking space.