GRIEVANCEPROCEDURE. Section 1. Should any difference or dispute arise between the City and any employee or group of employees in the bargaining unit with respect to the interpretation or application of a specific and identified provision of this Agreement, it will be considered a grievance and must be resolved in accordance with the following procedure:
Step 1. If the Union, any employee or group of employees in the bargaining unit believes that he has a grievance (as defined above), he shall first cite the specific contract clause violated and discuss the grievance with his immediate supervisor within fourteen (14) calendar days of the grievance incident, or within fourteen (14) calendar days of the time the employee should have been aware of the incident. If a satisfactory disposition of the grievance is not made at this stage, then within seven (7) calendar days of such discussion:
Step 3. The grievance shall be reduced to writing and shall be signed by the aggrieved employee or employees and the bargaining unit representative (with a signature denoting acknowledgment only) and presented to the Chief of Police. Such written grievance shall designate the relief or disposition sought. Any grievance not reduced to writing and submitted to the Chief of Police within that time period shall be considered abandoned. The Chief of Police shall meet with the grievant and his representative within fourteen (14) calendar days of receiving the written grievance. The Chief of Police shall answer in writing the grievance within fourteen (14) calendar days immediately following the meeting. (The day of submission is not counted as a day of this step or any succeeding step.) If satisfactory disposition is not made by the Department Head, then within seven (7) calendar days the grievance shall proceed to step 3. The grievance shall be presented in person to the City Manager or his/her designee. Such written grievance shall designate the relief or disposition sought. Any grievance not reduced to writing and submitted to the City Manager shall be considered as abandoned. Within fourteen (14) calendar days after he receives the grievance, the City manager will schedule a meeting with the grievant and his representative. The City Manager will answer the grievance in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days following the meeting.
GRIEVANCEPROCEDURE. 6.1 This grievance procedure is adopted to assure an opportunity for teachers and administrators to have unobstructed communication with respect to alleged grievances without fear of reprisal; to reduce the potential areas of conflict between teachers and administrators and the Diocese to assure freedom of communication through recognized channels of communication among administrators, teachers, and the Diocese; and to contribute to development of improved morale and effectiveness of teachers. While nothing in this Article is intended to discourage or prohibit informal discussion or resolution of a dispute prior to the filing of a grievance, this grievance procedure shall be the exclusive procedure used for determining all grievances as defined in Article 6.2.
6.2 A grievance is a claim that there has been a violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of any provision of this Agreement, or any regulation, order, or policy of the Diocese, the Diocesan School Office, or any school of the Deaneries. Where either the individual teacher(s) or the Association presents a grievance, said party shall be known as the grievant(s). For purposes of the grievance process, there are two types of grievances:
GRIEVANCEPROCEDURE. The purpose of the Grievance Procedure shall be to settle all grievances between the City and the Union, or one of its members, as quickly as possible so as to ensure efficiency and to promote employee morale. Grievances arising under this Agreement shall be adjusted and settled asfollows:
Step 1. The employee, or his representative, or the Union shall present the grievance in writing to the Police Chief, whose duty it shall be to give the grievance full consideration and to make an effort to settle the grievance within ten (10) administrative working days after its presentation.
Step 2. If the grievance remains unresolved or the decision of the Police Chief is unsatisfactory, the aggrieved member, or his representative, or the Union shall file an appeal with the City Manager within ten
GRIEVANCEPROCEDURE. The parties to this agreement are agreed that it is of utmost importance to adjust complaints and grievances interpretation or alleged violation of the agreementas quicklyas possible. It is understood that an employeehas no complaintorgrievanceuntil first immediatesupervisor an opportunityto adjustthe complaintor griev-
GRIEVANCEPROCEDURE. Step 1. An employee who has a grievance shall reduce the grievance to writing with details and remedy requested and submit to the Fire Chief within seven (7) working days after the events occur which give rise to the grievance.
Step 2. The Chief will meet with the employee and with representatives of the Association within seven (7) working days of the receipt of the grievance and will provide the Association with a written answer within two (2) working days after the meeting.
Step 3. If the grievance is not satisfactorily settled at Step 2, the employee may appeal in writing to the Director of Public Safety or Human Resources Commissioner in his/her absence within seven (7) working days of the receipt of the Step 2 answer. The Director or Human Resources Commissioner will meet with the employee and with representatives of the Association within seven (7) working days of the receipt of the grievance and will provide the Association with a written answer within five (5) working days after the meeting.
Step 4. If the grievance is not satisfactorily settled at Step 3, the employee may appeal in writing to the Mayor within seven (7) working days of the receipt of the Step 3 answer. The Mayor, or his designee, shall respond in writing within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the appeal.
Step 5. If the grievance is not satisfactorily settled at Step 4, the Association may submit the grievance to arbitration by notice to the Employer within fifteen (15) working days of the Step 4 answer. The hearings will be conducted pursuant to the Rules of the American Arbitration Association. Fees and expenses of the arbitrator so selected will be shared equally by the parties.
GRIEVANCEPROCEDURE. Section 8-1. A grievance shall be defined as a dispute concerning the application, meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. All grievances shall be settled in accordance with the grievance procedure. If a grievance is once settled at any stage of the grievance procedure, it shall be considered closed.
GRIEVANCEPROCEDURE. There shall be a Union GrievanceCommittee,composed of three (3) members of the Bargaining Unit. In dealing with the Company,no more than two (2) members may act on the Union Grievance Committee at any one time. The Union will notify the Company in writing of the names of the Union Grievance Committee members and of any changes that may occur in same. The Company shall not be required to recognize members of the committee until it has been notified in writing by the Union of the names selected. -Should a regular employee feel that complaint or problem could result in a written grievance, shall take the following steps in order: Originate at Grievance andanswer Union Rep. on own time) Time Limits Answer Step or Group' days days Team Leader Grievance Representative Company Representatives in days to hear Individual or Group' or Policy days days to hear plus additional days to answer Superintendent or designate Manager Grievance Representatives Company Representatives Included in days to hear plus additional days to answer Arbitration Union has days to refer to Arbitration Rotational list of arbitrators Arbitrator has Days to answer grievance
GRIEVANCEPROCEDURE. 12.1 The following is a procedure for the resolution of grievances, which are defined as disputes involving the interpretation or application of this Agreement and disciplinary grievances.
12.2 Every effort shall be made by the parties to settle any grievances as expeditiously as possible. Should the grieving party fail to observe the time limits as set out in the steps of this Article, the grievance shall be considered conclusively abandoned. Any grievance not answered by management within the prescribed time limit may be advanced to the next step. Time limits provided herein may be extended if mutually agreed upon in writing by management and the grievant or the Union representative if the grievant exercises the option of Union representation.
12.3 This grievance procedure shall be the sole and exclusive method, except as provided otherwise, for resolving any dispute involving the application or interpretation of this Agreement and disciplinary
12.4 A contractual grievance shall be presented in accordance with Steps 1 through 4 identified below, while a disciplinary grievance will follow Steps 1 through 3 below.:
Step 1. The Union shall first present the grievance in writing to the Operations Commander Lieutenant or designee within ten (10) business days of the occurrence of the event(s) which gave rise to the grievance. The written grievance at this step and all steps thereafter shall contain the following information:
1. A statement of the grievance, including date of occurrence, and details and facts upon which the grievance is based;
2. The Article of the Agreement or facts of discipline alleged to have been violated;
3. The action, remedy, or solution requested by the employee or Union representative; and
4. The signature of the aggrieved employee, Union representative or Union agent. The Lieutenant shall respond, in writing, within ten (I0) business days of receiving the written grievance.
Step 2. In the event that the Union is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Step 1, the grievance shall be presented to the Police Chief or his designee within ten
GRIEVANCEPROCEDURE. 9.1 A grievance shall be defined as a claim by a bargaining unit member of an alleged violation, misapplication or misinterpretation of the expressed terms and conditions of this Agreement.
GRIEVANCEPROCEDURE. It is the mutual desire of the Board and the Union that the complaints of employees shall be adjusted as quickly as possible, it is understood that an employee has no grievance until they have first given the Principal or designate an opportunity to adjust the employee's complaints. It is further understood that an employee who uses avenues other than the Grievance Procedure contained in article to rectify a complaint or grievance may prejudice their complaint or or arbitration procedure. An employee who has a complaint must bring that complaint to the attention of the Principal or designate within ten (10) working days of when the employee became or ought reasonably to have become aware of the circumstances which gave rise to the complaint. The Principal or designate shall verbally reply to the complaint within ten working days from the presentation of the complaint.