Hydraulic Design Sample Clauses

Hydraulic Design. Sungate will complete a site visit to verify and document existing drainage patterns.
Hydraulic Design. Culvert Hydraulic Data Sheet 2 16 16 34 Inlet Computations and Sheet Tabulations 120 40 160 Storm Sewer Hydraulic Data and Sheet Tabulations 120 16 40 176 Xxxxxx Creek Hydraulic Data Sheet 8 8 24 40 Xxxxxx Creek Scour Analysis 2 8 8 2 20 Culvert Layouts (Non-Bridge Class) 2 2 8 8 16 36 Storm Sewer Plan & Profile Sheets 4 8 60 120 192 Miscellaneous Drainage Details 1 4 8 13 Assembly of Drainage Standards 1 4 8 4 17 Ditch / Channel Layout Sheets 2 16 16 20 54 SW3P Data Xxxxx 0 0 00 XX0X Xxxxxxx 16 16 32 Determination of Drainage Quantities 1 8 8 8 25 Drainage General Notes (60%, 95%, Final) 2 16 18 Drainage Cost Estimates (60%, 95%, Final) 3 3 6 12 Drainage Specifications (95% and Final) 2 8 4 14 Drainage QA/QC Plan Review 4 32 8 8 8 4 64 Signing & Pavement Marking Layout 1 10 20 60 80 171 Assembly of Sign and Marking Standards 2 4 8 8 22 Determination of Traffic Quantities 2 4 8 8 22 Collin County Outer Loop E. of SH 289 to FM 2478 Project Manager Senior Engineer Project Engineer EIT CAD Technician Clerical Totals Traffic Cost Estimates (30%, 60%, 95%, Final) 1 4 8 8 21 Traffic Specifications (95% and Final) 1 1 2 4 4 12 Traffic QA/QC Plan Review 2 12 8 8 4 34 Bridge Layouts 2 8 16 24 24 74 Summary of Quantities 4 4 6 6 20 Control Elevations 2 6 8 16 Foundation Design 2 8 16 26 Beam Design 2 8 16 26 Boring Details 1 6 12 16 35 Abutment Details 1 12 24 24 61 Bent Details 1 12 16 24 53 Framing Plans 1 12 16 16 45 Slab Plans 1 12 20 24 57 Prepare Bridge Calculations 2 4 8 24 38 Bridge Cost Estimates 2 4 6 12 24 Bridge Cost Estimates (60%, 95%, Final) 4 8 12 24 48 Bridge Specifications (95% and Final) 2 8 12 24 4 00 Xxxxxx XX/XX Plan Review 4 24 12 12 4 56
Hydraulic Design. Finalize the Hydraulic analysis for the HLOW, LLOW, Spillway and Xxxxxx Canal Bypass. This design effort will include the impact of the Glade Pump Station facilities and the conveyance system on these features. The following tasks are included: • Finalize static model for the hydraulic design of all features. • Complete hydraulic profiles for all features. • Perform Computational Fluid Dynamic models for the spillway and the following Xxxxxx Canal features (inlet, inlet overflow, and outlet piping to the sleeve valve). Perform scour/energy dissipation calculations for the Xxxxxx Canal outlet. • Update the previously prepared steady state and transient hydraulic models of the Glade Pump Station/conveyance systems to include any revisions made during 30% Design of the HLOW, LLOW, and Xxxxxx Canal Bypass interconnect. • Select control valves for the Xxxxxx Bypass inlet, outlet and interconnect with the HLOW. • Evaluate transient conditions for the Xxxxxx Bypass control valves.
Hydraulic Design. A. The Fire Sprinkler System shall be hydraulically calculated by the Contractor in compliance with NFPA 13. B. The water supply curve shall be developed by deducting 10% up to 10 PSI from the static and residual pressures measured during the flow test. The final fire sprinkler system demand shall be below the water supply curve. C. Velocities in pipes shall be shown on hydraulic calculations. Velocities in overhead piping shall not exceed 32 feet per second. D. Allow 10 feet of loss for electric water flow switches or as recommended by the manufacturer and note on hydraulic calculations. E. The Fire Sprinkler Contractor shall provide as many sets of hydraulic calculations as necessary, performed and submitted to prove that the most remote and demanding areas are calculated. F. Design information shall be permanently affixed to the main riser as described in NFPA 13. G. Water Flow Data: Refer to accompanying Bid Documents for water supply information. Water supply information is for bidding purposes only. H. Before hydraulically calculating fire sprinkler system, the Fire Sprinkle Contractor shall verify exact water flow data with Local Water and/or Fire Department. A copy of the water flow test data from the Local Water and/or Fire Department shall accompany the hydraulic calculations. I. Where a water flow test is used for the purposes of design, the test shall be conducted no more than 12 months prior to working plan submittal unless otherwise approved by the AHJ.
Hydraulic Design. The size of the bridge will be determined by a hydrology & hydraulic study in accordance with City of Xxxxxx Engineering Design Criteria and the ODOT Drainage Manual. The bridge is located in a FEMA Flood Zone A.
Hydraulic Design. The Effluent Treatment Plant at Aurangabad was designed with the following characteristics, and the present quality of effluent to the Effluent Treatment Plant is as follows: 1 Flow 140 82 82 125 m3/day 2 pH 2.0-10.0 4.5 -9.5 7.5 - 7.6 5.5-8.0 3 TSS 100 – 400 98-125 44 - 68 < 100 mg/L 4 COD 5000 – 7000 3800 - 4360 190 - 225 < 250 mg/L 6 BOD 2500 – 3000 820 - 1180 62 - 70 < 100 mg/L 7 Oil & Grease 50- 100 5 - 7 nil < 10 mg/L 8 Phenol 2 - 2.5 4.4 nil < 5.0 mg/L The present effluent quality is taken from the composite sample collected and analysed by our team at Environmental Lab of Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Ipca, Aurangabad
Hydraulic Design. Storm Sewer Improvements Cross Culvert Improvements FEMA Creek Bridge Crossings D. PS&E DRAINAGE DESIGN Rate $ 253.30 $ 221.06 $ 156.59 $ 108.23 $ 119.74 $ 85.20 E. TEMPORARY DRAINAGE F. BID PREPARATION (DRAINAGE) H. SW3P Task 3 Total Hours 35 237 847 1967 543 7 3636 Task 3 Total Labor Costs $ 8,865.50 $ 52,391.22 $ 132,631.73 $ 212,888.41 $ 65,018.82 $ 596.40 $ 472,392.08 A. SIGNING & PAVEMENT MARKING B. ILLUMINATION C. TRAFFIC SIGNALS D. BID PREPARATION (TRAFFIC) E. QUALITY CONTROL (TRAFFIC) Task 4 Total Hours 44 116 320 476 508 0 1464 Task 4 Total Labor Costs $ 11,145.20 $ 25,642.96 $ 50,108.80 $ 51,517.48 $ 60,827.92 $ ‐ $ 199,242.36 A. WBFR AT BNSF RAILROAD B. WBFR AT DOE BRANCH CREEK C. WBFR AT DOE BRANCH TRIBUTARY Rate $ 253.30 $ 221.06 $ 156.59 $ 108.23 $ 119.74 $ 85.20 E. BID PREPARATION (BRIDGE) F. QUALITY CONTROL (BRIDGE) Task 5 Total Hours 84 480 724 1182 916 0 3386 Task 5 Total Labor Costs $ 21,277.20 $ 106,108.80 $ 113,371.16 $ 127,927.86 $ 109,681.84 $ ‐ $ 478,366.86 A. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Rate $ 253.30 $ 221.06 $ 156.59 $ 108.23 $ 119.74 $ 85.20 Task 6 Total Labor Costs $ 11,651.80 $ ‐ $ 10,961.30 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,919.20 $ 26,532.30 Total Hours (Basic Services) 371 873 0000 0000 0000 117 11686 Total Labor Costs (Basic Services) $ 93,974.30 $ 192,985.38 $ 430,465.91 $ 498,832.07 $ 355,268.58 $ 9,968.40 $ 1,581,494.64 6% 12% 27% 32% 22% 1% 100% Task SS1 Totals $ 79,412.25 Task SS2 Totals $ 72,501.75 Task SS3 Totals $ 264,781.00 Total Labor Costs (Special Services) $ 416,695.00 Total Costs (Incremental Services) $ 159,224.02 Reimbursable Direct Expenses Unit Quantity Rate Total Total Markup on Subconsultants (10%) $ 42,314.78 Rate $ 253.30 $ 221.06 $ 156.59 $ 108.23 $ 119.74 $ 85.20 Rate $ 253.30 $ 221.06 $ 156.59 $ 108.23 $ 119.74 $ 85.20 BASIC SERVICES Task 1 Total Labor Costs $ 1,519.80 $ ‐ $ 2,505.44 $ 2,597.52 $ ‐ $ 681.60 $ 7,304.36 BASIC SERVICES A. GENERAL
Hydraulic Design. DRAFT • Conduct field reconnaissance of existing and proposed drainage features and patterns associated with proposed greenway pipe crossings and existing ditches. Supplemental hydraulic surveys will be performed in addition to the provided survey, to be used to set proposed bridge elevations and proposed culvert inverts. • Size all cross pipes along greenway alignment and determine critical greenway profile minimums to allow for the proposed cross pipes. Communicate these critical profile control points to the greenway design staff to facilitate establishing the vertical profile grade. No cross pipes over 72”in diameter are anticipated. If a culvert over 72” is required, a Culvert Survey Report would be required by NCDOT and will be considered additional services. Culverts will be sized using HY-8 software by FHWA. • Design proposed ditches necessary to appropriately drain low areas adjacent to proposed greenway and to replace existing ditches impacted by the proposed greenway. Design proposed storm drain systems (drop inlets, open end pipes, catch basins, etc.) along the proposed curb and gutter sections utilizing Geopak Drainage software. • Evaluate and design necessary revisions to existing hydraulic structures (drop inlets, cross pipes, headwalls) that may be impacted by the proposed greenway. • Finalize hydraulic designs for ditches, storm drainage systems, drop inlet locations, outfall analyses, and final cross pipe designs. • Draft the proposed drainage features (ditches, cross pipes, inlets, etc.) and all associated labeling. • Draft the proposed ditches and final cross pipes into the greenway profile sheets. These ditch profiles will be processed in Geopak to generate the proposed ditches in cross section. • Complete Drainage Summary Sheet.
Hydraulic Design. The Engineer shall perform a preliminary hydraulic modeling and analysis for hydraulic-related issue within the Project-freeway corridor. This shall be necessary for proper vertical design of applicable and anticipated bridge and hydraulic structure, and for determination of drainage easements. DocuSign Envelope ID: 0EF7DD01-5DEF-492D-AF48-72F6373D49D2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 973D3771-56AD-4A37-8E90-25E408E93E1A The results and conclusions developed from the effort in the Preliminary Hydraulic Analysis shall be used to evaluate the impact based on roadway design improvements. The analysis shall determine the need for any modifications to existing culverts or bridges including any culvert replacements and neccessary additions. The analysis shall also determine the adequacy of the existing drainage easements and proposed new drainage easements associated with the proposed improvements. The effort shall also include the evaluation and determination for potential floodplain mitigation and detention analysis if required. The Engineer shall use the data developed from the preliminary analysis for the major cross drainage structures for developing design alternatives of the hydraulic structures and roadway.
Hydraulic Design. Hydraulic Design for Cross Culverts & Storm Sewer Improvements The ENGINEER will perform necessary hydraulic computations for the design of this project utilizing either GEOPAK Drainage or ORD SUDA for storm sewers, HY-8 or Bentley Culvert Master for minor (non Bridge-Class) culverts, and HEC-RAS for FEMA bridge crossings (including Non-FEMA bridge-class culverts). Calculations will include culverts, bridge waterways, channels, storm sewers and inlets. Bentley Flow Master or FHWA Hydraulic Toolbox can be used for analyzing roadside ditches. The ENGINEER will provide all hydraulic calculations to the COUNTY by showing the necessary information in the final plan set. The ENGINEER shall provide the following services for designing storm sewer improvements: