Food Allowance. For extra trips of six hours or more, a food allowance of $6.00 will be available. Drivers whose consecutive route and extra-trip total is six hours or more are also eligible for a food allowance. (Consecutive is defined as not more than a thirty (30) minute break. Instructions on how to apply for meal reimbursement will be established by the business office and provided to all drivers.
Food Allowance. A food allowance of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) per quarter for all fire suppression employees working a 24 1/4 -hour shift who are on the active payroll as of January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1 of each year will be provided through the Department’s annual operating budget.
Food Allowance. In addition to the above wages, there shall be provided to each Fire Fighter and Officer for the term of this contract an annual food allowance of $600.00. This food allowance shall be figured on a fiscal year basis and shall be prorated for new employees from their date of hire to the following July 1st. All such “food allowances” shall be paid in two (2) equal installments payable on July 15th and December 15th, and shall not be paid in advance. The taxability of the food allowance shall be governed by Internal Revenue Service rules. Effective July 1, 1995, the annual food allowance shall be $800.00.
Food Allowance. The Employer shall provide twenty-four (24) hour shift employees with a total of $2.50 per employee normally assigned per day, including the Captain of the shift if he/she usually dines with the shift personnel. Such daily payment shall be made to the employees collectively in a manner prescribed by the Director of Administration.
Food Allowance. Bus operators shall receive the current District 37 allowance for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner. The bus operator must “clock 38 out” for 30 minutes if a food allowance is submitted. 39 40 HOLIDAY, WINTER, SPRING and SUMMER RECESSES: 41 42 For purposes of assignment of Field Trips: 43
Food Allowance. 3.4.1 When employees are sent out of town to work and are not driven home at mealtimes or in the evening, they shall receive free meals and other accommodation and travel costs.
3.4.2 If employees who work outside transport routes are not driven home at mealtimes and are not provided with food at the workplace, they should be paid per diem for food costs, which vary depending on whether they are driven home before or after evening mealtime. This amount shall be ISK 1,643 per day in the case of a single meal and ISK 3,431 per day for 2 meals (i.e. lunch and evening meal). If an employee is sent to work outside his/her home district, is accommodated far from his/her home and pays for his/her food himself from morning to evening, then he is entitled to per diem from the employer to the amount of ISK 4,775 for each 24-hour period (including breakfast). These amounts (as of 1.5.2015) follow general changes in pay.
3.4.3 Car allowance for use of all car on behalf of the employer
Food Allowance. Employees attending field trips or training outside of the district will be given a meal stipend equal in accordance with MCA 2-18-501.
Food Allowance. Effective July 1, 2001, the City shall pay each employee an annual food allowance in the amount of $675 per year. The payment shall be made by the City regardless of the length of service of each employee. One half of the annual food allowance shall be paid in the month of April and one half of the annual food allowance shall be paid in the month of October and shall be included in the first pay of each month.
Food Allowance. 1. Employees who have worked ordinary daytime hours and who, on the same day, are summoned for overtime work in connection with the end of ordinary working hours, will be paid, if the company does not provide food, NOK 96.00 in food allowance if the overtime work lasts at least 2 hours.
2. In the case of overtime work that will last longer than 5 hours, it is assumed that the company provides additional food service, or that an amount is agreed to cover food expenses.
Food Allowance. Each firefighting employee shall receive, in addition to their regular salary, a food allowance to be paid on the last payday of November of each year. The date for determining the annualized payment will be October 31st (inclusive) of each year. Effective April 1, 2004, food allowance will be paid at the rate of ten dollars thirty-one cents ($10.31) per shift, and annually thereafter, the food allowance per shift will be determined by multiplying the percentage of increase or decrease from September 1st through August 31st of each year of the Consumer Price Index (for food only) using the all urban consumers Detroit area schedule (148.8 August 1996) to the previous year's food reimbursement. Food allowance shall be payable to those employees who work the majority of the meal time hours. Meal time hours are 0800 to 1800 hours. For the purpose of this section time off as provided in Article I, Section 5(a) and Article XVIII (normally scheduled work days), shall be treated as time worked. Staff employees shall not be eligible for food allowance under this provision.