Impact Statement. Funded projects will directly facilitate far greater market commercialization of zero emission battery electric buses by deploying all-electric zero emission vehicles within our state. Enhanced service on these routes will increase mobility, economic, and health prospects of these environmentally and economically disadvantaged communities. The US EPA has created a tool to help understand the impact of various technologies that improve diesel bus emissions, called the Diesel Emission Quantifier (DEQ) tool.4 Benefits in terms of local air pollutants are shown in the table below, emission reductions will vary slightly depending on the model year and usage of bus being replaced. Transit Vehicle Replacements 12-30 0.5-2.5 3-6 1.5-2.5 *Emissions from the electrical grid are not included in the results, granting the NOx emissions in Rhode Island from electricity generation is equal to 0.1835 annual NOx output per lb/MWh. The national average is 0.9461 annual NOx output per lb/MWh. The DEQ tool provides perspective not only on emissions, but there is a health benefit analysis component that provides perspective on the improvement of health care costs county by county across the United States. The DEQ calculates emissions improvements for PM 2.5 (particulates), CO2 (greenhouse gases), and for NOx. The health benefit analysis is based on improvements in particulate matter only. PM is responsible for a variety of respiratory/bronchial issues as well as heart and other diseases. The tool considers the benefits associated with many health-related issues. From a cost reduction perspective, the tool considers the cost of hospitalization, the cost of emergency rooms visits and the cost of absence from work. Switching from diesel buses to electric buses reduces the amount of particulate matter in the air, which decreases the frequency of incidence of heart and lung disease, which in turn reduces hospital costs and costs associated with work absence. The tool was run assuming that buses travel 44,782 miles per year and use approximately 6,131 gallons of fuel per year per bus. The particulate matter reduction associated with the elimination of diesel fuel was calculated at 100% of that which was produced previously by diesel buses. The assumption was made that 100% of bus miles are driven within state lines. Using that mix of bus miles, the health care costs savings in calculated to be about $2,800,000 per year. Funded projects will allow for increasing investments in light-...
Impact Statement. The Impact Statement identifies the influence the project may have on the business, operations, schedule, other projects, current technology and existing applications. While these topics are beyond the domain of this project, each of these items should be raised for possible action.
Impact Statement. Funding for janitorial, utilities and annual maintenance costs will be requested in the FY24 operating budget.
Impact Statement. 14:1 If the total number of days or the individual work day, of any administrator is increased by the local or State Board of Education or by the legislature beyond that which existed in the l986-87 school year, the administrator(s) affected shall be compensated at a per diem or hourly rate based on each administrator's individual salary. Alternatively, the Board may elect to negotiate with respect to such impact issues, in which case such negotiations shall be subject to the mediation/arbitration provisions of Connecticut General Statutes.
Impact Statement. The impact of the experiments will be fourfold. 1) The results will increase the understanding of ALS pathophysiology, and specifically in the context of inflammation; the RNAseq and cytokine multiplexing experiments will be hypothesis- generating by comparing ALS to nonneurological control samples, as well as their response to solTNF inhibition. 2) The results will produce a novel co-culturing assay for neuron survival. 3) The results will identify a potential peripheral marker of target engagement of XPro1595 by combining data from in vitro and in vivo. 4) This study will provide IND-enabling proof-of-concept to develop the advanced and patient-ready XPro1595 for ALS.
Impact Statement. What impact has this dispute had on you? If you have any supporting evidence, please list and attach this. The Xxxx will not share this information under any circumstances with the person you are requesting an NCA with or with any part of the collegiate University (including departments and colleges)without first seeking your explicit consent.
Impact Statement. The head of a National Drug Control Program agency that has altered its budg- et submission under this subparagraph shall include as an appendix to the budget submission for that agency to the Office of Management and Budget an impact state- ment that summarizes—
(I) the changes made to the budget under this subparagraph; and
(II) the impact of those changes on the ability of that agency to perform its other responsibilities, including any im- pact on specific missions or programs of the agency.
Impact Statement. How will the project further the revitalization of downtown? Number of current housing units on property: Number of new housing units created from project: Number of jobs currently in building: Number of jobs created after project completed: Square footage of storefront space rehabbed: Rent rate being offered in rehabbed storefront:
Impact Statement. At the conclusion of the coaching relationship, you may be requested to write an impact statement describing the value received from coaching which DIG can copy and use for certification, testimonial text, and/or in response to prospect inquiries within the guidelines defined in the confidential policy section of this Agreement. EMAIL: DIG requests that you obtain access to email if you do not already have an email address. Our relationship will be much more efficient and direct if you have an email address.
Impact Statement main submission, inclusive of the Public Engagement Report but exclusive of all technical appendices;