Financial Control and Audits. Possible wording (and minimum requirements)
10.1 For audit purposes, the Project Promoter and the Project Partner(s) shall agree to carry out audits as specified in the Project Contract signed between the Project Promoter and Innovation Norway.
10.2 The Partner(s) shall make all the necessary arrangements to ensure that any audits notified by Innovation Norway, or any bodies mentioned in the Standard Terms of Conditions included as a part of the Project Contract, can be carried out.
Financial Control and Audits. 1. The Parties shall make all the necessary arrangements and grant the necessary access to ensure that any audits or financial controls notified can be carried out.
Financial Control and Audits. 11.1 All Project Partners are obliged to retain the documents required for the verification of the implementation of the Project and eligible expenses and to make them available to the NWE PSC or persons or bodies appointed by the NWE PSC to that effect.
11.2 The Lead Partner as well as all Project Partners, individually, must at all times retain all files, documents and data about the Project for audit purposes, until at least 31st December 2021. Other possibly longer statutory retention periods stated by national law remain unaffected.
11.3 The national rules concerning the verification or the retaining of documents, from which the Partners may never deviate, shall remain applicable if they set forth stricter obligations. Project Partners shall comply with any relevant national rules.
11.4 The Project Partners shall refer to the budget approved by the NWE PSC, as well as to the detailed budget in order to determine the actual implementation of the eligible expenditure.
Financial Control and Audits. For control and audit purposes, the Lead Beneficiary and the project beneficiaries shall:
1. Retain files, documents and data relevant to the project on customary data storage media in a safe and orderly manner for at least three years, from 31st December following the submission of the accounts to the European Commission in which the final expenditure of the concluded operation is included, without prejudice to any relevant provisions of the national legislation of Greece and Italy. Other possibly longer statutory retention periods, as might be stated by national law, remain unaffected.
2. Make all the necessary arrangements to ensure that any controls and audits, notified by the duly authorised regional, national, and EU Authorities, can be carried out.
3. Give the controlling/auditing authorities any information about the project they request and give them access to the accounting books, supporting documents and other documentation related to the project.
Financial Control and Audits. 1. For control and audit purposes, the Lead Partner and the Project Partners shall:
A. Retain all files, documents and data concerning the project for a period of at least three years from 31 December following the submission of the accounts in which the expenditure related to the
B. Make all the necessary arrangements to ensure that any controls and audits, notified by the duly authorized regional, national, and Community Authorities, can be carried out.
C. Give the controlling/auditing authorities any information about the project they request and give them access to the accounting books, supporting documents and other documentation related to the project.
2. The information concerning the reality and validity of actions and expenses eligible for IPA funding provided by each Project Partner shall engage only its own responsibility.
3. The European Commission, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), the European Court of Auditors (ECA) and, within their responsibility, the auditing bodies of the participating States or other national public auditing bodies as well as the Programme Audit Authority, the MA and the JS are entitled to audit the proper use of funds by the LP or by its Project Partners or to arrange for such an audit to be carried out by authorised persons. The LP and Project Partners will be notified in due time about any audit to be carried out on their expenditure. Article 14: Publicity, Communication and Branding
1. The Project Partners shall implement the communication and publicity measures in accordance with the project application form and European Union Regulations on information and publicity measures to be carried out by the States of the Programme concerning co-financing from the Investment and Structural Funds. They shall play an active role in any actions organised to disseminate the results of the project. Any public relations measure shall be coordinated by the Lead Partner.
2. Unless the MA requests otherwise, each PP shall ensure that any notice or publication made by the project, including presentations at conferences or seminars, shall point out that the project was implemented through financial assistance from the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme as required by Annex XII to Regulation (EU) 1313/2013. All information, communication and branding measures of the project shall be carried out in accordance with the aforementioned rules, the latest version of the approved application form, the Programme Manual a...
Financial Control and Audits. 1. The European Commission, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), the European Court of Auditors (ECA) and, within their responsibility, the auditing bodies of the participating countries or other national public auditing bodies as well as the Programme Audit Authority, the MA, the respective National Authorities in Albania and Montenegro, or CA and the JS are entitled to audit the proper use of funds by the LP or by its PPs or to arrange for such an audit to be carried out by authorised persons. The LP and PPs will be notified in due time about any audit to be carried out.
2. For control and audit purposes, the Lead Partner and the Project Partners shall:
A. Retain all files, documents and data concerning the project for a period of at least three years from 31 December following the submission of the accounts in which the activities related to the final joint progress report of the project is included, according art.140, par.1 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013.
B. Make all the necessary arrangements to ensure that any controls and audits, notified by the duly authorized regional, national, and Community Authorities, can be carried out.
C. Give the controlling/auditing authorities any information about the project they request and give them access to the accounting books, supporting documents and other documentation related to the project.
3. In case an audit or verification by the Audit Authority, the European Commission, the National and European Court of Auditors, or any other control set by the National legislations substantially detects a failure in the verification of the existence or completeness of the outputs delivered or an error in the calculation method applied by the MA for the lump sum, the MA reserves the right to require the LP and PPs additional documentation of the expenditures incurred, necessary to respond to the specific findings.
Financial Control and Audits. 11.1 All Project Partners are obliged to retain the documents required for the verification of the implementation of the Project and eligible expenses and to make them available to the [Steering Committee] or persons or bodies appointed by the [Steering Committee] to that effect.
11.2 The Lead Partner as well as all Project Partners, individually, must keep and file all accounting documents and other documents for a period of three years as from the date of the last transfer concerning the Programme grant (at least until [n].)
11.3 The national rules concerning the verification or the retaining of documents, from which the partners may never deviate, shall remain applicable if they set forth stricter obligations. The Project Partners shall refer to the budget approved by the Steering Committee, as well as to the detailed budget in order to determine the actual implementation of the eligible expenses.
Financial Control and Audits. 11.1 Each partner must contact, as soon as possible, the competent authorities, in its Member State, responsible for defining and monitoring procedures of the first level control, allowing certification of their expenses in the project. It must proceed with the establishment of the first level controller as defined in the State where it is located and before the submission of the first execution report and payment claim.
11.2 The project partners, became aware that the information related to the reality and validity of actions and expenses covered by the ERDF, is the responsibility of the partner that
11.3 The project partners become aware that the acceptance of ERDF co-financing, also means accepting the implementation of controls and audits foreseen in the management and control system of the Programme.
11.4 The project partners are committed to take all necessary measures to ensure that any audit, notified by the management structures of the Programme or the regional, national and community organisation duly authorized, may be accomplished by the presentation of all information requested and access to books, documents and any other documentation related to the project.
Financial Control and Audits. 11.1 For control and audit purposes, the Lead Beneficiary and the project beneficiaries shall:
1. Retain files, documents and data relevant to the project on customary data storage media in a safe and orderly manner for at least three years, from 31st December following the submission of the accounts to the European Commission in which the final expenditure of the concluded operation is included, without prejudice to any relevant provisions of the national legislation of Greece and Albania. Other possibly longer statutory retention periods, as might be stated by national law, remain unaffected.
2. Make all the necessary arrangements to ensure that any controls and audits, notified by the duly authorised regional, national, and EU Authorities, can be carried out.
3. Give the controlling/auditing authorities any information about the project they request and give them access to the accounting books, supporting documents and other documentation related to the project.
11.2 The information concerning the existence and validity of actions and expenses eligible for IPA II funding provided by each project beneficiary shall engage only its own responsibility.
Financial Control and Audits. 11.1 For control and audit purposes, the Lead Partner and the project partners shall:
1. Retain all files, documents and data concerning the project for a period of at least three years after the closure of the Programme, according to art. 90, par.1 of EC Regulation 1083/2006.
2. Make all the necessary arrangements to ensure that any controls and audits, notified by the duly authorised regional, national, and Community Authorities, can be carried out.
3. Give the controlling/auditing authorities any information about the project they request and give them access to the accounting books, supporting documents and other documentation related to the project.
11.2 The information concerning the reality and validity of actions and expenses eligible for ERDF funding provided by each project partner shall engage only its own responsibility.