Funeral Attendance Sample Clauses
Funeral Attendance. Leave shall be granted for an employee to attend a funeral. Additional days for specific funeral leaves requested by the employee may be granted at the discretion of the Superintendent.
Funeral Attendance. Employees may use personal necessity leave to attend the funeral of a family member or friend.
Funeral Attendance. Emergency child-care or care-giving of family members as defined in Section 13.1.
Funeral Attendance. When death occurs in an employee’s immediate family (legal spouse, mother, father, son, daughter) or someone for whom the employee is the legal guardian of, he/she will be excused for up to three (3) consecutive days he/she was scheduled to work, one (1) of which days will be paid. Payment will be eight (8) hours times the employee’s regular hourly rate per day of pay and does not include fringe benefits. Only employees who have one year of service will be eligible under this provision. Proof of death must be furnished before payment is made.
Funeral Attendance. One-half day shall be granted without loss of pay to attend a funeral as pallbearer or mourner, provided such absence does not interfere with the efficiency of the department. Such leave shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Funeral Attendance. Leave to attend the funeral of a close friend or a relative, not a member of the immediate family, may be approved by the unit member's immediate supervisor. Time for the attendance is up to one-half (1/2) day when the funeral is in the immediate area (within one (1) hour's driving time) or up to one (1) day, if the funeral is outside of the immediate area. This leave is independent of sick leave.
Funeral Attendance. The employee must actually attend the funeral. Xxxx leave will be granted as per the following provisions.
i. Up to five (5) days if the relative’s designation is father, mother, wife, husband, brother, sister, daughter, son, and having one parent in common; and those relationships general called “step.” Providing persons in such relationships have lived or have been raised in the family home and have continued an active relationship.
ii. Up to three (3) days for relatives such as first cousin, grandparent, grandchild, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, nephew, or xxxxx.
iii. Up to one (1) sick day will be granted to attend other funeral services.
iv. Any additional bereavement leave must be charged to vacation.
Funeral Attendance. The Company agrees to grant a paid leave of absence exclusive of days off for funeral attendance, t o the following. Funeral leave pay shall be based on eight (8) hours daily at the employee's regular straight time
Funeral Attendance. (for other than funerals for members of the immediate family) May be allowed, including a reasonable amount of travel time; said days are to be charged against the teacher’s accumulated sick leave.
Funeral Attendance. A teacher for one-half (1/2) a day to attend a funeral in the Vancouver Metropolitan area or one (1) day to attend a funeral outside the Vancouver Metropolitan area. Such leave shall be included as part of the provisions for any leave granted under 12.1.6.