Formal Warnings Sample Clauses

Formal Warnings. Formal Warnings may be issued by Nexus to the Contractor in respect of:- Persistent failure to provide a reliable service. Unreasonable use of damaged and/or dirty buses. Operation of Services in a manner leading to justifiable public complaints. Non observance by the Contractor of any of its obligations or duties specified in any of the Schedules detailed at Appendix A to this Agreement. Fare collection irregularities which could reasonably have been avoided by the Contractor or his employees. Unreasonable use of a vehicle with dimensions in excess of those prescribed, resulting in lost mileage. The Contractor should note that the number of Formal Warnings issued to it by Nexus over a 12 month period may be taken into consideration by Nexus when receiving future Tender Submissions from the Contractor, and could lead to Tender Submissions being rejected as a result of the Formal Warnings that have been issued, as set out in any relevant Invitation to Tender document.
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Formal Warnings. 12.1 The Company's overall performance in respect of its obligations under this Contract shall be monitored in accordance with Schedule I. If in the reasonable opinion of the NTC the Company has failed materially at any time to comply with any of it's obligations under this Contract the NTC shall be entitled to issue the Company with a Formal Warning. 12.2 Without prejudice to the generality of Clause 21.1 above, the NTC may give a Formal Warning by reason of any one or more of the following: (1) failure by the Company to operate the Minimum Operated Kilometrage Standard as an average over any period of 12 consecutive weeks; (2) a persistent failure by the Company to provide adequate Service Reliability, (the NTC shall assess whether there has been a persistent failure by reference to Schedule I); (3) failure by the Company to provide safe and environmentally acceptable Services taking into account, for example: i) the type, frequency and severity of accidents; ii) conviction of drivers on driving offences committed while on duty; iii) the results of random safety checks and mechanical inspections carried out on the Company's vehicles; iv) the environmental performance of the Company’s vehicles; and/or v) the Company's non-compliance with any relevant regulation; (4) failure by the Company to ensure that the vehicles used in operating the Services satisfy the requirements of this Contract; or. (5) any other material or persistent failure by the Company, its employees, agents or contractors to comply with any of the terms of this Contract, 12.3 In considering whether to issue a Formal Warning the NTC shall review the circumstances appertaining to the operation of the Services, including, without limitation, consideration of: (1) abnormal levels of congestion; (2) the progress of any actions, such as recently implemented service changes, or changes awaiting introduction or any other proposed actions by the Company to improve performance; and (3) the time periods relating to paragraphs (1) and (2) above. provided that consideration of such issues shall not relieve the Company of any of its obligations set out in this Contract and shall not be construed in anyway as a waiver of any right or remedy available to the NTC.
Formal Warnings. When there is a more serious breach of prison discipline or more serious misconduct, formal disciplinary action will be taken. Formal disciplinary action may also be taken when an employee, who has previously received an informal warning and who fails to improve and/ or maintain improved conduct or job performance. The procedure for formal warnings will be as follows: • A disciplinary interview conducted by the staff member’s immediate superior will be held. • The employee may be accompanied at the interview by another employee of the prison. • At the interview the employee: ⮚ will be informed of the nature of the complaint; ⮚ told of any evidence that exists; and ⮚ may present his or her explanation of the matter.
Formal Warnings. If a Member(s) behaves in a manner that is deemed inappropriate a formal warning will be issued, this will be done via an email. If that Member(s) continues to behave inappropriately a second formal warning will be issued. If the behaviour further continues the Member(s) will have their subscription to the Forum removed.
Formal Warnings. Records of discussion and informal discussions do not apply. • Shift refers to Day, Afternoon or Night shift as defined in the BRDC EA 2021. • The successful applicant will move to the shift, engagement and rostered times that have been advertised. • Location means the area of the DC that the Team Member works (eg. Ambient or Temperature Control). For Team Members that regularly work both sides, this will be based on the majority of their rostered hours, and in the event of a tie, their base location in SuccessFactors will be used.
Formal Warnings. The procedure for formal warnings will be as follows:- A disciplinary interview conducted by the immediate supervisor/manager will be held. The employee may be accompanied at the interview by another employee of the company or by the shop xxxxxxx (if applicable). At the interview the employee: a) will be informed of the nature of the complaint b) will be informed of any evidence that exists
Formal Warnings. Ivybridge Sixth Form has high expectations in terms of:  Pride in Presentation  Attitude  Conduct  Effort We expect that all students in Ivybridge Sixth Form:  P Meet the requirements of the College Dress Code. Respect and take pride in the College learning environment.  A Respect the vision and ethos of the College: The Ivybridge Way. Are always respectful towards staff, fellow students and resources. Support the Virtues of Ivybridge; Courage, Honesty, Authenticity, Respect, Ambition, Charity, Tolerance, Empathy and Resilience and in doing so will develop as an individual during your journey at Ivybridge Sixth Form.  C Conduct themselves in a safe manner in College, including e-Safety, alcohol, possession or supply of drugs, smoking/vaping, offensive weapons, driving/parking on the College site. Abide by the College Mobile Phone Policy. Agree to not bring the College, its staff and students into disrepute via social media or other online platforms.  E Meet expectation of all teachers in and out of lessons. Engage with the support mechanisms put in place in terms of your attendance and/or your work within subject areas. Failure to meet expectations will lead to Formal Warnings being issued. Three Formal Warnings would lead to a meeting to discuss your future at Ivybridge Sixth Form.
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Formal Warnings. (a) Where the Director concludes, after an investigation conducted in accordance with the process set out under clause 14, that conduct referred to in Appendix A of this Agreement has occurred, the Director may issue a formal written warning to the Resident and impose any additional sanction under this Agreement. (b) Where the Director concludes, after an investigation conducted in accordance with the process set out under clause 14, that conduct referred to in Appendix A of this Agreement has occurred, and where the Resident has received a prior formal warning for such prior conduct and/or prior breach of University Guidelines and/or this Agreement, the Director may consider evicting the Resident from the Residential Accommodation for multiple breaches of University Guidelines and/or relevant sections of this Agreement. (c) The Director may evict a Resident by notice to vacate that takes effect immediately or at some later time. Notice to Vacate requires a Resident to vacate their accommodation and leave the premises.

Related to Formal Warnings

  • Formal Evaluation All formal evaluations of personnel shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the employee concerned by an administrator or supervisor of the District.

  • Whistle Blowing Protection The Employer agrees to adhere to the whistle blowing protection pursuant to the

  • Formal Grievance Step 1 6

  • Risk Warning 12.1 We are required by law to inform you that trading is risky. There are various factors, such as the international prices volatility, which is very difficult to predict. Due to such volatility, in addition to the spread that we add to all calculations and quotes, no financial contract purchased or other service offered on our Website (whether or not the payout exceeds the premium amount) may be considered as a safe trade. 12.2 Do not enter into transactions or invest funds that are above your financial abilities. Also, certain financial products are not suitable for people without the relevant knowledge and / or experience. This is why we provide you with different options in terms of products and services, depending on your abilities and knowledge. If you would still wish to open an account, we will ask you to acknowledge that you are aware of the financial risks.

  • STUDENT DISCIPLINE AND TEACHER PROTECTION A. The Board recognizes its responsibility to give support and assistance to the teacher with respect to classroom control and discipline. A teacher may use such force as is reasonably necessary to protect him/herself from attack or prevent injury to another student. B. A teacher bears the primary responsibility for maintaining proper control and discipline in the classroom and understands that all disciplinary actions and methods involved shall be reasonable and just, and in accordance with established Board policy. A teacher may exclude a pupil from one class and send him to the Principal when the grossness of the offense, the persistence of misbehavior, and the disruptive influence of the violation makes the continued presence of the student in the classroom intolerable. It shall be the responsibility of the teacher to report to the Principal the name of any student who in the opinion of the teacher needs particular assistance from skilled personnel. In such cases, the teacher will furnish the Principal full particulars in writing as soon as teaching obligations will allow. Teachers and/or school authorities will endeavor to correct misbehavior through counseling, conferences with student and/or parents. C. Any case of assault by a teacher shall be promptly reported to the Board and/or its representatives (Principals, Superintendent) and a report form filled out. The Board will take whatever action it deems necessary. D. Any case of assault on a teacher shall be promptly reported to the Board and/or its representatives. The Board will provide reasonable assistance, including legal counsel when necessary to the teacher in connection with the handling of the incident by law enforcement and judicial authorities. E. Time lost by a teacher in connection with any incident as mentioned in this article shall not be charged against the teacher providing teacher is free of fault. F. The Board will reimburse teachers for any loss, damage, or destruction of clothing or personal property of the teacher while involved with school affairs except where teacher is inappropriately dressed for the activity and/or fails to take appropriate safety precautions. The Board will pay up to $100 for damages, loss or destruction provided the teacher has exhausted his/her personal insurance prior to requesting reimbursement.

  • Health and Safety Committee Where required a committee will be formed and will meet where required by the Employer’s safety policies and by statute.

  • Occupational Health and Safety Committee ‌ (a) The parties agree that a joint occupational health and safety committee will be established. The Committee shall govern itself in accordance with the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations made pursuant to the Workers Compensation Act. The Committee shall be between the Employer and the Union, with equal representation, and with each party appointing its own representatives. The Union agrees to actively pursue with the other Health Care unions, where more than one union is certified with the Employer, a joint union/employer committee for the purposes of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. (b) Employees who are members of the Committee shall be granted leave without loss of pay or receive straight-time regular wages while attending meetings of the Joint Committee. Employees who are members of the Committee shall be granted leave without loss of pay or receive straight-time regular wages to participate in joint workplace inspections and joint accident investigations at the request of the Committee pursuant to the WCB Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. Committee meetings, workplace inspections and accident investigations shall be scheduled during normal working hours whenever practicable. (c) The Occupational Health and Safety Committee shall have as part of its mandate the jurisdiction to receive complaints or concerns regarding workload problems which are safety-related, the right to investigate such complaints, the right to define the problem and the right to make recommendations for a solution. Where the Committee determines that a safety-related workload problem exists, it shall inform the Employer. Within 21 days thereafter, the Employer shall advise the Committee what steps it has taken or proposes to take to rectify the safety-related workload problem identified by the Committee. If the Union is not satisfied with the Employer's response, it may refer the matter to the Industry Trouble shooter for a written recommendation. (d) No employee shall be disciplined for refusal to work when excused by the provisions of the

  • Function of Joint Health and Safety Committee All incidents involving aggression or violence shall be brought to the attention of the Joint Health and Safety Committee. The Employer agrees that the Joint Health and Safety Committee shall concern itself with all matters relating to violence to staff.

  • Health and Safety Committees In order to provide a safe and healthful workplace, local unit level LMCs shall establish Health and Safety Committees. Each committee will be composed of an equal number of representatives appointed by the Union and the Employer and will be co-chaired by a Union and Employer representative. A Union representative must be a member of the unit but either party may be accompanied by staff and/or other subject matter experts who may participate, but not vote, at meetings. Each party shall prepare and submit an agenda to the other party one week prior to any scheduled meeting. If neither party submits an agenda, the meeting shall be canceled. Each committee’s general responsibility will be to provide a safe and healthful workplace by recognizing hazards and recommending the abatement of hazards and educational programs. Each committee will: 1. meet on an established schedule; 2. arrange periodic inspections to detect, evaluate and offer recommendations for control of potential health and safety hazards; 3. appoint members of the committee to participate in inspections, investigations, or other established health and safety functions to the extent necessary; 4. receive and review a quarterly summary of job-related health and safety reports including accident reports and make appropriate recommendations; 5. investigate all types of employee job-related accidents and all types of occupational illnesses and make recommendations; 6. promote health and safety education; 7. study the use of VDTs and make appropriate recommendations to ensure the health and safety of employees regarding such use; 8. maintain and review minutes of all committee meetings; and 9. review the availability and adequacy of first aid supplies and equipment and address any inadequacies. In cases where summary reports are provided, a committee member may request and receive an individual case file or report. In no case will an employee’s records be provided when the law forbids disclosure. In addition, employees’ names will normally be deleted but may be provided to all committee members in instances where committee members need to know the name(s) of employee(s) to effectively represent the bargaining unit(s) and disclosure of name(s) is not prohibited by law. The Employer may require committee members and Union representatives to sign confidentiality statements. Members of each Health and Safety Committee will be paid by the Employer while performing committee duties, including travel time, and will also be paid for any time spent in committee approved training related to health and safety. The Committee will develop an annual training program for its members. Each Health and Safety Committee will establish rules consistent with the above principles. A mechanism to coordinate the efforts of individual Health and Safety Committees will be established at each agency.

  • Joint Health and Safety Committee (a) The Employer and the Union agree that they mutually desire to maintain standards of occupational health and safety in the organization, in order to prevent accidents, injury and illness. The parties agree to promote health and safety throughout the organization. The employer shall provide orientation and training in health and safety to new and current employees on an ongoing basis, and employees shall attend required health and safety training sessions. (b) Recognizing its responsibilities under the applicable legislation, the Employer agrees to accept as a member of its Joint Health and Safety Committee, at least one representative from the bargaining unit. The number of committee members will be no less than that determined by legislation and the bargaining unit will be entitled to the same membership as any other employee group on the committees. The Union shall notify the employer of their representatives. (c) Such Committee shall identify potential dangers and hazards, institute means of improving health and safety programs, and recommend actions to be taken to improve conditions related to occupational health and safety. (d) The Employer agrees to cooperate reasonably in providing necessary information to enable the Committee to fulfill its functions. The Committee shall respect the confidentiality of the information. (e) The Union agrees to endeavour to obtain the full cooperation of its membership in the observation of all safety rules and practices. (f) Meetings shall be held every third month or more frequently at the call of either co-chair, if required. The Committee shall keep Minutes of all meetings and make the Minutes available for review. (g) All time spent by a member of the Joint Health and Safety Committee attending meetings of the Committee and carrying out the members duties, shall be deemed to be time worked for which the member shall be paid by the Employer at the member's applicable rate of pay, and the member shall be entitled to such time from the member's work as necessary for those duties. (h) The employer shall take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of a worker. [Occupational Health and Safety Act, s. 25

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