Grass Cutting Sample Clauses
Grass Cutting the cutting of grass verges and banks.
Grass Cutting. The Contractor shall maintain the height of grass between 4 and 6 centimeters. The Contractor is responsible for all equipment and fuels needed to complete this task.
Grass Cutting. (i) Prior to cutting any area, the Contractor will ensure that it is free of significantly large stones, paper, tins, bottles and other debris.
(ii) The Contractor will also inspect each site for areas of ground sinkage / potholes and areas of potential hazard and will inform the Council immediately of any specific hazards.
1.2 The Contractor will at all times during the period of the Contract, ensure that all machines engaged in grass cutting operations are sharp and properly set, so as to produce a true and even cut. Any damage or areas of grass not cut to the approval of the Council from such lack of maintenance will be made good by the Contractor at his own expense and to the satisfaction of the Council.
1.3 The Contractor will at all times during the period of the Contract ensure that machines are properly guarded and maintained so as to present no danger to the operator, surrounding structures, vehicles or any person in the vicinity of operations. The Contractor will provide his staff with all safety equipment, (boots, reflective vests etc.), and will ensure that staff always use these when they are engaged in work for the Council.
1.4 During the period of the Contract, no growth regulators of any form will be applied to any area of turf without the Council sanctioning such an operation in writing, in advance.
1.5 All grass will be cut cleanly and evenly and without damaging the existing surface.
1.6 The Contractor will complete one area of grass cutting before moving onto the next, and immediately after cutting a scheduled area, the Contractor will ensure that all grass clippings and other arisings are cleared from all paved areas, playground equipment safety surfaces, memorial stones, paths and public footpaths, etc., by sweeping or using a blower. Leavings from the annual cut of wildflower areas to be removed from site and not left in situ.
1.7 Soft vegetative growth, such as clover will be deemed to be part of the Contract where it falls within large areas of grass.
1.8 Since it is not possible to predict accurately the precise number of grass cuts which may be required on any site in any one year, the Schedule of Works includes a given number of grass cuts, but the Contractor will be paid on a pro-rata basis for more or less than this number, dependent upon the prevailing weather conditions through the growing season, subject to prior agreement and approval of the Parish Council.
1.9 Mowing will take place on the full area of grass at the site, ...
Grass Cutting. Perform thirty (30) grass cuttings in the District on the dates established pursuant to Section 1, subsection 1.1.3 of this Agreement, in the areas as set forth in Exhibit 1 subject to the following:
1.1.1 CONTRACTOR shall remove all accumulated trash and litter located on the grass cutting area as to avoid debris from being cut by the mower and re-deposited upon the grass cutting area. If abnormal or excessive debris or impediments will have impeded the grass cutting on the day scheduled, the CONTRACTOR shall notify the DDA Director with an estimated cost for the removal of the abnormal or excessive debris or impediments. Upon authorization by the DDA Director, the CONTRACTOR shall remove all abnormal or excessive debris or impediments. Grass cutting shall thereafter be performed by the CONTRACTOR as soon as practically possible. The removal of the abnormal or excessive debris or impediments shall be performed by the CONTRACTOR at the rate set forth in
1.1.2 All grass cuttings shall be performed between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. (local time).
1.1.3 The CONTRACTOR shall meet with the DDA Director before April 1 of each year to establish a mutually beneficial grass cutting schedule. The grass cutting schedule may be modified by the DDA Director throughout the year as needed to assure the grass is cut to ensure that the entire District is esthetically pleasing in the opinion of the DDA.
1.1.4 All grass cutting and string trimming shall be at the height not to exceed three inches (3”).
1.1.5 Grass belts shall be cut approximately seventy-two inches (72”) wide on each side of the sidewalks.
1.1.6 The CONTRACTOR may use chemicals for grass growth retardation in the areas that require string trimming. Prior to the application of any chemicals upon grass cutting or string trimming areas, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the DDA Director with a copy of the CONTRACTOR’S or its designee application license and a list of all chemicals being applied pursuant to this Agreement. The CONTRACTOR shall further ensure that the CONTRACTOR’S employees have been trained in the application of the chemicals and the first aid remedies for any chemicals that are applied. Additionally, the CONTRACTOR shall promptly notify the DDA Director of any chemical spill while preparing for or applying the chemicals to the property set forth in this Agreement. All chemicals shall be approved for use within the United States by the agency regulating such chemicals.
1.1.7 Grass cuttings ...
Grass Cutting gardening, window cleaning and maintenance works etc may from time to time be carried out during the Hire Period. The Company will try to ensure that such works are carried out with the least disruption to the Hirer and the Group as far as reasonably possible.
Grass Cutting. Tenants are responsible for ensuring any grassed areas on the perimeter of their plot are maintained to an acceptable standard. This includes the central grassed pathways that border your plot.
Grass Cutting. Lessor agrees to mow the lawn. Lessor shall not be responsible for the personal property of Xxxxxx left in the yard.
Grass Cutting. Seasonals are required to cut and trim their own grass. If you cannot make it up to cut, there is an outside service that will mow your lawn for a fee. Ask in office. PLEASE NOTIFY US IF YOU CANNOT MAKE IT FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD, for whatever reason so we can decide the best option for you. If you collect grass clippings, they can be disposed of the same as with brush, behind the port-a-potties (see #13). Do not place in high grass or near trees.
Grass Cutting. 1.1. As part of budget savings LES introduced new working arrangements during spring 2011; the arrangements have been tailored to ensure they have as little impact on residents as possible. A ‘three weekly zone’ working arrangement has been introduced; each neighbourhood services area is divided into three zones, and the team carry out open space grass cutting and litter clearance in one zone over a one week period before moving onto the next zone. It takes three weeks to complete the cycle before the first zone is revisited. Not all services are subject to the three weekly cycle and arrangements are in place to respond more rapidly to urgent requests such as clearance of broken glass, etc. Further details of the revised approach are included in Appendix 4 and 5
1.2. Grass cutting operations are undertaken every 15 working days (except in extreme inclement weather) between the months of April and October by a range of machinery that includes tractor gangs, ride-on mowers and pedestrian operated equipment.
1.3. During the grass maintenance period, LES will aim to produce an even grass finish that provides an attractive, neat and tidy appearance.
1.4. All areas around housing stock managed by The Gateshead Housing Company should be deemed as high amenity and as such should be kept to the same level of maintenance.
1.5. The majority of grass cutting operations do not include the removal of cuttings. Frequent cutting of the grass removes the need for them to be collected. Grass clippings shall be allowed to lie where they fall, with the exception of hard areas and footpaths. Any cuttings that fall onto paths or other hard surfaces will be swept or blown onto adjacent grassed areas on the same week where weather permits. (Same day removal may not achievable in wet conditions).
1.6. Sheltered housing - grass cuttings are not normally collected or removed from grassed areas due to environmental sustainability reasons. In circumstances where there are large accumulations of grass, for example, following a period of prolonged wet weather additional care will be taken to ensure the finish is tidy and that grass is not left in large piles or on footpaths. To maintain a tidy and safe appearance close attention will be paid to the quality of work during grass cutting operations within Sheltered Housing Units with cutting taking place on a five day cutting cycle. These properties are identified in Appendix 6 to the Service Agreement; however this does not include the sh...
Grass Cutting. See Map in Appendix B Maximum of up to 8 cuts per year as and when required with ALL cuttings being removed. Precise timings of cuts will depend on the weather and seasonal growth of the xxxxx in each month, so some flexibility and any deviation from the schedule should be formally agreed with the Clerk.