Hydraulic Modeling Sample Clauses

Hydraulic Modeling. Consultant to provide defined planning and modeling work for to verify existing and future demands in support of optimized project designs.
Hydraulic Modeling. No detailed hydraulic modeling is included. The consultant will complete basic transmission line hydraulics using a spreadsheet type of analysis evaluating pressure, velocity, and head loss in transmission mains. If areas of concern are noted, they will be identified. If modeling is later determined to be necessary, an amendment to this agreement will be required.
Hydraulic Modeling. The Design Report shall contain a section documenting the hydraulic modeling needed to complete the booster station design. Consultant’s subconsultant (Black & Xxxxxx) will complete modeling required for the Shepherd Hills BPS. They will utilize the model they have developed for the City’s water Master Plan. Detailed information related to the model runs will be included as an appendix to the Design Report.
Hydraulic Modeling. A hydraulic model of the South Xxxxxxxxxxx Creek will be developed using the HEC-RAS computer software. Channel cross sections will be spaced at approximately 500 foot intervals and will be based on data collected in Task 4. The hydraulic model will be used to estimate channel capacity and identify where capacity deficiencies exist. The HEC-RAS model will be developed using similar methodology as the 2006 Xxxxxxxxxxx Creek Master Plan.
Hydraulic Modeling. A. Confirm Fuquay-Varina pump selection for final BPS site and conditions, and potential change to the distribution system pressure. B. Confirm Xxxxx Springs pump selection for final BSP site and conditions. C. Perform transmission main transient modeling to size and place air valves.
Hydraulic Modeling. 1. Service Provider will update the City’s hydraulic model based on information provided by the City to include improvements to the system since 2011, to update demand information, and to evaluate providing water service to an area generally located east of the existing water service area. To obtain an accurate assessment of the existing water system, Service Provider will review and evaluate existing data provided by the City, including: a. GIS fileswater lines, water meters, hydrants, service area boundaries, LIDAR, street centerlines, parcels, address points, land use, and aerial imagery. b. Daily water production for 2012-Present. c. AMI/AMR water meter billing data for 2020-Present. d. Water system SCADA data for 2020-Present. e. Extent and potential land use of the area east of the proposed EST to potentially be served by the new expanded high pressure zone. 2. Service Provider will assess pressure logger and flow test data collected in the field by Service Provider and City and summarized in the 2021 Water Distribution System Pressure Monitoring Technical Memorandum to determine the ability of the existing model to accurately represent “static” and “residual” pressures at the test hydrants. Service Provider will model each of the hydrant flow tests as a separate scenario that accounts for the pertinent boundary conditions (e.g., pump run status and/or flow and discharge pressure, tank levels, control valve settings). These scenarios/simulations will be completed using steady-state simulations. 3. Service Provider will identify potential discrepancies between model simulation results and data collected in the field. Service Provider will update the Xxxxx-Xxxxxxxx conveyance coefficient (C) values based on known pipe properties (e.g., pipe age, pipe material) and collected field data to reduce the discrepancy between field and model results. Additionally, Service Provider will identify and correct potential issues with other major infrastructure (e.g., pump curves, control valves) as data allows. 4. Service Provider will identify improvements and/or operational adjustments necessary to isolate the system pressure zones. 5. Service Provider will evaluate the following with the updated and calibrated hydraulic model: a. System pressures during average day, maximum day, and peak hour demands with proposed improvements to isolate the system pressure zones. b. Fire flow availability during maximum day demands in the higher-pressure zone and adjacent por...
Hydraulic Modeling. A. Evaluate water distribution system hydraulics with respect to new West Side Reservoir, XX Xxxxx Road TM, and City’s PZ B Turn-out Vaults. Elements of model to be confirmed with City staff prior to modeling.
Hydraulic Modeling. The ENGINEER will perform the modeling efforts using Lee County’s current InfoWater models for the potable water and wastewater systems and we will use adICPR for localized stormwater system improvements Prior to final design, the ENGINEER will provide the model results and associated pipe and pump station sizing to Lee County for confirmation and acceptance of proposed pipe and pump station sizing. The following modeling efforts are proposed: a. Potable Water – Update the existing pressure system hydraulic model for potable water to incorporate infrastructure proposed within the service area. To assist with this effort, the most current model will be obtained from Lee County. The ENGINEER will rely on the County to provide a calibrated model. No calibration efforts are proposed as part of this scope. The ENGINEER will utilize this model to perform final pipe sizing for the distribution piping. This effort will include: 1) Input of infrastructure proposed within the service area. 2) Identification of alternatives for evaluation. 3) Modification and updating of the model for demand projections within the service area. 4) Performing steady state model simulations to confirm required pipe sizes and routing of the potable water distribution piping within the service area. 5) Verifying pipe pressures and velocities meet applicable standards. 6) Identification of locations for connections to existing potable water system infrastructure, proposed developments and locations for stub-outs for future utility extensions. 7) Verifying hydrant locations and fire flow conditions are met. 8) Review and verify transmission piping locations and sizing.
Hydraulic Modeling i. Using the Owner’s existing hydraulic model, the Engineer will verify the size of the elevated storage tank, critical elevations, size of water main, and required connections to the existing distribution system.
Hydraulic Modeling. Unsteady and 2D HEC-RAS Subtask 3.2 – Hydraulic Analysis and CLOMR Update Support (including modeling Regulatory Floodways Review Century Code 61-16.2-14 - Modeling)