Involvement in Assisting Students, Parents and Educational Personnel. Each certificated school nurse demonstrates an acceptable level of performance in offering specialized assistance in identifying those needing specialized programs related to school nursing. The school nurse --
a) Assists others to understand matters related to student health, medications, treatments, disability accommodations and other aspects of health or medical information relative to students and how those matters may impact students’ performance.
b) Identifies those students needing specialized medical support or services.
c) Develops and implements preventive and developmentally appropriate programs that serves the special needs of students.
Involvement in Assisting Students, Parents and Educational Personnel. Each certificated support person demonstrates an acceptable level of performance in offering specialized assistance in identifying those needing specialized programs.COMMENTS:
Involvement in Assisting Students, Parents and Educational Personnel. Each certificated support person demonstrates an acceptable level of performance in offering specialized assistance in identifying those needing specialized programs. The support person --
a) Respects individual differences and demonstrates equitable treatment of students without regard to cultural, ethnic, economic, religious, social, physical, gender, age, cognitive and/or other differences.
b) Identifies those students needing specialized programs and/or services.
c) Consults with other staff, school personnel, parents and students concerning the development, coordination, and/or extension of services to those needing specialized programs.
d) Develops and implements preventive and developmental program(s) that serve the needs of the school population and the special needs of students.
e) Communicates the characteristics and needs of students to parents, staff, students and community members in group and individual settings.
Involvement in Assisting Students, Parents and Educational Personnel. The certificated support person demonstrates a thorough understanding of the importance of 3 involving students, parents and educational personnel in the development and operation of the 4 support programs. 5 6 Consider the following:
Involvement in Assisting Students, Parents and Educational Personnel. Each Possible indicators—The evaluation procedure assesses the support person’s commitment to, and competence in, offering specialized assistance to:
Involvement in Assisting Students, Parents and Educational Personnel. The certificated support person demonstrates a thorough understanding of the importance of involving students, parents and educational personnel in the development and operation of the support programs. CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: • Consults with other District personnel and parents concerning the development, coordination and/or extension of services to students needing specialized programs. • Plans and develops a program to serve the preventative and developmental needs of the school population and the special needs for some students when appropriate. • Interprets needs of students to parents, staff and community in group and individual settings via oral and written communications. • Works cooperatively with staff in selection of resources and meeting needs of students for instructional purposes.
Involvement in Assisting Students, Parents and Educational Personnel. A. Consults with other staff, parents, and other community referral agencies, concerning the development, coordination, and/or extension of services to those needing specialized programs.
B. Attends to parental, teacher, and administrative referrals. NAME: SCHOOL YEAR: Address each of the following:
1. Professional goals (one to five goals recommended) which are to be the focus of my Professional Growth Plan activities and discussion*.
2. What is the plan of action for achieving my goal(s)?
3. How can my principal help me to achieve my goals?
4. Who will be involved in working with me to achieve my goals?
5. How will I measure my success in achieving my goals? *WAC 000-000-000 stipulates that one or more of the following sources of information are to be used in developing the Professional Growth Plan: 1) Peer review and evaluation;
Involvement in Assisting Students, Parents and Educational Personnel. Each certificated support person demonstrates an acceptable level of performance in offering specialized assistance in identifying those needing specialized programs Consults with other staff, school personnel, and parents concerning the development, coordination, and/or extension of services to those needing special education or psychological programs Plans and develops support programs to serve the preventive and developmental needs of the special education population Interprets characteristics and needs of students to parents, staff, and community group and individual settings via oral and written communications Record of Observations (date/time) __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _____ 1. Knowledge and Scholarship in Special Field Specialized Skills _____ 2. Specialized Skills _____ 3. Management of Special and Technical Environment. _____ 4. The Support Person as a Professional _____ 5. Involvement in Assisting Students Parents and Educational Personnel Signature of Evaluator ___________________________________ Signature of Employee ___________________________________ Date: _____________________
1.1 The coach ensures that data are analyzed, interpreted, and used to regularly monitor progress toward school achievement goals.
1.2 The coach uses data to help staff plan and provide interventions that meet individual student learning needs, including ELL and special education.
2.3 The coach provides a clear vision as to how instruction should be addressed in the school.
Involvement in Assisting Students, Parents and Educational Personnel. Each certificated support person demonstrates an acceptable level of performance in offering specialized assistance in identifying those needing specialized programs.
A. Consults with employees, other school personnel, and parents, concerning the development, coordination, and/or extension of services to those needing specialized programs.
B. Plans and develops his/her support program to serve the preventive and developmental needs of the school population and the special needs for some students.
C. Interprets characteristics and needs of students to parents, employees, other school personnel, and community, in group and individual settings via oral and written communications. Comments: It is my judgment that this certificated support person's overall performance has been Date Signed Principal I have read this evaluation and have discussed it with my principal. My signature only signifies that I have received this evaluation. I do not necessarily agree with its contents. Date Signed Certificated Support Employee Certificated Support Person's Comments:
Involvement in Assisting Students, Parents and Educational Personnel. A. Consults with other staff, parents, and other community referral agencies, concerning the development, coordination, and/or extension of services to those needing specialized programs.
B. Attends to parental, teacher, and administrative referrals. NAME OF GRIEVANT: ASSIGNMENT: BUILDING DATE PERSON TO WHOM GRIEVANCE IS SUBMITTED: SPECIFIC CONTRACT ARTICLE, BOARD POLICY, CODE, RULE, REGULATION, PRACTICE, OR HEALTH OR SAFETY CONDITION THAT IS PURPORTED TO BE A VIOLATION OF THE OEA AGREEMENT WITH THE DISTRICT: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF GRIEVANCE: DATE VIOLATION OCCURED: DATE GRIEVANT BECAME AWARE OF VIOLATION: REMEDY SOUGHT: SIGNATURE OF GRIEVANT: DATE Send original signed grievance to the person whom the grievance is filed. Send one copy each to the Superintendent and Association President. Keep one copy. The following schedule is used to determine state salary allocations for certificated instructional staff (i. e., teachers and educational staff associates) for 283 of 295 Washington State public school districts. The remaining 12 public school districts receive somewhat higher allocations due to a higher base salary. The state schedule determines ALLOCATIONS of state funds. ACTUAL SALARIES ARE DETERMINED IN LOCAL NEGOTIATIONS. Questions regarding individual employee compensation should be directed to the local school district personnel or payroll office. 0 35,069 36,016 36,997 37,981 41,137 43,170 42,045 45,201 47,235 1 35,541 36,501 37,495 38,522 41,711 43,732 42,512 45,701 47,722 2 35,991 36,960 37,965 39,071 42,250 44,293 42,983 46,162 48,205 3 36,454 37,433 38,448 39,589 42,763 44,855 43,429 46,600 48,693 4 36,909 37,931 38,952 40,133 43,325 45,432 43,896 47,089 49,197 5 37,378 38,405 39,436 40,683 43,863 46,013 44,371 47,553 49,703 6 37,861 38,865 39,932 41,240 44,405 46,566 44,859 48,024 50,184 7 38,709 39,728 40,809 42,188 45,401 47,621 45,771 48,982 51,204 8 39,950 41,025 42,131 43,625 46,881 49,183 47,206 50,463 52,764 9 42,368 43,529 45,077 48,409 50,789 48,657 51,991 54,371 10 44,944 46,604 49,979 52,439 50,185 53,562 56,021 11 48,175 51,624 54,133 51,756 55,207 57,714 12 49,696 53,313 55,897 53,389 56,895 59,479 13 55,043 57,704 55,079 58,624 61,285 14 56,781 59,579 56,819 60,477 63,161 15 58,259 61,129 58,296 62,049 64,803 16 or more 59,423 62,351 59,462 63,290 66,099 As used in this subsection, the column headings “BA+(N)” refer to the number of credits earned since receiving the baccalaureate degree. For credits earned after the baccalaureate d...